NY AG says she may seize Trump's buildings if he can't pay his $354M civil fraud fine

John Edgar Slow Horses I posted below the AI answer to Trump using the DOJ to go after his enemies. It clearly showed that he tried to suborn the DOJ to do just that. And yidnar answers with "whataboutism"? Pathetic, just pathetic.

Trump will shred our Constitution if he gets in office. He needs to be in a jail cell.

criminals better tighten up ? does that include violent offenders that assault innocent people , cops, and ransack stores in shoplifting gangs that are all released back into the society in dem run shitholes ?
Did President Trump try to influence the DOJ to act against his political enemies? He is threatening to do it if he wins this election?

John Edgar Slow Horses Donald Trump, during his presidency, exhibited a dangerous belief that the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and its attorneys general should serve as his personal lawyers, following his political orders regardless of norms and legal principles1. Here are some key points related to this:
  1. Bill Barr’s Tenure:
  2. Subpoenas Issued:
  3. Geoffrey Berman’s Claims:
  4. Abuse of Rule of Law:
In summary, Trump’s actions and influence on the DoJ raised concerns about the independence of the justice system and its alignment with political interests.
Did President Trump try to influence the DOJ to act against his political enemies? He is threatening to do it if he wins this election?

Donald Trump, during his presidency, exhibited a dangerous belief that the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and its attorneys general should serve as his personal lawyers, following his political orders regardless of norms and legal principles1. Here are some key points related to this:
  1. Bill Barr’s Tenure:
  2. Subpoenas Issued:
  3. Geoffrey Berman’s Claims:
  4. Abuse of Rule of Law:
In summary, Trump’s actions and influence on the DoJ raised concerns about the independence of the justice system and its alignment with political interests.
the left claims Trump will use the doj to go after his opponents while the left is ACTUALLY using the doj to go after him .. self awareness is an alien concept to the insane , angry , weak , gender confused ,Chicom ass kissing, idiots on the left .
91 indictments, a convicted bank fraud, and the sexual batter liability plus four upcoming criminal trials, and yidnar simply "whatabout". Yes, yidnar can only offer an insane, angry, and weak argument.

Oh, plus his normal ad homs.

If yidnar was defending Trump in court, Trump would get the gallows.
Almost all of your post is regurgitated RWNJ propaganda and fully fact-free.
Looks like facts, reads like facts

A judge says Trump is liable for fraud in New York civil lawsuit​

Jaclyn Diaz

A judge in New York has ordered that former President Donald Trump, his eldest sons and his business associates committed fraud.

Judge Arthur Engoron issued an order Tuesday granting partial summary judgment in the lawsuit filed by New York's Democratic Attorney General Letitia James.

Mar-a-Lago is a National Historic Landmark, it’s a 65,000 sq ft building, it sits on 17 acres of oceanfront property

So what’s not a fact Creppy?!?!
91 indictments, a convicted bank fraud, and the sexual batter liability plus four upcoming criminal trials, and yidnar simply "whatabout". Yes, yidnar can only offer an insane, angry, and weak argument.

Oh, plus his normal ad homs.

If yidnar was defending Trump in court, Trump would get the gallows.
all nothing more than political lawfare that is waking Americans up to how vile the left is .
91 indictments, a convicted bank fraud, and the sexual batter liability plus four upcoming criminal trials, and yidnar simply "whatabout". Yes, yidnar can only offer an insane, angry, and weak argument.

Oh, plus his normal ad homs.

If yidnar was defending Trump in court, Trump would get the gallows.
Trump will be the next POTUS ! and the lefts freak out will be historic !
Trump will be the next POTUS ! and the lefts freak out will be historic !
Left and right are just empty catch phrases to me. Empty language like that only stimulates a steady flow of low-value dick waving. Do better, Jones.

What we have here is the consequence of a runaway legislature, and that hundred year old unconstitutional statute which was invoked in this particular instance for the sole purpose of going after someone's legitimately acquired wealth, after running on that very model to acquire poitical power, just because you don't like that someone is wealthy or that you don't like their politics or their personality is perfectly illustrative of that runaway legislature, and subsequently a runaway court.
The seizure of assets for failure to pay off judgments us perfectly lawful and is in no manner ‘communism.’

To claim otherwise is both a lie and ignorant.
The seizure of assets for failure to pay off judgments us perfectly lawful and is in no manner ‘communism.’

To claim otherwise is both a lie and ignorant.

You are aware that this spew isn't going to age very well once this is reversed by the appellate court


Once that happens, and it will, by their fruit they will be known for what they are

Trust in that...
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Heck, I don't even like Trump.

But the right to equality in Legal justice is the right to equality in Legal justice.

And that right cannot be permitted to be undermined by Stalinist usurpers who are the corrupt, opportunistic product of a runaway legislature.

That's not how we do things in America. Though it is understood and accepted that those Stalinist types historically have and will certainly continue to try with every opportunity, whether it be coincidental opportunity or opportunity of their own creation. This is a given.
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Oh my! Can't move the buildings, can't hide them. Take away the visible fruits of his crime...sounds like justice, to me~

Four days after a judge ordered former President Donald Trump to pay $354 million in his civil fraud case, New York Attorney General Letitia James told ABC News that she is prepared to seize the former president's assets if he is unable to find the cash to cover the fine.
"If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets," James said in an interview with ABC News' Aaron Katersky.
Trump was fined $354.8 million plus approximately $100 million in pre-judgment interest on Friday after Judge Arthur Engoron determined that he inflated his net worth in order get more favorable loan terms.
The former president has denied all wrongdoing and has said he will appeal.
Saying that she was "very confident" with the strength of her case on appeal, James reiterated that her office would not hesitate to seize Trump's assets -- mentioning Trump's 40 Wall Street skyscraper by name -- if the former president is unable to find the cash to cover the court-ordered disgorgement.

"We are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers, and yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day," James said of the standard court process for collecting judgments in civil cases.
/----/ Loser James never built anything in her life. All she can do is steal other people's money. Typical democRAT. As posted earlier, according to Forbes, Trump has over $600 million in cash. But this will be tossed out on appeal.
How many other NY real estate developer have been sued for fraud by Letitia James for inflating their assets and paying their loans on time and in full? I'll wait
I hear investors are deciding to invest in other places then New York. Why take the risk that you can do everything right and still get fined millions and millions of dollars because you are not in the right political party.

New York may discover it just shot itself in the foot.


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Honestly, I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for Engoron's future on the bench either.

And there are a lot of valid reasons for holding that view.

He may survive. But his integrity and judicial misconduct absolutely will be brought into question from within the oversight infrastructure, if for no other reason than public confidence in the rule of law.

Very powerful people/entities will absolutely demand it. There's no doubt about that at all.

And that's not even touching on James.

But that's a different topic. For the most part anyway...
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John Edgar Slow Horses I posted below the AI answer to Trump using the DOJ to go after his enemies. It clearly showed that he tried to suborn the DOJ to do just that. And yidnar answers with "whataboutism"? Pathetic, just pathetic.

Trump will shred our Constitution if he gets in office. He needs to be in a jail cell.

Did President Trump try to influence the DOJ to act against his political enemies? He is threatening to do it if he wins this election?

John Edgar Slow Horses Donald Trump, during his presidency, exhibited a dangerous belief that the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and its attorneys general should serve as his personal lawyers, following his political orders regardless of norms and legal principles1. Here are some key points related to this:
  1. Bill Barr’s Tenure:
  2. Subpoenas Issued:
  3. Geoffrey Berman’s Claims:
  4. Abuse of Rule of Law:
In summary, Trump’s actions and influence on the DoJ raised concerns about the independence of the justice system and its alignment with political interests.
If Trump plans to drain the Swamp, he will have to go after his enemies.
You are aware that this spew isn't going to age very well once this is reversed by the appellate court


Once that happens, and it will, by their fruit they will be known for what they are Trust in that...

How many decision are just ripe to be overturned? The Immunity one was certain to be decided in Trumps favor wasn’t it?

Would you like to know the real problem Trump has with Courts? His first problem is lawyers. He doesn’t seek out good ones. He seeks out sycophants. People who will do as Trump says. Instead of hiring lawyers for their expertise he hires them for the willingness to do exactly what he says. They listen to him. He doesn’t listen to the lawyers.

Trump’s second problem is that he glares at the Jury in an effort to impress or intimidate them. The famous Trump glare that impresses the fanboys doesn’t do much for the rest of us. To the rest of us he looks like an arrogant ass.

When he storms out of the courtroom he looks like a petulant child not a man who is in charge. The internet is full of videos of children having similar tantrums.

Trump’s third problem is his arguments. Everyone does it is his favorite. That is the dumbest argument you can make. It has never worked in traffic court. It doesn’t work in municipal court. It doesn’t work anywhere. The reason is you are saying yes I did it. But that doesn’t matter. The only thing the Judge or jury is going to hear is I did it.

Imagine if you were on a jury and a Rapist shrugged and said everyone does it. You wouldn’t take ten minutes to find the defendant guilty.

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