Obama and the "Fact Checking Error" Lie


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
How Fact Checking Works

My first real job was when I graduated college. I went to GE Information Services. My resume was built on my undergraduate degree, which was a double major in Math & Computer Science from the University of Maryland.

I was at GE a little over five years. During that time, I went through a three year technical management training program and got a MS in Computer Science & Applications at night from Virginia Tech. Then I left GE and went to Michigan to pursue my MBA.

The MBA program at Michigan is as most MBA programs are a two year program. During the summer between the two year, I did an internship in the Global Investment Banking group at Bankers Trust (now part of Deutsche Bank) in New York literally across the street from the World Trade Center.

After I was in the internship for a week, I got a message from the resume fact checking department that there were several things on my resume they hadn’t been able to verify and they needed my help. WTF I thought, did I forget to finish a degree or something?

When I called them, no, they had verified every job, every degree, every major fact that had anything to do with my getting the job. They wanted verification of minor facts I had stated in bullets that had little nothing to do with my getting the job.

They told me they are handed resumes and told to verify every fact, period. The year was 1994. Anyone who has spent their career in management, management consulting or in New York like me knows what a pile of shit it is the story that someone made up a fact and that Miriam didn’t fact check a blurb. Companies like that take facts and fact checking very, very seriously.

The only plausible explanation is she didn’t fact check it because she thought location of birth was something someone would not lie about. She was wrong, wasn’t she? And that’s why her statement was so vague and the Publisher repeated it as is. Neither was willing to get caught in a lie supporting Obama’s lie that they could get nailed with. The so called explanation leaves them an out no matter what evidence turns up.
I got lost in the OP, but one thing I did understand, I sure wish manufacturing would check blue collar workers, we get so many idiots who lie so bad in their resumes
I got lost in the OP, but one thing I did understand, I sure wish manufacturing would check blue collar workers, we get so many idiots who lie so bad in their resumes

The point was there were a lot of facts in my resume. They verified every single one of them and even went deeper into every factual statement I made in bullets describing each experience

For publishing, it’s a major problem for them to misrepresent an author. No one is going to make up facts and they are going to verify every one of them. Yet the story is that some unknown person just made up he was born in Kenya and then Miriam didn’t verify 12 facts in a blurb

The only plausible explanation is she didn’t fact check it because she thought location of birth was something someone would not lie about. .

LOL.....once again- all you have is speculation and innuendo.

You just just automatically reject any other possibility- because of your anti-Obama agenda.
LOL.....once again- all you have is speculation and innuendo

Nope, I have this you like to keep ignoring:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
Yet the story is that some unknown person just made up he was born in Kenya and then Miriam didn’t verify 12 facts in a blurb

That is the story you keep saying you don't believe.

But that is not the story that anyone but you is trying to peddle.

There is no evidence that anyone ever 'made up he was born in Kenya'- that is entirely your fiction.

And there is no evidence that Miriam didn't verify '12 facts'- she admits to an error- regarding 1 fact.

Your entire conjecture is built on the house of cards of your imagination.
LOL.....once again- all you have is speculation and innuendo

Nope, I have this you like to keep ignoring:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

I have posted that blurb repeatedly- so once again- you are just lying.

Now I can more accurately post: once again- all you have is speculation, innuendo and lies.
Strange how after no record of him being born in Hawaii could be found for two years, he made an unscheduled trip to Hawaii and, shazzaam, a very suspicious certificate of birth suddenly appears.
If he was a Republican he would be hung out to dry by now.
Strange how after no record of him being born in Hawaii could be found for two years, he made an unscheduled trip to Hawaii and, shazzaam, a very suspicious certificate of birth suddenly appears.
If he was a Republican he would be hung out to dry by now.

The standard constantly changes, doesn't it?
Here are the facts that we do know- not speculation or innuendo.

Barack Obama Sr. was born in Kenya
Barack Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii

In 1990 multiple newspapers interviewed Obama and reported that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- such as this NY Times story:

The New York Times, Feb. 6, 1990

The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

In 1991 in a brochure with multiple short bios of authors and potential authors, Obama's bio said he was born in Kenya

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

In 2012 Breitbart discovered and published this pamphlet.

Shortly afterwards there was this response:

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more

Those are the facts that I am aware of- and everything else you post- is merely your conjecture, speculation......sliding into lies.
Strange how after no record of him being born in Hawaii could be found for two years, he made an unscheduled trip to Hawaii and, shazzaam, a very suspicious certificate of birth suddenly appears.
If he was a Republican he would be hung out to dry by now.

Strange that you would make that claim- since it is just the typical Birther speculation, innuendo and lies.

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