Obama, and Biden are WORRIED SICK that When Elon buys Twitter he will UNLEASH TRUMP

It seems you people can't just talk about things. You have to issue threats. This is where Elon Musk is fucking up. If he allows threats to stand he's liable but if he deletes them you people get pissy.
What do you mean we canā€™t talk about things? I just listed close to a dozen ā€œthingsā€ that were labeled misinformation by the liberal media but were actually true things the leftists didnā€™t want the electorate knowing. You on the other hand can only hurl insults.

You are flailing, my boy. I guess there is something to that saying ā€œThe truth will out.ā€ Sadly, it came too late to keep the Dems out of power, and engaged in a full takedown of America, but we are turning a corner.
Hunter is going down, but the LSM will protect ā€The Big Guy.ā€ It will be harder to do now that Musk will permit free speech on Twitter, which will direct independents to further sources for more information.

Itā€˜s all over but the crying, boys.

Can you say unindicted coconspirator? Or politician number one?

Trump probably never should have left either...

In a way, he didn't...
Actually, Iā€™m afraid the one who didnā€™t leave was Obama, and he is the puppeteer behind the scenes as he works to complete ā€œAmericaā€™s transformation.ā€ This is what happens when you elect someone who hates the country.
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Actually, Iā€™m afraid the one who didnā€™t leave was Obama, and he is the puppeteer behind the scenes as he works to complete ā€œAmericaā€™sā€ transformation.ā€ This is what happens when you elect someone who hates the country.
No you aren't. You don't believe a word of that steaming horseshit. You are putting on a little act. Cult cosplay.
Can you say unindicted coconspirator? Or politician number one?

A lot of people can say those things now that Twitter is allowing free speech. I think this is the beginning of a sea change.

Twitter has 76 million readers. If even 10% of them have their eyes opened as a result of conservatives being allowed to present the opposing position, it turns the election.
Don't care. If there was ever anything to it you people poisoned the well with hyperbole and fabrication. Typically these things never pan out but you still completely fall for these conspiracy theories every time.
OMGā€¦.get the mirror again. Can we sayā€¦.Russia Hoax?

You deranged libs always accuse the other side of what you are most guilty of, and nobody is falling for it.
What do you mean we canā€™t talk about things? I just listed close to a dozen ā€œthingsā€ that were labeled misinformation by the liberal media but were actually true things the leftists didnā€™t want the electorate knowing. You on the other hand can only hurl insults.

You are flailing, my boy. I guess there is something to that saying ā€œThe truth will out.ā€ Sadly, it came too late to keep the Dems out of power, and engaged in a full takedown of America, but we are turning a corner.
You're a paranoid whackadoodle like the rest of them. It's just a matter of degree. Maybe you don't even believe in the more ludicrous shit that makes some of your comrades lie awake at night in a cold sweat but it all serves the same purpose. How am I supposed to have respect for people who fall for easily debunked conspiracy theories so effortlessly?
Have we gone so far down the road of democrat suppression of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights when the 1st Amendment guarantee of free speech to a former United States President is characterized with the word "unleash"? WTF?
Actually, Iā€™m afraid the one who didnā€™t leave was Obama, and he is the puppeteer behind the scenes as he works to complete ā€œAmericaā€™s transformation.ā€ This is what happens when you elect someone who hates the country.
i don't think he was lawfully elected either

most of the country is right or center right... doesn't add up

You're a paranoid whackadoodle like the rest of them. It's just a matter of degree. Maybe you don't even believe in the more ludicrous shit that makes some of your comrades lie awake at night in a cold sweat but it all serves the same purpose. How am I supposed to have respect for people who fall for easily debunked conspiracy theories so effortlessly?
Youā€™re the side who fabricated an entire Russia hoax, spent $30 million of taxpayer money, and two years of government service chasing down an elaborate and false conspiracy.

And how am I supposed to have respect for people who fell for the liberal mediaā€™s lies about Trump and suppression of the truth about Biden - and were so gullible as to believe a man who is suffering from dementia and never accomplished a thing during the 50 years he was in government was superior to Trump.

It is people like you who are responsible for mess we are in now. And you STILL donā€™t see it. SMH.
i don't think he was lawfully elected either

most of the country is right or center right... doesn't add up

Lots of things donā€™t add up. Like how a man who stayed hidden in his basement and could barely get six cars to a ā€œdrive-up rallyā€ beat someone who attracted 30,000 and more to each rally.

Trump was way ahead around 10 pm on Election Night, before the scam artists called a halt to the counting and waited until the harvested ballots were trucked in - and in the numbers needed, and in the specific swing states needed.

What will happen here? Is Obama correct to be worried about a RETURN OF TRUMP
The mainstream media is already trying to jump out ahead of it......yawning....." the former president won't be interested in rejoining Twitter because he'll have his own social media platform....."

Of course immediately bring up something about January 6th and continually demonize Trump as they always do....
Youā€™re the side who fabricated an entire Russia hoax, spent $30 million of taxpayer money, and two years of government service chasing down an elaborate and false conspiracy.

And how am I supposed to have respect for people who fell for the liberal mediaā€™s lies about Trump and suppression of the truth about Biden - and were so gullible as to believe a man who is suffering from dementia and never accomplished a thing during the 50 years he was in government was superior to Trump.

It is people like you who are responsible for mess we are in now. And you STILL donā€™t see it. SMH.
Yep, paranoid as fuck and brainwashed to the max. The people you adore think you're a fool.

What will happen here? Is Obama correct to be worried about a RETURN OF TRUMP

Jack Dorsey just became a rich man.

(Not that he wasnt before, but now he has some of Elon's money too). :p

Don't know about Obama and Trump, and probably don't care either. I've never read even a single one of Trump's mean tweets, and I'm also not into Trump hatred thing. Don't love him, don't hate him. He's just a guy.

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