Obama admin admits SSM is threat to religious liberty


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Well at least they admit it. But people paying attention already knew this.

ā€˜Itā€™s going to be an issueā€™: Obama admin admits to Supreme Court that gay ā€˜marriageā€™ threatens religious liberty

April 29, 2015 (AlbertMohler.com) -- ā€œIt is ā€¦ it is going to be an issue.ā€ With those words, spoken yesterday before the Supreme Court of the Unites States, the Solicitor General of the United States announced that religious liberty is directly threatened by the legalization of same-sex marriage. Donald Verrili, representing the Obama Administration as the nationā€™s highest court considered again the issue of same-sex marriage, was responding to a question from Justice Samuel Alito. His answer confirms with candor the threat we have long seen coming.

It s going to be an issue Obama admin admits to Supreme Court that gay marriage threatens religious liberty Opinion LifeSite
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
Well at least they admit it. But people paying attention already knew this.

ā€˜Itā€™s going to be an issueā€™: Obama admin admits to Supreme Court that gay ā€˜marriageā€™ threatens religious liberty

April 29, 2015 (AlbertMohler.com) -- ā€œIt is ā€¦ it is going to be an issue.ā€ With those words, spoken yesterday before the Supreme Court of the Unites States, the Solicitor General of the United States announced that religious liberty is directly threatened by the legalization of same-sex marriage. Donald Verrili, representing the Obama Administration as the nationā€™s highest court considered again the issue of same-sex marriage, was responding to a question from Justice Samuel Alito. His answer confirms with candor the threat we have long seen coming.

It s going to be an issue Obama admin admits to Supreme Court that gay marriage threatens religious liberty Opinion LifeSite
Yes, your liberty to be a bigoted homophobe is under threat. So sorry but it's time to grow up and stop hating the faggots now.
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.
THe fact that SSM will be a threat to religious liberty is a PLUS for the Obama Administration. That's the whole project here. Tear down existing social structures and norms.
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.

I dont know what "scripturalist" means. Do they have a Temple somewhere?
But your point is why Reform/Conservative Judaism is rapidly headed for the dustbin of history.
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.

I dont know what "scripturalist" means. Do they have a Temple somewhere?
But your point is why Reform/Conservative Judaism is rapidly headed for the dustbin of history.

Karraite Judaism. No one'd know what that meant, so "Scripturalist." :)
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.

I dont know what "scripturalist" means. Do they have a Temple somewhere?
But your point is why Reform/Conservative Judaism is rapidly headed for the dustbin of history.

Karraite Judaism. No one'd know what that meant, so "Scripturalist." :)
Thanks for clearing that up.
Karaites are sofek mamzerim.
Karaite Judaism is the form of Judaism prior to Talmud. Not really, but they reject Talmud as an authoratative text. It's just the commentary, not the actual word of God or anyone else. And like Chanukah, not based in Scripture. It came about because rabbis wanted all the power instead of keeping it with God as intended.
Seems to me religion is the only threat to religious liberty here. How many religions starting off more fundamentalist splintered off more liberal versions? Judaism has Reform Judaism which is perfectly ok with homosexuality including marriage, Christianity has dozens of denominations ok with it, even Islam has its' share of gay-tolerating branches.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.

I dont know what "scripturalist" means. Do they have a Temple somewhere?
But your point is why Reform/Conservative Judaism is rapidly headed for the dustbin of history.

Karraite Judaism. No one'd know what that meant, so "Scripturalist." :)
Thanks for clearing that up.
Karaites are sofek mamzerim.

Say the same about Talmudic Jews. What should have stayed 'commentaries' became fixed authoratative documents competing with Torah's authority. Lack of 'official' commentary or interpretation was by design so what might be relevant and true for one group of Jews wouldn't come to bind Jews elsewhere like Talmud in fact did.
Karaite Judaism is the form of Judaism prior to Talmud. Not really, but they reject Talmud as an authoratative text. It's just the commentary, not the actual word of God or anyone else. And like Chanukah, not based in Scripture. It came about because rabbis wanted all the power instead of keeping it with God as intended.
No actually they rejected the Torah sheBaalPeh, which is in fact also the word of Gd. Thus they sit in the dark and eat cold food on Shabbos, a fitting symbol of their religious lives.
The faithful who are liberal don't blow up buildings or toss fags from them. They also aren't being true to the Holy Books of course, hence the problem.

As a Scripturalist Jew (at one time) I always had a problem with Reform's gay-tolerance stance. Not because of the sentiment obviously, being bi myself, but from a strictly scriptural position.

I dont know what "scripturalist" means. Do they have a Temple somewhere?
But your point is why Reform/Conservative Judaism is rapidly headed for the dustbin of history.

Karraite Judaism. No one'd know what that meant, so "Scripturalist." :)
Thanks for clearing that up.
Karaites are sofek mamzerim.

Say the same about Talmudic Jews. What should have stayed 'commentaries' became fixed authoratative documents competing with Torah's authority. Lack of 'official' commentary or interpretation was by design so what might be relevant and true for one group of Jews wouldn't come to bind Jews elsewhere like Talmud in fact did.
That's of course completely untrue.
First we have extensive halakhos of gitting and our gittin are all prepared according to them.
Second the TShBP is also the word of Gd and authoritative, certainly moreso that what some dude in a tent says on one day

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