NYPD data: Whites much more likely to be carrying drugs and guns than minorities

The reason is simple. There are less stop and frisk actions in white neighborhoods. The ones that do occur tend to target those acting odd, thus increasing the chance that said person is up to no good.

Stop and frisk actions in minority neighborhoods, where the crime is greater, often cast a wider net, thus the rate of success is obviously going to be lower.

While the data uses rates, it ignores volume (overall frisks and overall sucessful frisks where drugs and/or weapons are found). If you go by overall numbers, i would gather the amount of guns/drugs found is far higher in minority/high crime neighborhoods.

You may "think it so", but it doesn't make it so. Look for older posts on this and you will find once again by NYPD's own data it ain't so.

Its the NYPD's data, but the report is by a group critical of stop and frisk, so you have your first level of bias there.

2nd from the report itself It looks like # of stops broken down by race resulted in 56% of the frisks for blacks, 33% for latinos, and 10% for whites. "Contrabrand" (drugs) recovered was from blacks 53% of the time, latios 33% of the time, and whites 13% of the time roughly MATCHING the overall frisk breakdown. For guns based on the same frisk breakdown, the numbers is it was a black person 47% of the time, a latino 36% of the time, and a white person 16% of the time, still roughly matching the frisk ratio.

This further backs up my explanation of the numbers. The reason it took less white people being frisked to turn up a weapon is officers had less of a reason to frisk in more affluent neighborhoods, which are often white neighborhoods. The people they choose to frisk would obviously stand out in some way (twitchy) thus increasing the positive hit rate. in high crime minority neighborhoods cops probably frisk more often, leading to the lower hit rate. What remains equal is the breakdown between frisks and the recovery breakdown, both based on race.

You probably are correct. Having just gone to New York, and staying in East Harlem when I did. I saw quite a bit more cops in Harlem than I did in The Village and on The West Side.

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