Numerous Times When Armed Civilians Have Stopped Bad Guys and Saved Lives

The second one has no merit to it whatsoever.

A teacher will be teaching when a shooter is in the building. The teacher
will respond to gun shots not water splashing on the floor.

Um, yeah. Because even trained professionals accidentally shoot kids playing with toys. There's just no way a teacher could make that mistake!

30 or 40 years ago there was a very popular bumper sticker that read...
"When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns."

which was retarded 40 years ago. Funny thing. When a country bans guns, the outlaws can't get them either. It's why the UK only has 48 gun murders a year and we have 11,000.

But thanks for your participation and responses. Please feel free to
contact the DNC for other talking points to challenge my stance.

Even your hero Trump is ready to sign on to some gun control. Companies are boycotting the NRA People are fed up with you.
Really? Please enlighten me further

I don't think I need to. Unless he was someone whose wife you were banging, he probably wasn't there to kill you.

If he was there because you were banging his wife, it's kind of your own fault.

Ah, but since he WAS there, he accepted the risk of death..

Even thugs have a level of acceptable risk

The second one has no merit to it whatsoever.

A teacher will be teaching when a shooter is in the building. The teacher
will respond to gun shots not water splashing on the floor.

Um, yeah. Because even trained professionals accidentally shoot kids playing with toys. There's just no way a teacher could make that mistake!

30 or 40 years ago there was a very popular bumper sticker that read...
"When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Guns."

which was retarded 40 years ago. Funny thing. When a country bans guns, the outlaws can't get them either. It's why the UK only has 48 gun murders a year and we have 11,000.

But thanks for your participation and responses. Please feel free to
contact the DNC for other talking points to challenge my stance.

Even your hero Trump is ready to sign on to some gun control. Companies are boycotting the NRA People are fed up with you.

Let's see...Part 1.

The teacher will be teaching class. Why is that so hard for you to understand. Police are patrolling areas and if someone points a toy at them from a distance they will respond.

The teacher won't even know that a kid is playing a prank in the hall with
a water pistol.

Part II. It was never retarded. You're just upset that it shreds your point
to pieces. England doesn't have the number of Jaboni's that we do.
Hell, if the country had done what Lincoln wanted and sent the Jaboni's
on down to Central America, we'd probably see the number reduced to 45.

Part III. Raising the age limit and Stressing Mental Health ain't exactly
banning AR-15's. Besides, the Mental Health Issue is gonna be an ambush
for Democrats. To be able to notify Places that sell weapons to deny a sale
to an individual because he has a mental health issue, the Multiple Hippa
Laws have to be repealed and/or amended. Not everybody lives in a major
city. So when someone walks into a hardware store in a town of 3,000 people to purchase a weapon and the report returns that they cannot sell
it to him because he is mentally ill...all 3,000 people will know that within
3 days.

Yeah those boycotts are Probably will have the same affect
on the 100 million gun owners, that it did on Hobby Lobby and Chick-Fil-A.
Only in reverse on the companies.
Ah, but since he WAS there, he accepted the risk of death..

Even thugs have a level of acceptable risk

So essentially, you are saying it's okay to kill someone just because he put himself in a position where you could kill him.

Got it.

No offer of proof that he meant you harm or even knew you were home.
So you actually think a person breaking into your home in the dead of night is doing it to make you breakfast and give you a kiss on the cheek as you leave for work?
So you actually think a person breaking into your home in the dead of night is doing it to make you breakfast and give you a kiss on the cheek as you leave for work?

No, in most cases, they run off when they realize someone is home. MOst home invasions happen because the crook thought the house was empty. You don't break into a house with someone in it because, hey, then it elevates from burglary to home invasion, which is a much more serious crime.

Dumb ass.
So you actually think a person breaking into your home in the dead of night is doing it to make you breakfast and give you a kiss on the cheek as you leave for work?

No, in most cases, they run off when they realize someone is home. MOst home invasions happen because the crook thought the house was empty. You don't break into a house with someone in it because, hey, then it elevates from burglary to home invasion, which is a much more serious crime.

Dumb ass.

So take the chance and do nothing and end up like Dr Petit's family did in a n upscale suburb in CT.

To refresh your memory 2 pieces of shit broke into their home and instead of running away when they realized people were in the home they beat him and then raped his wife and daughters before burning them alive

So if you're fucking stupid enough to think that someone breaking into your home will not do you harm you're even dumber than I thought and that's saying something
Ah, but since he WAS there, he accepted the risk of death..

Even thugs have a level of acceptable risk

So essentially, you are saying it's okay to kill someone just because he put himself in a position where you could kill him.

Got it.

No offer of proof that he meant you harm or even knew you were home.


The only proof is he accepted the risk of death. Every criminal does that simple risk assessment

In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers, liberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives. They also ignore the fact that would-be shooters naturally avoid facilities where they know that some of the people inside are armed.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives - Photos - Washington Times

Texas church shooting not the first time a good guy with gun takes down mass shooter

To Stop Mass School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers

20 Times Bad Guys Were Stopped by Armed Citizens in 2016 | Breitbart

A few excerpts from these articles:

The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.

In 2007, former cop and volunteer security worker, Jeanne Assam, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thousands of people were exiting from Sunday mass that day as the shooter opened fire. However, Assam ran toward the line of fire, killing the shooter and saving countless lives.

Alton Nolen of Moore, Okla., was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker. His rampage was halted by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, who used his personal firearm to wound Nolen.

On March 12, a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach and suffered “minor injuries” before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

On April 28, an 80-year-old woman shot and killed a man who allegedly stabbed her husband and invaded their home. The incident occurred in Sultan, Washington, around 8:30 pm. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 8 that the 25-year-old intruder entered the home and stabbed the husband “multiple times in the abdomen.” The wife shot the intruder, who died on scene. The husband was in stable condition.

I would ask this granny to marry me. Baaaad ass. So leftards know, this is one of the things the founders was thinking about when they did the 2nd.

In all their irrational railing against the commonsense idea of arming some teachers, liberals ignore the fact that there have been numerous times when armed citizens have intervened to stop bad guys and save lives. They also ignore the fact that would-be shooters naturally avoid facilities where they know that some of the people inside are armed.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives - Photos - Washington Times

Texas church shooting not the first time a good guy with gun takes down mass shooter

To Stop Mass School Shootings, Fight Fire With Fire By Arming Teachers

20 Times Bad Guys Were Stopped by Armed Citizens in 2016 | Breitbart

A few excerpts from these articles:

The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.

In 2007, former cop and volunteer security worker, Jeanne Assam, saved the day at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Thousands of people were exiting from Sunday mass that day as the shooter opened fire. However, Assam ran toward the line of fire, killing the shooter and saving countless lives.

Alton Nolen of Moore, Okla., was charged with first-degree murder in the gruesome beheading of a Vaughan Foods worker. His rampage was halted by Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating officer, who used his personal firearm to wound Nolen.

On March 12, a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed a man who was allegedly swinging a hatchet at customers and a store clerk in a Seattle-area 7-Eleven. According to Q13 Fox, the “store clerk says the masked man entered the store and immediately started swinging a hatchet toward a customer — then he turned his sights on the clerk.” The clerk was struck in the stomach and suffered “minor injuries” before the attack was stopped by an armed customer who shot the suspect. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

On April 28, an 80-year-old woman shot and killed a man who allegedly stabbed her husband and invaded their home. The incident occurred in Sultan, Washington, around 8:30 pm. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 8 that the 25-year-old intruder entered the home and stabbed the husband “multiple times in the abdomen.” The wife shot the intruder, who died on scene. The husband was in stable condition.
You seem to ignore the fact that the vast majority of teachers think its a colossally retarded idea to arm teachers.
So what?

I don't live my life based on what other people think
Your life has nothing to do with arming other people against their wishes you moron.
for every SD use there are dozens of murders/shootings/etc
I've posted the facts/links/etc before

it's fine to be armed--especially these small stores/etc
if I had the $$$$, I'd buy a pistol for SD [ all my $$$ go to my kids ! ]
but the proliferation has to be cut down
no-- it won't stop everything, but it would cut it down
So take the chance and do nothing and end up like Dr Petit's family did in a n upscale suburb in CT.

To refresh your memory 2 pieces of shit broke into their home and instead of running away when they realized people were in the home they beat him and then raped his wife and daughters before burning them alive

So if you're fucking stupid enough to think that someone breaking into your home will not do you harm you're even dumber than I thought and that's saying something

And how many cases like that do we have a year?

I'll give you a hint. This case was back from 2007. SO you have to go back 11 years to find a case that fits your nightmares? We have mass shootings damn well near every other week!
So take the chance and do nothing and end up like Dr Petit's family did in a n upscale suburb in CT.

To refresh your memory 2 pieces of shit broke into their home and instead of running away when they realized people were in the home they beat him and then raped his wife and daughters before burning them alive

So if you're fucking stupid enough to think that someone breaking into your home will not do you harm you're even dumber than I thought and that's saying something

And how many cases like that do we have a year?

I'll give you a hint. This case was back from 2007. SO you have to go back 11 years to find a case that fits your nightmares? We have mass shootings damn well near every other week!

Doesn't matter it only has to happen to you once.

and there have been thousands of home invasions since then.

3.7 million household burglaries - Bureau of Justice Statistics
*An estimated 3.7 million burglaries occurred each year on average from 2003 to 2007. *A household member was present in roughly 1 million burglaries and became victims of violent crimes in 266,560burglaries. *Simple assault (15%) was the most common form of violence when a resident was home and violence occurred.
Doesn't matter it only has to happen to you once.

and there have been thousands of home invasions since then.

I've been burglarized. It's upsetting, but not worth arming thousands of madmen with machine guns.
Were you home?

Over 1 million break ins annually happen when someone is home and over a quarter million of those become the victim of a violent crime

I believe I have every right to shoot anyone breaking into my home and will fight to make sure that right remains inviolable.
Were you home?

Over 1 million break ins annually happen when someone is home and over a quarter million of those become the victim of a violent crime

I believe I have every right to shoot anyone breaking into my home and will fight to make sure that right remains inviolable.

Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

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