Obama Aided and Abetted 'Poisoning' Of American Citizens, Terroist Crimes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
All Hail The Greatest Democratic / American President In U.S. History!

...or so snowflakes would have you believe. Obama was for the 'little guy', not about getting Americans addicted to govt hand-outs ... and drugs.


Politico: Obama let Hezbollah run cocaine into the US for Iran deal - and more - Hot Air

Obama let Hezbollah run cocaine into the US

'Before Barack Obama decided to pursue the nuclear deal with Iran, the DEA had a major operation called Project Cassandra. This operation had identified Hezbollah as a major supplier of cocaine to the US and other countries, along with its usual terrorist activities on behalf of its sponsors in Tehran. The DEA and FBI had build criminal cases against major players in Hezbollah’s drug and arms networks, succeeding in getting sealed indictments and finding witnesses for prosecution.

And then the Obama administration stepped in to drain it of all resources...'

One Obama-era Treasury official, Katherine Bauer, in little-noticed written testimony presented last February to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, acknowledged that “under the Obama administration … these [Hezbollah-related] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”

To preserve his Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized PERSONAL Treaty with Iran, Obama squashed the criminal action against / protected Hezbollah's cocaine smuggling operation into the US, hiding their crimes ands allowing it to continue for his own personal gain.

Sound familiar? it should.

Evidence proves then FBI Director Mueller, US AG Holder, and Obama hid Russia's intent to corner the US Uranium market and their associated crimes of Bribery, extortion, intimidation, and more...also protecting Hillary from indictment for Bribery / influence peddling as she took more than $100 million from the KGB Bank in the midst of the Russian Bribery scandal.

Existing evidence also shows then FBI Director James Comey and Obama hid evidence in 2014 - 2016 of Russians attempting to hack senior US govt politicians' / officials' computers/servers, refusing to warn anyone, that they hid evidence of Russians using social media to con snowflakes into organizing and marching for the Russians, and that the Russians were paying Liberal groups to spread racial division, hatred, and violence throughout the country.

President Barak Obama and his criminal administration, it has been proven, has willfully engaged in hiding crimes perpetrated by our enemies - foreign nations, terrorist groups, and Mexican Drug Cartels - and aided and abetted their crimes.

Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels, kept the US borders open, refused to enforce immigration law, protected drug shipments into the US, protected Human traffickers, and even engaged in Human trafficking.

There is more than enough evidence to not only have had Obama deservedly Impeached but to have him indicted and sent to prison as well.

His aiding and abetting Hezbollah's cocaine operation for the benefit of his Un-Constitutional . Illegal personal Treaty with Iran is just another undeniable example of he being the worst / most criminal President in US history...

The closer we got to the [Iran deal], the more these activities went away,” Asher said. “So much of the capability, whether it was special operations, whether it was law enforcement, whether it was [Treasury] designations — even the capacity, the personnel assigned to this mission — it was assiduously drained, almost to the last drop, by the end of the Obama administration.”

'In Philadelphia, the FBI-led task force had spent two years bolstering its case claiming that Safieddine had overseen an effort to purchase 1,200 military-grade assault rifles bound for Lebanon, with the help of Kelly and the special narcoterrorism prosecutors in New York.

Now, they had two key eyewitnesses. One would identify Safieddine as the Hezbollah official sitting behind a smoked-glass barricade who approved the assault weapons deal. And an agent and prosecutor had flown to a remote Asian hotel and spent four days persuading another eyewitness to testify about Safieddine’s role in an even bigger weapons and drugs conspiracy, multiple former law enforcement officials confirmed to POLITICO.

Convinced they had a strong case, the New York prosecutors sent a formal prosecution request to senior Justice Department lawyers in Washington, as required in such high-profile cases. The Justice Department rejected it, and the FBI and DEA agents were never told why, those former officials said.'

'All of this was in service to a deal that did nothing for American security but allowed Iran to pursue its hegemonic policies in the Middle East unfettered. Hezbollah has been Tehran’s proxy for decades, including among its many crimes the bombing of Marines in Lebanon during a peacekeeping mission. They are a key part of Iran’s strategy to link through Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean and to dominate the Sunni Arab states in the Arabian peninsula — and of course to threaten Israel."

Once again Obama aided and abetted terrorists!

"That policy was bad enough. The politicization of the DoJ to allow terrorists to operate unfettered in the US is nothing short of unconscionable."

This is unreal. Screaming headlines at the DM. It's criminal.


Obama administration sabotaged operation to stop Hezbollah | Daily Mail Online
'Friend To America'

Friend to terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, our nation's enemies, illegals, etc...

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