Obama 2012 campaign slogan was a Nazi Youth marching song!!!!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Wow. Just fucking wow. Did his staff do absolutely NO RESEARCH on this at all? Did they not know this shit would come up? Are they that fucking dumb?

When one looks into the history of the National Socialist Party of Germany, they will find, however, eerily similar events in the movements infancy, like environmentalist concerns, a desire to ban firearms, a desire for government control of healthcare, food and education. Very similiar.

Now, they share a motivational tool!!!

Obama 2012: Rebirthing the Nazi Youth Marching Song!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_z_pHUKajc&feature=player_embedded]Vorwärts! Vorwärts! 2. slideshow (translated) - YouTube[/ame]
Forward! Forward!
Vote barack obama!

Forward! Forward!
He killed osama!

Forward! Forward!
Lets hear it for barack!

Forward! Forward!
He got us out of e-rock!

Forward! Forward!
Hes only for what fair!

Forward! Forward!
You'll pay your fair share!

Lets hear it now, sing it now!
Oh please.... can you not just made an effort to not make asinine accusations. It's a fucking word. No more, no less. Seriously, the left struggle with the concept on individuality... they'll think we all agree with your idiocy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPSqL9_mfM&skipcontrinter=1]BARACK OBAMA HITLER KIDS 2012 ELECTION NWO YOUTH SING FOR MANCHURIAN LEADER AND NEW WORLD ORDER - YouTube[/ame]
Newsflash! The American National Anthem was an English DRINKING SONG!!!!


But seriously, how fucking stupid are his campaign managers? Of the thousands of potential slogans, they picked this one? Knowing their candidate has been accused of beein a socialist, communist, etc, etc, etc,........did thtey not say "Hey guys, lets take a half-day to google, search, tweet, whatever....this slogan to be sure it has no past meaning that would come up and look bad."

Did they not do that? Really? Did they not find out "Oh, shit, "Forward" has been used by Nazis, commies, labor movements, and all sorts of radical left wing groups in the past as a rallying cry!"

Guess they didnt.
Newsflash! The American National Anthem was an English DRINKING SONG!!!!


But seriously, how fucking stupid are his campaign managers? Of the thousands of potential slogans, they picked this one? Knowing their candidate has been accused of beein a socialist, communist, etc, etc, etc,........did thtey not say "Hey guys, lets take a half-day to google, search, tweet, whatever....this slogan to be sure it has no past meaning that would come up and look bad."

Did they not do that? Really? Did they not find out "Oh, shit, "Forward" has been used by Nazis, commies, labor movements, and all sorts of radical left wing groups in the past as a rallying cry!"

Guess they didnt.

It's a word. Seriously, if this is the best we have to attack Obama.... he's so gonna own the White House for another 4. Get a decent game or don't play.
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Wow. Just fucking wow. Did his staff do absolutely NO RESEARCH on this at all? Did they not know this shit would come up? Are they that fucking dumb?

When one looks into the history of the National Socialist Party of Germany, they will find, however, eerily similar events in the movements infancy, like environmentalist concerns, a desire to ban firearms, a desire for government control of healthcare, food and education. Very similiar.

Now, they share a motivational tool!!!

Obama 2012: Rebirthing the Nazi Youth Marching Song!!


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Sure, there are far better things to attack him on. This one just bothers me, and all the others are attacking him just fine on the rest of it.

Its just a pet-peeve when people try to twist their accent around one word to sound smart.
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Wow. Just fucking wow. Did his staff do absolutely NO RESEARCH on this at all? Did they not know this shit would come up? Are they that fucking dumb?

When one looks into the history of the National Socialist Party of Germany, they will find, however, eerily similar events in the movements infancy, like environmentalist concerns, a desire to ban firearms, a desire for government control of healthcare, food and education. Very similiar.

Now, they share a motivational tool!!!

Obama 2012: Rebirthing the Nazi Youth Marching Song!!


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Alright, that shit was funny. Your movie reference is so classic, I'll regretfully accept my defeat just for that and drop this thread. Well done sir.
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Wow. Just fucking wow. Did his staff do absolutely NO RESEARCH on this at all? Did they not know this shit would come up? Are they that fucking dumb?

When one looks into the history of the National Socialist Party of Germany, they will find, however, eerily similar events in the movements infancy, like environmentalist concerns, a desire to ban firearms, a desire for government control of healthcare, food and education. Very similiar.

Now, they share a motivational tool!!!

Obama 2012: Rebirthing the Nazi Youth Marching Song!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSWt7hOYYLY]Barack Obama Hitler youth comparison - YouTube[/ame]
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan “Forward!” Is a Hitler Youth Marching Tune (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Wow. Just fucking wow. Did his staff do absolutely NO RESEARCH on this at all? Did they not know this shit would come up? Are they that fucking dumb?

When one looks into the history of the National Socialist Party of Germany, they will find, however, eerily similar events in the movements infancy, like environmentalist concerns, a desire to ban firearms, a desire for government control of healthcare, food and education. Very similiar.

Now, they share a motivational tool!!!

Obama 2012: Rebirthing the Nazi Youth Marching Song!!

Maybe he got it from the Pope.

You know, Ratzinger? Hitler Youth?

Good times..good times.

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