Obama administration to Congress: We’re tired of your dumb Obamacare questions

Imagine you are in a conversation with someone who ask you a question.....which you answer. This person then pretends that you did not answer the question and asks it again.

Repeat hundreds of times.

Pete and Repete are in a boat. Pete jumps overboard who is left?

Obama administration to Congress: We’re tired of your dumb Obamacare questions

Republican lawmakers have questions for the groups signing up the uninsured for Obamacare. They have, in fact, lots of questions. Their questions were detailed in a three-page letter sent earlier this month to more than 100 “navigator” groups, which had received federal funding for health law enrollment

Health and Human Services stepped in Monday morning with a response on behalf of the groups–and a retort.

“We are concerned about the timing of your inquiry given its potential to interfere with the Navigators ability to carry out their crucial efforts in assisting Americans who lack health insurance,” Jim Esquea, assistant secretary for legislaton at HHS, writes in a response to Congress.

“In an effort to address your remaining questions about the Navigator Program and enable the Navigators to focus on training staff to begin to assist uninsured Americans, we are providing the following responses to the questions posed in your letter to awardees.”

What follows is a five-page response to the Energy and Commerce letter, which the Obama administration has previously described as a “blatant and shameful attempt to intimidate” outreach workers.

It will be interesting to see next whether House Republicans still want to hear from the grantees directly, or accept the administration’s letter in their place.

“We trust that our response fully addresses your questions,” Esquea writes at the end of his letter. We’ll soon see whether Republicans agree.

Go to the link to read the 5 page letter. ;)

Perhaps if they had told us what was in the bill before they passed it, there wouldn't be so many "dumb" questions, you imbecile.

must not ask questions, must obey obama, must be obamabot

how dare our reps ask questions that we want answered

screw our republic, let's cede all power to obama
You're not allowed to ask questions, you simply must accept and comply with Obama's vision! He won remember, all the bastards in congress didn't win.... wait.... ok, they won but their not a Democrat so it simply does not count!!!!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah.

Republicans are only trying to obstruct, as they have already admitted.

Georgia insurance commissioner bragged publicly about sabotaging Obamacare

And let's hope they continue to obstruct. Obamacare is a disaster. Even Hardcore Liberal Max Baucus, who helped write the damn thing, admitted it.

:lol: You're an idiot.

Find Max Baucus on the list:

That's My Congress: Senate Action Scorecards for the 113th Congress
You're not allowed to ask questions, you simply must accept and comply with Obama's vision! He won remember, all the bastards in congress didn't win.... wait.... ok, they won but their not a Democrat so it simply does not count!!!!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah.

Republicans are only trying to obstruct, as they have already admitted.

Georgia insurance commissioner bragged publicly about sabotaging Obamacare

Unions question Obamacare......are Unions stupid?

Not at all. Obamacare makes decent, affordable coverage available to people (particularly low to middle income folks) outside of the union. They can pick a plan of their choosing and afford it, independently of the union.

That means any union whose primary selling point was that it offered good coverage that workers couldn't otherwise get is now going to be obsolete. Which is why some of those unions are now demanding additional subsidies to make their plans more attractive than the plans that will be available to everyone (union or not) in the new marketplaces.

Perfectly rational of them to try and do so if they want to stay relevant. Or they could find ways to be useful to their membership in other ways. Whichever.
Blah, blah, blah.

Republicans are only trying to obstruct, as they have already admitted.

Georgia insurance commissioner bragged publicly about sabotaging Obamacare

And let's hope they continue to obstruct. Obamacare is a disaster. Even Hardcore Liberal Max Baucus, who helped write the damn thing, admitted it.

:lol: You're an idiot.

Find Max Baucus on the list:

That's My Congress: Senate Action Scorecards for the 113th Congress

Um it would appear you are the idiot here. Along with Baucus, Obama, Pelosi and all the fools who wrote that shit. They're jsut now figuring it out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBXvRNaAKY8]ObamaCare Architect Says ObamaCare Heading For "Huge Train Wreck" - YouTube[/ame]
Three Co-Equal Branches of Government.
Doesn't matter to Statists...they're on their way to destroying it with great glee...Synthia is NO exception.
I know. But I enjoy reminding them of little facts they like to ignore.

Like the fact that Congress can tell the President that his desire to drop the subject will be taken under advisement, oh an by the way, Why is it that you feel you can violate your own law by suspending portions of it?
Three Co-Equal Branches of Government.
Doesn't matter to Statists...they're on their way to destroying it with great glee...Synthia is NO exception.
I know. But I enjoy reminding them of little facts they like to ignore.

Like the fact that Congress can tell the President that his desire to drop the subject will be taken under advisement, oh an by the way, Why is it that you feel you can violate your own law by suspending portions of it?

Indeed, and NOT conferring with the legislature. It's a flagrant violation of the Constitution in which NO ONE has the balls to call him on. This is real impeachment stuff.
You're not allowed to ask questions, you simply must accept and comply with Obama's vision! He won remember, all the bastards in congress didn't win.... wait.... ok, they won but their not a Democrat so it simply does not count!!!!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah.

Republicans are only trying to obstruct, as they have already admitted.

Georgia insurance commissioner bragged publicly about sabotaging Obamacare

What a stupid fuck you are.
The Exchanges are not ready, the Navigators as of yet have nothing to do...they have instructed us, yes the Agents to field ALL inquiries until they are ready...
For $67 million, I'd expect some accountability.

Anyone here done grant writing? You get $20 from a governmental institution then you better damn well be ready to answer these very questions
And let's hope they continue to obstruct. Obamacare is a disaster. Even Hardcore Liberal Max Baucus, who helped write the damn thing, admitted it.

:lol: You're an idiot.

Find Max Baucus on the list:

That's My Congress: Senate Action Scorecards for the 113th Congress

Um it would appear you are the idiot here. Along with Baucus, Obama, Pelosi and all the fools who wrote that shit. They're jsut now figuring it out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBXvRNaAKY8]ObamaCare Architect Says ObamaCare Heading For "Huge Train Wreck" - YouTube[/ame]

And when confronted with evidence, Assholic leaves the room.

Um it would appear you are the idiot here. Along with Baucus, Obama, Pelosi and all the fools who wrote that shit. They're jsut now figuring it out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBXvRNaAKY8]ObamaCare Architect Says ObamaCare Heading For "Huge Train Wreck" - YouTube[/ame]

And when confronted with evidence, Assholic leaves the room.
Why should I continue to respond to you when you can't even admit that I just proved Max Baucus is not a "hardcore Liberal"?
Um it would appear you are the idiot here. Along with Baucus, Obama, Pelosi and all the fools who wrote that shit. They're jsut now figuring it out.
ObamaCare Architect Says ObamaCare Heading For "Huge Train Wreck" - YouTube

And when confronted with evidence, Assholic leaves the room.
Why should I continue to respond to you when you can't even admit that I just proved Max Baucus is not a "hardcore Liberal"?

Given the poster, you’d be justified not responding at all.

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