Nunes predicts Dems, media will be ‘frightened’ if unredacted Carter Page FISA warrants are released

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now we will get to see what REAL COLLUSION looks loke...
Perhaps even get lucky and take down a FISA judge also as part of the attempted coup!!!

The Blaze ^ | September 16, 2018 | Chris Enloe

Amid a renewed push to release the full, unredacted FISA warrant applications against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) warns that Democrats and the mainstream media will be “frightened” by what Americans will see.

The Justice Department released mostly redacted versions of four FISA applications against Page in July. The unredacted portions showed the FBI heavily relied on the infamous Christopher Steele intelligence dossier, which contains unverified and salacious information about President Donald Trump. The FBI had maintained they mostly relied on intelligence separate of the dossier.

What did Nunes say? Speaking at a dinner hosted by the Center for Security Policy last Thursday, Nunes argued the complete unredacted FISA applications should be released. That’s the only way Americans will see the truth, he said.

After the Justice Department released the initial applications on July 21, Democrats and mainstream media pundits argued “the really bad stuff about the Trump campaign was buried in the redactions,” Nunes said, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“And I said, you know what, you might be right. We should declassify the whole thing,” he said at the dinner. Unfortunately, those who claimed incriminating evidence is buried behind the redactions went “silent” after Nunes’ challenge.

“And you know why? Because I think they’re going to be frightened by what you see,” Nunes said.

Still, Nunes predicted that no matter what facts the unredacted FISA application bring to light, Democrats and the mainstream media will downplay their significant or ignore them altogether.

According to the Free Beacon, Nunes expressed hope that Trump will approve additional declassification of the FISA applications in the coming weeks. If he does, Nunes said the details contained in them will have an impact on the midterm elections.

“It’s not just going to be economic growth and running on the economy,” he said. “It’s also going to be about what the other side did to play dirty, to dirty up a campaign—but not do it through campaign tactics, but do it by corrupting the FBI and the DOJ.”

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that the declassified FISA applications will be damning for the FBI not only because of the information contained in them, but also because of information the FBI excluded from them.


Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."
Now we will get to see what REAL COLLUSION looks loke...
Perhaps even get lucky and take down a FISA judge also as part of the attempted coup!!!

The Blaze ^ | September 16, 2018 | Chris Enloe

Amid a renewed push to release the full, unredacted FISA warrant applications against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) warns that Democrats and the mainstream media will be “frightened” by what Americans will see.

The Justice Department released mostly redacted versions of four FISA applications against Page in July. The unredacted portions showed the FBI heavily relied on the infamous Christopher Steele intelligence dossier, which contains unverified and salacious information about President Donald Trump. The FBI had maintained they mostly relied on intelligence separate of the dossier.

What did Nunes say? Speaking at a dinner hosted by the Center for Security Policy last Thursday, Nunes argued the complete unredacted FISA applications should be released. That’s the only way Americans will see the truth, he said.

After the Justice Department released the initial applications on July 21, Democrats and mainstream media pundits argued “the really bad stuff about the Trump campaign was buried in the redactions,” Nunes said, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“And I said, you know what, you might be right. We should declassify the whole thing,” he said at the dinner. Unfortunately, those who claimed incriminating evidence is buried behind the redactions went “silent” after Nunes’ challenge.

“And you know why? Because I think they’re going to be frightened by what you see,” Nunes said.

Still, Nunes predicted that no matter what facts the unredacted FISA application bring to light, Democrats and the mainstream media will downplay their significant or ignore them altogether.

According to the Free Beacon, Nunes expressed hope that Trump will approve additional declassification of the FISA applications in the coming weeks. If he does, Nunes said the details contained in them will have an impact on the midterm elections.

“It’s not just going to be economic growth and running on the economy,” he said. “It’s also going to be about what the other side did to play dirty, to dirty up a campaign—but not do it through campaign tactics, but do it by corrupting the FBI and the DOJ.”

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that the declassified FISA applications will be damning for the FBI not only because of the information contained in them, but also because of information the FBI excluded from them.


Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

Not only "frightened" but most likely violent. Good time to carry if you have a permit and have a heightened sense of situational awareness.

I'm just sayin'.
The timing of the release has to be just right to maximize the impact.

That exactly. Trump is holding the trump card. The Dems are holding the dead man's hand of black aces and eights.

Everyone knows how badly that worked out.
Nunes, really now. He is not credible, and never was.
Nunes is a partisan Trump flunky who will selectively release whatever information makes his side look better

I trust Mueller more
Nunes, really now. He is not credible, and never was.
Nunes is a partisan Trump flunky who will selectively release whatever information makes his side look better

I trust Mueller more
You're a socialist DemonRAT, YOUR IQ is measured in shoe sizes!
You sure do like talking about hypotheticals like they are reality! Lets get these documents out and see until then STFU!

Every piece of paper.
Perhaps at this stage they’re busy putting deals together with certain players to crap on other players in order to save their own skin once the unredacted shit hits the fan?

Stay tuned. This could be lots of fun.
It all depends on whether there is clear evidence of the FBI committing fraud by lying to the FISA court or omitting facts that would have caused the judge not to issue a warrant.

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