Obama - 80% of Americans Want a Tax Increase??

Why does "Upstate" have very little industy?

Did the mean and evil GWB farm all of their brilliance offshore?

Sallow - do we need to call you "Swallow" from now on?

What "mothership" is feeding you data?

Rachel Maddow...The mother of all ships
Well then you know that when Bush cut rates..less money came back from the Federal government then was going in.

Also New York City subsidizes upstate residences. Your roads are thanks to our taxes.

And not even a thanks from you guys. :lol:



Seriously what?

What do you think happens to taxes once you pay them? They go into some magical pot of gold?

They go to pay for stuff. In New York..we pay three taxes from our incomes...Federal, State and City. Those taxes go to their respective levels of government then to pay for various Federal, State and City expenses.

New York City would be in the serious red column if we only paid for ourselves. Instead of funding the Federal and State governments. New York is one of the few states that gets back less then what they put in..and New York City gets less back then what it puts into the state.

And add to that there are people from other states that work in NYC but don't pay taxes for the city. That means we provide transportation services for people living in New Jersey, Pennslyvannia and Connecticut. And you also have to factor in the extra expenses in terms of security here..since 9/11. We get hit pretty fucking hard.

My taxes "go to pay for stuff?"

Fucking brilliant.

How do I pay even more for "stuff."

Moronic..... really.

After your comment about real estate taxes I basically decided you were whacked out.

But now after the comment above about 9-11?

I realize you are mentally challanged.

I pity you.

Sallow has nine of the top ten dumbest posts in the forum
Why does "Upstate" have very little industy?

Did the mean and evil GWB farm all of their brilliance offshore?

Sallow - do we need to call you "Swallow" from now on?

What "mothership" is feeding you data?

Oh boy, now you've done it....

You have to include this disclaimer if you call him "Swallow*"....

*Disclaimer: The user name distortion referenced above signifies the poster's tendency to "Swallow" any leftist meme and does not in any way signify anything of a sexual nature. This has been explained to him numerous times, but for reasons known only to him he wants to pretend it is of a homosexual nature. He is most certainly free to engage in his own perverted fantasies regarding other posters, but these are most certainly not reciprocated.
No shit ,who spends the most??? "Its own services",well you should pay for your own??

Down state could never be its own state,as much as ALL the rest of the state would love that,it could never survive by its self.

Unfunded state mandates,along with exploding pension plan costs,are the big contributers for yearly local tax increases .

Sure it could. Upstate has very little industry. Very little anything really. New York has the financial industry and is a major transportation hub.

You guys are the very first ones to cry when tolls into the city go up..yammering about how "unfair" it is..because many of you guys work in the city.

Same with the Subways and Trains.

Don't like it..don't work here. Simple as that.

Complete bull shit , Sure the city is a world class city,but the city can't make it with out the rest of the state,which is not a wate land as you speak.We have no thanks to the meddling from down state,and albany some world class places also,you have never been upstate much or you would have never posted such drivel.

I agree...

The "T" formed by 81 and 90 offer some of the most beautiful country the northeast has to offer.
This Upstate-NYC argument goes on forever, but I don't think anyone's ever seen stats on how many dollars come back to certain areas...
But we do knpw DEM states give federal dollars TO the "macho, independant" Red Ones, who are as FOS as pub voters.
Tax cut cult morons have led us to not pay enough taxes to pay for the country we want- and it's mainly Pubs' cuts on the bloated rich. They have money coming out of their ears and gave up producing jobs back in the 80's...
This Upstate-NYC argument goes on forever, but I don't think anyone's ever seen stats on how many dollars come back to certain areas...
But we do knpw DEM states give federal dollars TO the "macho, independant" Red Ones, who are as FOS as pub voters.
Tax cut cult morons have led us to not pay enough taxes to pay for the country we want- and it's mainly Pubs' cuts on the bloated rich. They have money coming out of their ears and gave up producing jobs back in the 80's...

You want to pay more taxes, bitch? Then stroke a check.

You need an address and a stamp too?

Obama: Public is 'sold' on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal - TheHill.com

"Obama said 80 percent of Americans are on his side in the debate over what to include in the debt package. Voters are paying attention to "who seems to be trying to get something done," the president said. "It's going to be in the interests of everybody who wants to serve in this town to make sure they are on the right side of that impression."

80% ??!?!?!

I think you're one toke (maybe several) over the line Barry....

‪"Toking" with Lawrence Welk‬‏ - YouTube

:lol: I'm glad you gave an open-ended comment on the tokes ...

It's probably closer to 65%..and they are okay with it..as long as it doesn't hit them.

Americans are like spoiled children..who want ice cream..but don't wanna pay for it.

The Bush Tax cuts caused my real estate taxes to go up some 10%. Along with other taxes.

Gotta love it.

I would think it might be more like 20-25% of the American public who would want more taxes .... and that would be the crowd that wants the top 1-5% who are on the top rung of the ladder to pick up the tab. Exemptions from this higher taxation, of course, would include George Soros.)

I agree Americans are like spoiled children ... who want ice cream ... but don't wanna pay for it. Those people are in great part the ones who think they're entitled to a free ride on a college education even if they can't read or write their own names; the ones (of any race or ethnic group) who refuse to work, but keep spitting out children for an accompanying raise in entitlements, live with boyfriends or husbands, etc. but say they aren't.

I don't live in NY anymore, but they had some pretty serious taxes back in the day, even before either of the Bushes were involved in politics. A county is a designated area inside a state. It is the county that raises taxes for residents who live in that county and that county alone.

I presume from your rant on real estate taxes you are in the 80% of people who object to additional tax increases. If you're living in a high dollar neighborhood with a high property value that you can't afford ... feel free to move into a lower dollar neighborhood with a lesser property value that you can afford.
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Here's an idea! Eighty percent of Americans want a tax increase? That's a large number. Eighty percent who want a tax increase should change their w-2 forms and pay more taxes.. That should get us out of the woods cause right now only 50% pay Federal Income Tax at all.. That's damn good thinking donchyathink? Even if I do say so myself.

How about we implement a line item tax form.

This way we can click on things we want to pay for..and click off things we don't.


That's a great idea. I've proposed it many times myself.

How long do you think Medicare and Social Security would last under a system like that?
I agree Granny - those who want "free ice cream," want everything handed to them as an entitlement.


I work hard and earn my money. And I don't want to share what I earn with some lazy-assed leech. They have precisely the same opportunities as I have.
Cheers to the Empire State, all of it- which appears to be taking back the mantle of coolest state from Cal., now full of Mexicans and RW bigots.
Upstate, same population as 1950- YASSSSS. Greetings from the 26th, now Dem for the first time ever...You go, Pubs, with destroying Medicare and tax cuts for the richest...LOL!
"my property taxes have been rock bottom since the dems wrecked the housing industry.. "

"50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies not subject comprehensive federal supervision and another 30% were made by affiliates of banks or thrifts which are not subject to routine supervision or examinations. As former Fed Governor Ned Gramlich said in an August, 2007, speech shortly before he passed away: “In the subprime market where we badly need supervision, a majority of loans are made with very little supervision. It is like a city with a murder law, but no cops on the beat.” Not surprisingly given the higher degree of supervision, loans made under the CRA program were made in a more responsible way than other subprime loans. CRA loans carried lower rates than other subprime loans and were less likely to end up securitized into the mortgage-backed securities that have caused so many losses, according to a recent study by the law firm Traiger & Hinckley (PDF file here).Finally, keep in mind that the Bush administration has been weakening CRA enforcement and the law’s reach since the day it took office. The CRA was at its strongest in the 1990s, under the Clinton administration, a period when subprime loans performed quite well. It was only after the Bush administration cut back on CRA enforcement that problems arose, a timing issue which should stop those blaming the law dead in their tracks. The Federal Reserve, too, did nothing but encourage the wild west of lending in recent years. It wasn’t until the middle of 2007 that the Fed decided it was time to crack down on abusive practices in the subprime lending market. Oops. Better targets for blame in government circles might be the 2000 law which ensured that credit default swaps would remain unregulated, the SEC’s puzzling 2004 decision to allow the largest brokerage firms to borrow upwards of 30 times their capital and that same agency’s failure to oversee those brokerage firms in subsequent years as many gorged on sub prime debt. (Barry Ritholtz had an excellent and more comprehensive survey of how Washington contributed to the crisis in this week’s Barron’s.)"<<< -----No one can deny lenders were agressively marketing exotic mortgages, such as no down, no credit check, sweat equity, balloon arms, etc. of their own free will.The sub prime was a huge lucrative market for them. These were then wrapped up into bundles of other notes and sold in the market. Then the bubble popped. To blame the meltdown on the government forcing banks to make bad loans to minorities is silly,imo.

And yes, polls show only the 20% whacko dittoheads want ONLY spending cuts- and 70%+ want the end of Bush tax cuts on the rich...

All those bad loans "made by affiliates of banks or thrifts which are not subject to routine supervision or examinations" and the taxpayer ends up losing hundreds of billions of dollars because of Fannie and Freddie which were subject to routine supervision or examinations.
Thanks Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Good job!
80 % want taxes raised on the RICH, dumbass. Can't you pub dupes handle more than a 5 word thought? ON THE RICH!!! whose rates haven't been this low since the GREAT DEPRESSION!! NOT a coincidence, dumbazzes. 80 % want taxes raised on the RICH- 80 % want taxes raised on the RICH-80 % want taxes raised on the RICH-80 % want taxes raised on the RICH -80 % want taxes raised on the RICH...tyvm. JFC
Fannie and Freddie were about 1/4 to 1/5 of what taxpayers had to pay for( heard of TARP fcs?), and they FOLLOWED the private insurers under the TYPICAL pub deregulation and HANDS OFF enforcement...IDIOCY AGAIN. Turn off the BS.

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