Obama and the left are about to get even more anti American and radical!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
after he gets back from vacation of coarse.
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
after he gets back from vacation of coarse.

The more he talks the less I listen.

On a positive note Cabellas has 5.56 ammo on email sale.
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
after he gets back from vacation of coarse.

The more he talks the less I listen.

On a positive note Cabellas has 5.56 ammo on email sale.
me or OBAMA
Contempt for the Common Man

In sum, Barack Obama grew intertwined with the narrow, self-referential left side of the American Left. They helped one another believe they had come up the hard way, as underprivileged but brilliant, square-jawed tribunes of the common man. Their common problem, however, is that their agendas are antagonistic to people unlike themselves, and that they cannot keep from showing their contempt for the common folk in whose name they would ride to power.

Since the days of Karl Marx's First International a century and a half ago, this very human opposition between socialist theory (egalitarianism) and socialist reality (oligarchic oppression) has bedeviled the Left. Marx laid the problem bare in his "Critique of the Gotha Program" (1875). Lenin dealt with it honestly and brutally in What Is to Be Done? (1902)—the foundational document of Communism. By acknowledging that the Communist Party is not the common people's representative, but rather its "vanguard," Leninists were comfortable with a party responsible only to itself and to history, a party that openly demanded deference from the humans whose habits it forcibly reshaped. Communism's undeniable horrors forced the New Left to disassociate itself from What Is to Be Done? and once again to pretend that its socialism was neither oligarchic nor coercive, that somehow it was on the side of ordinary folks. This is a much tougher sell in the 21st century than it was in the 19th. Contemporary socialists try to explain away the common man's suspicion of them as harbingers of oligarchy, corruption, and coercion by resorting to jargon (e.g., "false consciousness" and "socio-economic anxiety"). But that is ever less convincing. This is why the movement argues so strenuously with itself about whether and how much it should dissimulate its agenda.

Which is one reason why it plays the "race card" and seizes on recruits like Barack Obama: because many black Americans' ancestors were slaves, must not any black American be, ipso facto, unquestionably, a member and true representative of the downtrodden? And if a skeptic should argue that this or that black man is really a representative of old, white, nasty socialism, of the Corporate State, of upscale parasites who prey on working people, it is easy enough to re-focus the argument on the skeptic's "racism." If blacks inclined to play this role did not exist, the Socialist movement would have every incentive to invent them. And in a sense it tries to invent them, through the "black studies" programs that now divert so many young Americans from useful lives into partisan service.

Obama is as close as one could imagine to a made-to-order front man for contemporary, upscale, shy-about-itself, nouveau socialism. From his earliest age, he shaped his dreams about himself to act out a character wholly fictitious, namely a black American from a humble background who rose up out of brilliance and merit, and who yearns to draw all of America's low-born (plus the rest of mankind) up through the same paths. But he is none of that. Equally imaginary is his vaunted understanding of and sympathy for foreign cultures. A typical multiculturalist, Obama speaks no language other than a peculiar version of English. His native language, loves, and hates are common to some of the most leftist elements of the current American ruling class.

That class knows about America only that it must be changed, and looks at the vast majority of Americans the way carpenters look at warped pieces of lumber. Barack Obama is neither more nor less than its product and agent.

The Claremont Institute - The Chosen One
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.

Is this another preemptive whining thread?
A voracious appetite for class warfare

Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, August 12, 2011 at 9:58am

Obama once again is moving hard on the class warfare, and there is every signal that setting up a fight between the “rich” and “not rich” is the Democratic campaign theme for 2012.

Obama keeps claiming the “rich” do not pay their fair share, but the numbers prove otherwise, as laid out in this analysis by The Tax Foundation (via @JohnCornyn):
•Recently released IRS data for 2009, shows that taxpayers earning over $200,000 paid 50 percent of the $866 billion in total income taxes paid that year, or $434 billion. Skeptics will say, “That’s because they earn the majority of the income in America. Not so. These taxpayers earned 25 percent of the $7.6 trillion in total adjusted gross income in the country that year.
•The 2009 IRS data also shows that a record 58.6 million tax filers had no income tax liability that year. This means that 42 percent of the 140 million Americans who filed tax returns that year contributed nothing to the basic cost of government.
•Millions of people received cash “refunds” in 2009 even though they paid no income taxes: Some 21 million nonpayers received $27.5 billion in refundable credits from the child credit; Obama’s Making Work Pay program gave out $12.8 billion in refundable credits to 32 million filers; The Earned Income Tax Credit program doled out $54 billion in refundable credits to 24.9 million filers; and, nearly 5 million filers received $3.9 billion in refundable Education Credits and roughly 1 million filers got $4.65 billion in refundable credits under the First Time Homebuyers credit program.

It’s never enough.

» A voracious appetite for class warfare - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I agree with the OP that the Obama and his leftie army of agitators are going to cause much shit. Just look at them going to fairs to harass Romney, going into the town halls to shout people down, etc etc. Next they'll be in front of people homes.

It's what they do.

They know he has NO RECORD to run that is worth a shit.

So get ready folks..
Contempt for the Common Man

In sum, Barack Obama grew intertwined with the narrow, self-referential left side of the American Left. They helped one another believe they had come up the hard way, as underprivileged but brilliant, square-jawed tribunes of the common man. Their common problem, however, is that their agendas are antagonistic to people unlike themselves, and that they cannot keep from showing their contempt for the common folk in whose name they would ride to power.

Since the days of Karl Marx's First International a century and a half ago, this very human opposition between socialist theory (egalitarianism) and socialist reality (oligarchic oppression) has bedeviled the Left. Marx laid the problem bare in his "Critique of the Gotha Program" (1875). Lenin dealt with it honestly and brutally in What Is to Be Done? (1902)—the foundational document of Communism. By acknowledging that the Communist Party is not the common people's representative, but rather its "vanguard," Leninists were comfortable with a party responsible only to itself and to history, a party that openly demanded deference from the humans whose habits it forcibly reshaped. Communism's undeniable horrors forced the New Left to disassociate itself from What Is to Be Done? and once again to pretend that its socialism was neither oligarchic nor coercive, that somehow it was on the side of ordinary folks. This is a much tougher sell in the 21st century than it was in the 19th. Contemporary socialists try to explain away the common man's suspicion of them as harbingers of oligarchy, corruption, and coercion by resorting to jargon (e.g., "false consciousness" and "socio-economic anxiety"). But that is ever less convincing. This is why the movement argues so strenuously with itself about whether and how much it should dissimulate its agenda.

Which is one reason why it plays the "race card" and seizes on recruits like Barack Obama: because many black Americans' ancestors were slaves, must not any black American be, ipso facto, unquestionably, a member and true representative of the downtrodden? And if a skeptic should argue that this or that black man is really a representative of old, white, nasty socialism, of the Corporate State, of upscale parasites who prey on working people, it is easy enough to re-focus the argument on the skeptic's "racism." If blacks inclined to play this role did not exist, the Socialist movement would have every incentive to invent them. And in a sense it tries to invent them, through the "black studies" programs that now divert so many young Americans from useful lives into partisan service.

Obama is as close as one could imagine to a made-to-order front man for contemporary, upscale, shy-about-itself, nouveau socialism. From his earliest age, he shaped his dreams about himself to act out a character wholly fictitious, namely a black American from a humble background who rose up out of brilliance and merit, and who yearns to draw all of America's low-born (plus the rest of mankind) up through the same paths. But he is none of that. Equally imaginary is his vaunted understanding of and sympathy for foreign cultures. A typical multiculturalist, Obama speaks no language other than a peculiar version of English. His native language, loves, and hates are common to some of the most leftist elements of the current American ruling class.

That class knows about America only that it must be changed, and looks at the vast majority of Americans the way carpenters look at warped pieces of lumber. Barack Obama is neither more nor less than its product and agent.

The Claremont Institute - The Chosen One
absolutely brilliant and true!!:clap2:
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.

Is this another preemptive whining thread?
no homo its the truth!!:razz:
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
and it happened .:eusa_eh: next they are going to register felons.:eusa_eh:
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
and it happened .:eusa_eh: next they are going to register felons.:eusa_eh:

Oh? And who are "they" exactly? Two states, VT and ME, already allow Felons to vote unrestricted.
the far left's only chance at staying in power is voter fraud,amnesty for illegal aliens and the race card being dished out like never before.with the loss of independent voters for the next generation the left will try to implement these tactics to boost their damaged base.look for a push to allow felons the right to vote also.
after he gets back from vacation of coarse.

The more he talks the less I listen.

On a positive note Cabellas has 5.56 ammo on email sale.
Ya' need.....

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after he gets back from vacation of coarse.

The more he talks the less I listen.

On a positive note Cabellas has 5.56 ammo on email sale.
Ya' need.....

the left has no shame !!sympathy for murderers,while no sympathy for unborn children.hatred for hard working successful people,and love for blood sucking trial lawsuit lawyers. there is nothing noble about the left .they must be destroyed !!
Suck it up yidnar, you got four long years ahead of you.
within 2 yrs this country is going to be at war with itself .

Dream on little man, dream on.
i am a very large man !! and i am telling you the truth !! i don't want a war !! but people are getting pissed man !! they aren't afraid they are angry !! and with more leftist shit getting crammed down their throats ,higher taxes,refusing to harvest our own natural resources causing higher energy prices,regulations driving up the costs of every thing,and now the left is coming after their guns.these are not stupid hicks like the left likes to spout about but intelligent ,hard working,law abiding ,land owners,and tax payers.their are millions in this country that are ready to rebel !! i am not trying to be a smart ass to you.i am an in home salesman and when sitting at the diner table doing business they talk !! people are pissed!:eusa_shifty:
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