Obama Blames Cameron For Libya Becoming A "Shitshow"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Oh no he di'int...

He made this comment publicly as well. Does he not love and care about the Libyan people?
Is this a racist comment?

Obama Blames Cameron For Libya Becoming A "Shitshow"

Obama said that Cameron became "distracted" after the 2011 intervention, and likened the UK, France, and other European allies to "free riders".

International military intervention during the Arab Spring prevented a massacre by forces loyal to Muammar al-Qaddafi, but since then the country has spiralled into civil war, with ISIS establishing a foothold as well.

"When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong, there's room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya's proximity, being invested in the follow-up," Obama said.

Cameron, Obama said, became "distracted by a range of other things", while the US president noted that his French counterpart at the time, Nicolas Sarkozy, was voted out of office the following year.

"Sarkozy wanted to trumpet the flights he was taking in the air campaign, despite the fact that we had wiped out all the air defences and essentially set up the entire infrastructure," Obama said.

Obama, The Atlantic reported, described the present situation in Libya as a "mess".

"We actually executed this plan as well as I could have expected: We got a UN mandate, we built a coalition, it cost us $1 billion – which, when it comes to military operations, is very cheap," he said. "We averted large-scale civilian casualties, we prevented what almost surely would have been a prolonged and bloody civil conflict. And despite all that, Libya is a mess."

But privately he is more candid, labelling it a "shitshow".
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With Obama, everything is someone else's fault. The pig's gargantuan victim-complex is so deeply embedded in his poison soul, it renders personal responsibility impossible.
According to Julian Assange Libya has to "thank" Hillary for bringing the war there.


This dumb bitch:rolleyes:..thankfully her bullshit didn't help her become president...

That clip is the second most instructive thing she has ever said. People who have been in the shit don't laugh about death, people who sit in offices and play god say stupid things like this.

When I first saw that video of how the wild crowd tears Qaddafi's body apart, my blood was freezing. And Hillary was laughing and joking. So, I was shocked twice: looking both at that beastly murder and at Hillary's reaction. She is NOT a human being any more (if she ever has been before).
According to Julian Assange Libya has to "thank" Hillary for bringing the war there.


This dumb bitch:rolleyes:..thankfully her bullshit didn't help her become president...

That clip is the second most instructive thing she has ever said. People who have been in the shit don't laugh about death, people who sit in offices and play god say stupid things like this.

When I first saw that video of how the wild crowd tears Qaddafi's body apart, my blood was freezing. And Hillary laughed. So, I was shocked twice: looking both at that beastly murder and at Hillary's reaction. She is NOT a human being any more (if she ever has been before).

It sent chills up my spine. That and her "AT THIS POINT WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE" scream at the Benghazi hearings. She is a psychopath.
Obama's bombing caused Libya to be fucked up. Obama needs to take responsibility for his disastrous foreign policy.

Dumbass affirmative action nitwit who didn't have a clue what he was doing.
In the year 2000 there were seven nations without a Central Bank, now there 3. N. Korea,Iran, and Cuba. Guess why Trump is antagonizing NK and Iran.

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