Obama, and Biden are WORRIED SICK that When Elon buys Twitter he will UNLEASH TRUMP

I've heard he's a Liebertarian. Christ, that would be like Rand Paul.
lol - scary thought? :p

Rand isn't "exactly" libertarian, even though sometimes he leans that way. (Dad's influence, probably).

He's a strange amalgam of partisan and wierdo. He is what he is.
That's the problem: so many gullible idiots either believe his lies and misinformation or simply pretend to do so. Not sure which is worse.
The media is the one promulgating the misinformation.

The media has misquoted Trump HUNDREDS of times. Deliberately so. Anything to shove their leftist bullshit down the public's throats
Don't care. If there was ever anything to it you people poisoned the well with hyperbole and fabrication. Typically these things never pan out but you still completely fall for these conspiracy theories every time.
"Don't care".


Don't bother me with facts, I've made up my mind. :p
This Is it exactly. And it was one day, for a few hours, by a couple of hundred people. That leftists have the chutzpah to call it an “insurrection” after BLM instigated months of riots, through dozens of cities, with billion in damages, with 30 lives lost is unreal.

And the Democrats enabled the BLM rioting and the assaults and the arson and the murders. Trump wanted to send in the National Guard to contain them, but Democrats demonized him and called our law enforcement officers “.stormtroopers,” and let the violence continue.
All true.

That and the insurrection that never happened.

Lefties are full of shit in this point. Their hatred of Trump is so insane they're making up insurrections.
Bullshit. Nobody in their right mind would want to continue as President after 8 years including Obama despite what those voices in your head are telling you.

Try a new tact genius or are you trying to be funny?
People like Obama, Clinton, Biden are Satanically addicted to power. Of course they would want to.

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