NY Times Claims Obama Lied Only 18 Times During His 8 Year Presidency


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Ooooh a graph! It looks so sciencey, it must be true then...


1,366 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, etc.
:rofl::rofl::smoke::spinner: NYT’s should do a graph on themselves. Lol
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At least he stepped up here instead of his typical lying to cover his failures as CIC


Ooooh a graph! It looks so sciencey, it must be true then...


1,366 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, etc.
Well he did lie only 18 times in the first hour of his presidency... After that the flood gates opened with "Fast and Furious", "IRS", "wire tapping", "Benghazi" and all the other lies he told..

252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

Let's don't forget all the lies he told on his epic 'Barack Obama Apology Tour'

Those smart lefty dweebs at the Slimes are numbers savvy, perhaps from watching their circulation and ad dollars nosedive in recent years, so they've figured out that Barry's if you like your doc/plan and $2500 savings bullshit equals only one lie no matter how many times the community agitator repeated it. They know their low info clowns will buy it and that's all that matters.
Little question that The Great Obama was honest with the American people

Trump tells 18 lies in just one tweet
Even if he told even 6 lies, they would be far worse than the silly lies and deflection that Trump uses. Trump says silly things to get his competition off balance such as Cruz when he suggested his dad was involved with JFK. Cruz didn't even go off too hard on it because he KNEW he was playing into Trumps hands (Cruz is no choir boy in this regard you can be sure).

Consider these doozies:

"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
"you can keep your existing doctor"
"the Iran deal makes us safer and more secure".

Hell, these three alone are massively more damaging than Trumps.
Fake news. How can a narcissistic pathological liar only lie 18 times?
Obama’s biggest whoppers

The Fact Checker started during the 2008 campaign and then went on hiatus for the first two years of President Obama’s presidency before becoming a permanent Washington Post feature in 2011. All told, we’ve fact-checked more than 250 statements by Obama.

With his presidency coming to a close, here’s a look at 10 of Obama’s biggest whoppers, listed in chronological order. All of these earned Four Pinocchios, of course, but they also landed on our annual list of the biggest Pinocchios of the year.

To keep it simple, we have shortened the quotes in the headlines. To read the full column, click on the link embedded in the quote.


“More young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America”

This was a 2007 campaign claim by Obama, then a senator, that was wildly off the mark. In reality, there are five times more black men enrolled in colleges and universities than young black men in federal and state prisons — and two and half times the total number incarcerated (including local jails). Even if you expanded the age group to include African American males up to 30 or 35, the college attendees would still outnumber the prisoners.

“We signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history”

This 2011 claim was not based on a dollar figure but on dubious math — that supposedly 95 percent of working families received some kind of tax cut under the Making Work Pay provision in Obama’s stimulus bill. John F. Kennedy actually wins the prize for biggest tax cut, at least in the last half-century. By the same measure, the income tax provisions of George W. Bush tax cuts were more than twice as large as Obama’s tax cut over the same three-year time span. (While a large portion of Bush’s tax cut went to the wealthy, it also benefited the working poor.)

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”

During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly reminded voters that he became president during a grim economic crisis. But he went too far when he claimed that only 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to his own policies. About half of the deficit stemmed from the recession and forecasting errors, but a large chunk (44 percent in 2011) were the result of Obama’s actions. At another point, Obama also falsely suggested that the Bush tax cuts led to the Great Recession.

“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it”

This memorable promise by Obama backfired on him in 2013 when the Affordable Care Act went into effect and at least 2 million Americans started receiving cancellation notices. As we explained, part of the reason for so many cancellations is because of an unusually early (March 23, 2010) cutoff date for grandfathering plans — and because of tight regulations written by the administration. So the uproar could be pinned directly on the administration’s own actions.

“The Capitol Hill janitors just got a pay cut”

President Obama offered an evocative image at a 2013 news conference when the sequester spending cuts struck the federal budget — janitors sweeping the empty halls of the Capitol, laboring for less pay. But it turned out that he was completely wrong. Janitorial staff did not face a pay cut — and Capitol Hill administrative officials even issued a statement saying the president’s remarks were “not true.” Then the White House tried to argue that janitors at least faced a loss of overtime. That was not correct either. The episode was emblematic of the administration’s overheated rhetoric during the sequester debate.

Rest of the list is here;

Obama’s biggest whoppers
Even if he told even 6 lies, they would be far worse than the silly lies and deflection that Trump uses. Trump says silly things to get his competition off balance such as Cruz when he suggested his dad was involved with JFK. Cruz didn't even go off too hard on it because he KNEW he was playing into Trumps hands (Cruz is no choir boy in this regard you can be sure).

Consider these doozies:

"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
"you can keep your existing doctor"
"the Iran deal makes us safer and more secure".

Hell, these three alone are massively more damaging than Trumps.
cruz went ape shit over it and caused a spectacle at the convention over it..... he was furious
Little question that The Great Obama was honest with the American people

Trump tells 18 lies in just one tweet

Wow, 18 lies in a single tweet....guess that depends on what the definition of "is" actually is....dumbass.
Don Cheeto lied 18 times in 18 minutes the first time he walked on a stage during the campaign- and is continuing to lie his ass off on a daily basis.

screw Obama, he's gone, we're dealing with Goldilocks and his horseshit squadron of crooks now.
Even if he told even 6 lies, they would be far worse than the silly lies and deflection that Trump uses. Trump says silly things to get his competition off balance such as Cruz when he suggested his dad was involved with JFK. Cruz didn't even go off too hard on it because he KNEW he was playing into Trumps hands (Cruz is no choir boy in this regard you can be sure).

Consider these doozies:

"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
"you can keep your existing doctor"
"the Iran deal makes us safer and more secure".

Hell, these three alone are massively more damaging than Trumps.

None of those are lies
At best, they are predictions of future events that did not come true

Trump lies continually and blatantly. He lies about accepted facts and sells conspiracy theories as truth

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