NRA gun safety courses reach 30 million kids....lives saved...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Besides being one of the oldest Civil Rights groups, the NRA trains police and civilian shooters.....and their gun safety education program for kids, saves lives....

NRA's Eddie Eagle Child Safety Program Has Now Reached 30 Million Children - The Truth About Guns

Besides being one of the nation’s premier civil rights organizations — yes, Virginia, the right to keep and bear arms is an enumerated civil right — the National Rifle Association has long been one of the most prominent proponents of gun safety education. And not the kind of “gun safety” which is nothing more than thinly veiled marketing-speak for more stringent guncontrol laws. We’re talking actual gun safety training, the kind that promotes safe, responsible gun ownership and use.

Along those lines, the NRA’s popular young child-directed Eddie Eagle GunSafe program (stop, don’t touch, run away, tell a grown-up) has just passed a significant milestone, having reached its 30 millionth child since it was established almost 30 years ago. As they say, if it saves just one child’s life . . . .
The NRA really has made a lot of effort to train people in recent years. I've take a few of their courses and if I had the time and hubris I'd quit my job and do it full time.

I like my job though.


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