obama birth certificate: more investigation request


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
fake life obama...


What are Obama’s true “roots?”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions May 30, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear AG Sessions

I am a retired Special Agent, senior criminal investigator with specialized training in Counter Intelligence with the USAF Office of Special Investigations. I have over thirty-two years of combined federal and private investigative experience. My reason for writing to you is to request that you please cause a comprehensive investigation of Obama’s citizenship. I firmly believe he is an illegal alien and if that is proven then everything he did during the eight years he occupied the Oval office, every law he signed (Obamacare), every appointment he made (two to the Supreme Court) and every executive order he issued all become null and void.

My belief that he is an illegal alien is based on the following:

When he was campaigning for the Senate in 2004, his literary agent in statements and press releases as well as articles in newspapers, including the Associated Press, stated he was born in Kenya. Obama never once contested those statements. Also, during one of his debates his opponent accused him of not being a natural born citizen. Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

Then, when he decided to run for the Presidency, he miraculously discovered that he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii Statute 338-176 allows a Hawaiian resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign born child. Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate. Hawaii officials admit they have Obama’s birth certificate on file, but they refuse to reveal what is on it. The only possible reason for that refusal is that it will show he was born in Kenya.

On April 27, 2011 Obama produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. That birth certificate was almost immediately proven to be a computer generated forgery. Example: The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born. That name came into existence some seventen years later with the merger of two hospitals. Also, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.” At that time the term “African-American” was unheard of. Black people were “Negros” and when a form called for listing of race black people entered Negro. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just obtain a copy of that birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery on us.

If Obama was born in Kenya, and a preponderance of the evidence indicates that is the case, then Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 applies. That section pertains to foreign born children born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986. It states that if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, that parent must have resided in the United States or one of its possessions for at least ten years and at least five of those years had to be after that parent attained the age of fourteen years. Obama was born in 1961, his father was never an American citizen and his mother was only eighteen years old when he was born. She was not old enough to meet the five year requirement to convey citizenship to him and he is therefore an illegal alien.

I have sent the above information to several members of Congress suggesting a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain the birth certificate they admit they have, but not one of the members I have sent this to has done anything.

I have also suggested subpoenas to the IRS to determine what Social Security Number Obama has been using, then a subpoena to the Social Security Administration to determine to whom that number was issued. Information I have is that he has been using 042-68-4425.

On September 26, 2011, The Washington Times National Weekly reported that they submitted Obama’s name and SSN 042-68-4425 to the E-Verify System. The response was that it was a mismatch and the SSA could not verify citizenship.

I have received reports that the above number was issued in 1977 (when Obama was seventeen years old and living in Hawaii) and was issued to a Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in Spain, immigrated to the US in 1924, and lived most of his adult life in Connecticut where he became a naturalized citizen and received that SSN.


Joe Elkins
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back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

But you're pretty capable of lying all the time.
fake life obama...


What are Obama’s true “roots?”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions May 30, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear AG Sessions

I am a retired Special Agent, senior criminal investigator with specialized training in Counter Intelligence with the USAF Office of Special Investigations. I have over thirty-two years of combined federal and private investigative experience. My reason for writing to you is to request that you please cause a comprehensive investigation of Obama’s citizenship. I firmly believe he is an illegal alien and if that is proven then everything he did during the eight years he occupied the Oval office, every law he signed (Obamacare), every appointment he made (two to the Supreme Court) and every executive order he issued all become null and void.

My belief that he is an illegal alien is based on the following:

When he was campaigning for the Senate in 2004, his literary agent in statements and press releases as well as articles in newspapers, including the Associated Press, stated he was born in Kenya. Obama never once contested those statements. Also, during one of his debates his opponent accused him of not being a natural born citizen. Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

Then, when he decided to run for the Presidency, he miraculously discovered that he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii Statute 338-176 allows a Hawaiian resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign born child. Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate. Hawaii officials admit they have Obama’s birth certificate on file, but they refuse to reveal what is on it. The only possible reason for that refusal is that it will show he was born in Kenya.

On April 27, 2011 Obama produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. That birth certificate was almost immediately proven to be a computer generated forgery. Example: The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born. That name came into existence some seventen years later with the merger of two hospitals. Also, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.” At that time the term “African-American” was unheard of. Black people were “Negros” and when a form called for listing of race black people entered Negro. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just obtain a copy of that birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery on us.

If Obama was born in Kenya, and a preponderance of the evidence indicates that is the case, then Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 applies. That section pertains to foreign born children born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986. It states that if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, that parent must have resided in the United States or one of its possessions for at least ten years and at least five of those years had to be after that parent attained the age of fourteen years. Obama was born in 1961, his father was never an American citizen and his mother was only eighteen years old when he was born. She was not old enough to meet the five year requirement to convey citizenship to him and he is therefore an illegal alien.

I have sent the above information to several members of Congress suggesting a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain the birth certificate they admit they have, but not one of the members I have sent this to has done anything.

I have also suggested subpoenas to the IRS to determine what Social Security Number Obama has been using, then a subpoena to the Social Security Administration to determine to whom that number was issued. Information I have is that he has been using 042-68-4425.

On September 26, 2011, The Washington Times National Weekly reported that they submitted Obama’s name and SSN 042-68-4425 to the E-Verify System. The response was that it was a mismatch and the SSA could not verify citizenship.

I have received reports that the above number was issued in 1977 (when Obama was seventeen years old and living in Hawaii) and was issued to a Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in Spain, immigrated to the US in 1924, and lived most of his adult life in Connecticut where he became a naturalized citizen and received that SSN.


Joe Elkins
You birfers crack me up!

fake life obama...


What are Obama’s true “roots?”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions May 30, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear AG Sessions

I am a retired Special Agent, senior criminal investigator with specialized training in Counter Intelligence with the USAF Office of Special Investigations. I have over thirty-two years of combined federal and private investigative experience. My reason for writing to you is to request that you please cause a comprehensive investigation of Obama’s citizenship. I firmly believe he is an illegal alien and if that is proven then everything he did during the eight years he occupied the Oval office, every law he signed (Obamacare), every appointment he made (two to the Supreme Court) and every executive order he issued all become null and void.

My belief that he is an illegal alien is based on the following:

When he was campaigning for the Senate in 2004, his literary agent in statements and press releases as well as articles in newspapers, including the Associated Press, stated he was born in Kenya. Obama never once contested those statements. Also, during one of his debates his opponent accused him of not being a natural born citizen. Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

Then, when he decided to run for the Presidency, he miraculously discovered that he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii Statute 338-176 allows a Hawaiian resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign born child. Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate. Hawaii officials admit they have Obama’s birth certificate on file, but they refuse to reveal what is on it. The only possible reason for that refusal is that it will show he was born in Kenya.

On April 27, 2011 Obama produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. That birth certificate was almost immediately proven to be a computer generated forgery. Example: The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born. That name came into existence some seventen years later with the merger of two hospitals. Also, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.” At that time the term “African-American” was unheard of. Black people were “Negros” and when a form called for listing of race black people entered Negro. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just obtain a copy of that birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery on us.

If Obama was born in Kenya, and a preponderance of the evidence indicates that is the case, then Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 applies. That section pertains to foreign born children born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986. It states that if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, that parent must have resided in the United States or one of its possessions for at least ten years and at least five of those years had to be after that parent attained the age of fourteen years. Obama was born in 1961, his father was never an American citizen and his mother was only eighteen years old when he was born. She was not old enough to meet the five year requirement to convey citizenship to him and he is therefore an illegal alien.

I have sent the above information to several members of Congress suggesting a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain the birth certificate they admit they have, but not one of the members I have sent this to has done anything.

I have also suggested subpoenas to the IRS to determine what Social Security Number Obama has been using, then a subpoena to the Social Security Administration to determine to whom that number was issued. Information I have is that he has been using 042-68-4425.

On September 26, 2011, The Washington Times National Weekly reported that they submitted Obama’s name and SSN 042-68-4425 to the E-Verify System. The response was that it was a mismatch and the SSA could not verify citizenship.

I have received reports that the above number was issued in 1977 (when Obama was seventeen years old and living in Hawaii) and was issued to a Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in Spain, immigrated to the US in 1924, and lived most of his adult life in Connecticut where he became a naturalized citizen and received that SSN.


Joe Elkins
You birfers crack me up!

Liberal idiots are all insane.

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

Can you explain why all of Obama's early life - before he entered into politics - he himself - claimed to be born in Kenya?

I've been waiting for a libtard to explain that one away for years.
It's a little late now, isn't it?
not from a historical perspective. i want closure, see if he got away with it.

Obama and his handlers in the DNC were wrong to spend so long to finally release his BC. They should have preempted that before the rumours started flying. Even worse, they released a hospital extract and not a proper certified BC which everyone born in the US has on record.

The fact that they did that means that there will ALWAYS be speculation on whether or not he was actually born in the US.

However, as a country, we made a decision to collectively 'look the other way' because so many people felt that having a Black candidate was an important thing at the time. Anyone who challenges that decision will be shouted down by the collective.

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

Can you explain why all of Obama's early life - before he entered into politics - he himself - claimed to be born in Kenya?

I've been waiting for a libtard to explain that one away for years.

I hope you haven't been holding your breath....those liars never explain anything.
fake life obama...


What are Obama’s true “roots?”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions May 30, 2017
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20530

Dear AG Sessions

I am a retired Special Agent, senior criminal investigator with specialized training in Counter Intelligence with the USAF Office of Special Investigations. I have over thirty-two years of combined federal and private investigative experience. My reason for writing to you is to request that you please cause a comprehensive investigation of Obama’s citizenship. I firmly believe he is an illegal alien and if that is proven then everything he did during the eight years he occupied the Oval office, every law he signed (Obamacare), every appointment he made (two to the Supreme Court) and every executive order he issued all become null and void.

My belief that he is an illegal alien is based on the following:

When he was campaigning for the Senate in 2004, his literary agent in statements and press releases as well as articles in newspapers, including the Associated Press, stated he was born in Kenya. Obama never once contested those statements. Also, during one of his debates his opponent accused him of not being a natural born citizen. Obama replied “So what, I’m running for the Senate not the Presidency.”

Then, when he decided to run for the Presidency, he miraculously discovered that he was born in Hawaii. Hawaii Statute 338-176 allows a Hawaiian resident to obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a foreign born child. Obama’s half sister was born in Indonesia and has a Hawaii birth certificate. Hawaii officials admit they have Obama’s birth certificate on file, but they refuse to reveal what is on it. The only possible reason for that refusal is that it will show he was born in Kenya.

On April 27, 2011 Obama produced a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. That birth certificate was almost immediately proven to be a computer generated forgery. Example: The name of the hospital as shown on that forged birth certificate did no exist at the time Obama was born. That name came into existence some seventen years later with the merger of two hospitals. Also, Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African-American.” At that time the term “African-American” was unheard of. Black people were “Negros” and when a form called for listing of race black people entered Negro. If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why did he not just obtain a copy of that birth certificate and release it to the public instead of attempting to foster a crude forgery on us.

If Obama was born in Kenya, and a preponderance of the evidence indicates that is the case, then Section 301(g) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 applies. That section pertains to foreign born children born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986. It states that if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, that parent must have resided in the United States or one of its possessions for at least ten years and at least five of those years had to be after that parent attained the age of fourteen years. Obama was born in 1961, his father was never an American citizen and his mother was only eighteen years old when he was born. She was not old enough to meet the five year requirement to convey citizenship to him and he is therefore an illegal alien.

I have sent the above information to several members of Congress suggesting a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health to obtain the birth certificate they admit they have, but not one of the members I have sent this to has done anything.

I have also suggested subpoenas to the IRS to determine what Social Security Number Obama has been using, then a subpoena to the Social Security Administration to determine to whom that number was issued. Information I have is that he has been using 042-68-4425.

On September 26, 2011, The Washington Times National Weekly reported that they submitted Obama’s name and SSN 042-68-4425 to the E-Verify System. The response was that it was a mismatch and the SSA could not verify citizenship.

I have received reports that the above number was issued in 1977 (when Obama was seventeen years old and living in Hawaii) and was issued to a Mr. Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in 1890 in Spain, immigrated to the US in 1924, and lived most of his adult life in Connecticut where he became a naturalized citizen and received that SSN.


Joe Elkins
You birfers crack me up!

Liberals idiots are all insane.
Try speaking in coherent English next time.

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

Can you explain why all of Obama's early life - before he entered into politics - he himself - claimed to be born in Kenya?

I've been waiting for a libtard to explain that one away for years.

Quote him saying he was born in Kenya...

back in the day we had the obots to try to explain videos like this. they're all gone.

You want that explained again? OK.
1.) The video is a bunch of lies presented by RWNJs.
2.) For further questions, see #1

Prove your claims.

No need. Any sane person knows all that birther crap is just that.......crap. If you still believe it, you have mental problems that I'm not capable of treating.

Can you explain why all of Obama's early life - before he entered into politics - he himself - claimed to be born in Kenya?

I've been waiting for a libtard to explain that one away for years.

Quote him saying he was born in Kenya...

Why? You liberals idiots will just lie more.
It's a little late now, isn't it?
not from a historical perspective. i want closure, see if he got away with it.

Obama and his handlers in the DNC were wrong to spend so long to finally release his BC. They should have preempted that before the rumours started flying. Even worse, they released a hospital extract and not a proper certified BC which everyone born in the US has on record.

The fact that they did that means that there will ALWAYS be speculation on whether or not he was actually born in the US.

However, as a country, we made a decision to collectively 'look the other way' because so many people felt that having a Black candidate was an important thing at the time. Anyone who challenges that decision will be shouted down by the collective.
Of course it was properly certified. You birfers are nuts. :cuckoo:


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