Obama admin banning pork from federal prisons

Can you link to an executive order or even some policy decision made by Obama personally?

This seems more in line with the Conservative mantra not to waste money. Prisoners aren't eating it, it's getting tossed so it's a big waste.

Also it's not healthy.
Dear mincing liberal:

Is the US Bureau of Prisons part of the executive branch of the federal government?

Who is the head of the executive branch of government?

Did you fail civics? Are you just stupid? Are you a liar?

Which is it?

It's funny how everything you guys view as a positive that Obama had a personal hand in (Killing Bin Laden for example), has nothing to do with Obama. Everything you view as negative, he's all over.

View attachment 51779

And like I said..


View attachment 51780

So you're saying killing Osama Bin Laden was wrong?

That's a pretty bold statement..
Dear mincing liberal:

Is the US Bureau of Prisons part of the executive branch of the federal government?

Who is the head of the executive branch of government?

Did you fail civics? Are you just stupid? Are you a liar?

Which is it?

It's funny how everything you guys view as a positive that Obama had a personal hand in (Killing Bin Laden for example), has nothing to do with Obama. Everything you view as negative, he's all over.

View attachment 51779

And like I said..


View attachment 51780

So you're saying killing Osama Bin Laden was wrong?

That's a pretty bold statement..
The fact of the matter is that the black man kicked their asses over and over and over and over and over and so on. Fuck em. That is never going to change.
No bacon for you: The US federal prison system takes pork off the menu

Funny for 200+ years there have been jews in this country, and in federal prison but they never banned pork due to jews. Why is the obama admin doing this now?

Some claim meats cause aggression. Last thing prisoners need is anything contributing to their aggression. Though I'd assume it's a cost-saving measure. Why feed prisoners well as with meat? Give em that Nutriloaf Sherriff Joe made famous and water. :)
Dear mincing liberal:

Is the US Bureau of Prisons part of the executive branch of the federal government?

Who is the head of the executive branch of government?

Did you fail civics? Are you just stupid? Are you a liar?

Which is it?

It's funny how everything you guys view as a positive that Obama had a personal hand in (Killing Bin Laden for example), has nothing to do with Obama. Everything you view as negative, he's all over.

View attachment 51779

And like I said..


View attachment 51780

So you're saying killing Osama Bin Laden was wrong?

That's a pretty bold statement..
I'm not saying that at all..

The SEALS got actionable intelligence and took Bin Laden out... They did a GREAT job!!!

Then Obozo outed the SEAL Team, and left their informant (who made it all possible) to rot in a Pakistani prison..
Bacon: Why America's Favorite Food Mania Happened - Businessweek
Bacon — our national food crush

I find it hard to believe it was unpopular

No bacon for you: The US federal prison system takes pork off the menu

Funny for 200+ years there have been jews in this country, and in federal prison but they never banned pork due to jews. Why is the obama admin doing this now?

Except they haven't banned pork. Inmates can buy all sorts of pork products. They've just stopped serving bacon with breakfast because it was unpopular and cost too much.

And of course, there's zero indication that the President gives a fiddler's fuck about a breakfast side for federal prisoners. Or that religion had anything to do with it.

But hey, insinuate away.
Bacon: Why America's Favorite Food Mania Happened - Businessweek
Bacon — our national food crush

I find it hard to believe it was unpopular

No bacon for you: The US federal prison system takes pork off the menu

Funny for 200+ years there have been jews in this country, and in federal prison but they never banned pork due to jews. Why is the obama admin doing this now?

Except they haven't banned pork. Inmates can buy all sorts of pork products. They've just stopped serving bacon with breakfast because it was unpopular and cost too much.

And of course, there's zero indication that the President gives a fiddler's fuck about a breakfast side for federal prisoners. Or that religion had anything to do with it.

But hey, insinuate away.

Have you ever eaten prison pork? And yes, I'm fully aware of how bad that sounds. :)
No bacon for you: The US federal prison system takes pork off the menu

Funny for 200+ years there have been jews in this country, and in federal prison but they never banned pork due to jews. Why is the obama admin doing this now?

Taking ham and bacon away? Are they trying to start prison riots?

No peperoni, salami, bologna, hot dogs, Italian sausage, breakfast meats

Cost of meats for prisoners could increase by 30% or more.

If they did not have to stop serving pork because of Jewish prisoners through all the years, why with muslims
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Can you link to an executive order or even some policy decision made by Obama personally?

This seems more in line with the Conservative mantra not to waste money. Prisoners aren't eating it, it's getting tossed so it's a big waste.

Also it's not healthy.
That's right. 13% of the population are negroes. Yet 40% of federal prisoners are negroes...................and THEY don't like eating bacon?
Maybe on Uranus.

It's funny how everything you guys view as a positive that Obama had a personal hand in (Killing Bin Laden for example), has nothing to do with Obama. Everything you view as negative, he's all over.

View attachment 51779

And like I said..


View attachment 51780

So you're saying killing Osama Bin Laden was wrong?

That's a pretty bold statement..
I'm not saying that at all..

The SEALS got actionable intelligence and took Bin Laden out... They did a GREAT job!!!

Then Obozo outed the SEAL Team, and left their informant (who made it all possible) to rot in a Pakistani prison..

Well yeah you are..

President Obama made the promise he would kill or capture Bin Laden during his campaign. This is AFTER Bush disbanded the unit looking for him and after McCain said in a debate it would be naïve to think we could get him if he fled to Pakistan.

He made it his policy once he became President to put together an operation to seek and find Bin Laden.

I actually said something about that when this happened:

A CIA spy, a hail of bullets, three killed and a US-Pakistan diplomatic row

I was sure some sort of CIA operation was happening in Pakistan.

Lo and behold? Bin Laden is dead.

That's something the Bush administration completely failed to do.
Bacon: Why America's Favorite Food Mania Happened - Businessweek
Bacon — our national food crush

I find it hard to believe it was unpopular

No bacon for you: The US federal prison system takes pork off the menu

Funny for 200+ years there have been jews in this country, and in federal prison but they never banned pork due to jews. Why is the obama admin doing this now?

Except they haven't banned pork. Inmates can buy all sorts of pork products. They've just stopped serving bacon with breakfast because it was unpopular and cost too much.

And of course, there's zero indication that the President gives a fiddler's fuck about a breakfast side for federal prisoners. Or that religion had anything to do with it.

But hey, insinuate away.

Have you ever eaten prison pork? And yes, I'm fully aware of how bad that sounds. :)
I think they're talking about the kind they cook and put on your plate..

Just so you know.
Fuck em'. If they committed a crime against society we ought to force feed those bastards raw pork daily.
The article says the prisoners dont like bacon...:lmao:Yeah Right!!!
What a load of horse shit!!

I agree. The link says that turkey bacon will still be served, but not pork bacon. This has nothing to do with prisonor preference.
I would agree except turkey is not pork and it says this in the link.

"The decision was based on an annual survey of inmates, according to the agency. “Year after year the most disliked item menu was pork,” BOP spokesperson Dana Williams told Quartz."
The article says the prisoners dont like bacon...:lmao:Yeah Right!!!
What a load of horse shit!!

I agree. The link says that turkey bacon will still be served, but not pork bacon. This has nothing to do with prisonor preference.

I would say that it has the most to do with money.

Real bacon is a lot more expensive than turkey bacon.
The article says the prisoners dont like bacon...:lmao:Yeah Right!!!
What a load of horse shit!!

I agree. The link says that turkey bacon will still be served, but not pork bacon. This has nothing to do with prisonor preference.

I would say that it has the most to do with money.

Real bacon is a lot more expensive than turkey bacon.

Actually they're about the same unless you're buying the generic crap.

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