Obama and Clinton Are Socialists


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama is a committed socialist. He was educated by a socialist, he thinks like a socialist, and he surrounds himself with socialist, ultra, ultra-liberal thinkers. The problem with socialism is, not only do they not believe in God or accountability to him…

Hillary Clinton is a socialist. She is ultra, ultra liberal. And besides, have you ever heard of as many communists or socialists that have been appointed as tsars in our country? There are 134 of them and they’ve been appointed by this man who you claim is a Christian.

Bill is a socialist and says that the government can do a better job of spending your
money than you can. Bill says that you are not smart enough to take care
of your children, your parents or your communities without government
direction. And if that is not enough to boil your blood, Bill also wants
to destroy the stock market, steal your money and federalize your

Do you want Government to run you ? Socialist backing a socialist.......:eusa_hand::eusa_hand:the bullshit
You do not know what a socialist is. You do not have a socialist party in the US. That is a fact. That s not the problem with socialism ignorant man, socialists can be religious it is the communism of Stalin that doesn't allow religion. But then again, you probably wouldn't be able to keep those 2 ideologies apart ...

Do I need to remember you who authorized to steal your money and give it to the banks? Let me give you a hint: it s the same party that tries to get votes by a terrorist attack that they failed to stop, it is the same party that went to war to 2 countries to kill 1 man, campaigned on killing him and failed to do so for 8 years only to let another party kill him in less than 4 years.

Since the time your christian hero Jesus christ (the Romans and stuff) Governments have ran countries, if you have a problem with accepting that reality: get the f out of civilized countries and go to somalia and become a pirate
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Ok, so you have proved that you do not know what the word 'socialism' means.

Why do you think you can convince people when using a word you clearly don't understand?
You do not know what a socialist is. You do not have a socialist party in the US. That is a fact. That s not the problem with socialism ignorant man, socialists can be religious it is the communism of Stalin that doesn't allow religion. But then again, you probably wouldn't be able to keep those 2 ideologies apart ...

Do I need to remember you who authorized to steal your money and give it to the banks? Let me give you a hint: it s the same party that tries to get votes by a terrorist attack that they failed to stop, it is the same party that went to war to 2 countries to kill 1 man, campaigned on killing him and failed to do so for 10 years.

Since the time your christian hero Jesus christ (the Romans and stuff) Governments have ran countries, if you have a problem with accepting that reality: get the f out of civilized countries and go to somalia and become a pirate

Stalin allowed religion in the USSR. He needed them real bad during WWII.
Stalin allowed religion in the USSR. He needed them real bad during WWII.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKp5V8L5D2w&playnext=1&list=PL41960A81C9401801&feature=results_video]Destruction of Religion and Culture in Russia - YouTube[/ame]

Plz just up if you think the video above is socialism ... because it is communisme. And if you can not make the difference, plz educate yourself before you embarrass yourself even more.

1 example of the difference: Socialists in Poland helped destroy the communist Soviet Union, helping win the cold war for the West. solidarnosc it was called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_(Polish_trade_union) . Not that I like socialist ideology, but I at least have the capability to separate communism from socialism
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Obama is a committed socialist. He was educated by a socialist, he thinks like a socialist, and he surrounds himself with socialist, ultra, ultra-liberal thinkers. The problem with socialism is, not only do they not believe in God or accountability to him…

Hillary Clinton is a socialist. She is ultra, ultra liberal. And besides, have you ever heard of as many communists or socialists that have been appointed as tsars in our country? There are 134 of them and they’ve been appointed by this man who you claim is a Christian.

Bill is a socialist and says that the government can do a better job of spending your
money than you can. Bill says that you are not smart enough to take care
of your children, your parents or your communities without government
direction. And if that is not enough to boil your blood, Bill also wants
to destroy the stock market, steal your money and federalize your

Do you want Government to run you ? Socialist backing a socialist.......:eusa_hand::eusa_hand:the bullshit

Not socialist, just big tax and spend democrats. Obama is the worst of them. Bill moderated himself when the republicans grabbed the house and senate mid-way through his first term and worked with republicans; that's more than Obama can say.

Clinton's most encouraging talk was about working together to get things done. It's a shame that the democrats came in in 2008 with no intention of working with the republicans at all, leading to the republicans not working with the democrats at all 2 years later. To blame that all on republicans is disingenuous.
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Obama is a committed socialist. He was educated by a socialist, he thinks like a socialist, and he surrounds himself with socialist, ultra, ultra-liberal thinkers. The problem with socialism is, not only do they not believe in God or accountability to him…

Hillary Clinton is a socialist. She is ultra, ultra liberal. And besides, have you ever heard of as many communists or socialists that have been appointed as tsars in our country? There are 134 of them and they’ve been appointed by this man who you claim is a Christian.

Bill is a socialist and says that the government can do a better job of spending your
money than you can. Bill says that you are not smart enough to take care
of your children, your parents or your communities without government
direction. And if that is not enough to boil your blood, Bill also wants
to destroy the stock market, steal your money and federalize your

Do you want Government to run you ? Socialist backing a socialist.......:eusa_hand::eusa_hand:the bullshit

Is he as socialist as our beloved ally, Israel?
Stalin allowed religion in the USSR. He needed them real bad during WWII.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKp5V8L5D2w&playnext=1&list=PL41960A81C9401801&feature=results_video]Destruction of Religion and Culture in Russia - YouTube[/ame]

Plz just up if you think the video above is socialism ... because it is communisme. And if you can not make the difference, plz educate yourself before you embarrass yourself even more.

1 example of the difference: Socialists in Poland helped destroy the communist Soviet Union, helping win the cold war for the West. solidarnosc it was called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_(Polish_trade_union) . Not that I like socialist ideology, but I at least have the capability to separate communism from socialism

During World War II, the Church was allowed a revival as a patriotic organization, and thousands of parishes were reactivated until a further round of suppression during Khrushchev's rule. The Russian Orthodox Church Synod's recognition of the Soviet government and of Stalin personally led to a schism with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I often wonder what these folks who keep crying "socialist" would do, if they were forced to move to any any other country in the world?
The US, even after almost four years of Obama "socialism" is still the least socialistic industrial country nation in the world and it's not even close.
The Jews were roughed up under the Czars also.

Well in history the question could be more like: who didn't rough up the Jews ...

Just saying, even mr Jesus C. himself was getting chased by Egyptians
I often wonder what these folks who keep crying "socialist" would do, if they were forced to move to any any other country in the world?
The US, even after almost four years of Obama "socialism" is still the least socialistic industrial country nation in the world and it's not even close.

...and we'd like to keep it that way.
Obama is a committed socialist. '

Yeah, but did you see the size of Moochelle's ass?


I just figured out exactly where Obama's 57 States blunder originated from. Thank you for putting the final piece of that puzzle together.

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