NRA emergency airlifts high capacity magazines into Virgina as tensions flare

Yes, increased sales as a result of Marketing by the NRA has made millions for the gun industry.

That's a far cry from "The NRA sells everything gun related"

There are only 5 mil NRA members out of what 330mil americans. They sure rent free space in your head.

Know who REALLY sells the most guns and related? Obamas admin and liberals.
They own a large portion of Congress.
Now, why do you think I might want to take your guns?
Lets first admit that you reworded my claim of you supporting those who do want to confiscate them to fit you bogus claim that I said it is you:

Your support for them is undeniable even by you, and by supporting them you can also make the dubious claim that it is not you who wants to confiscate them...It's one thing to call people idiot, but when you start believing you can communicate like one and get away with it you will find yourself experiencing the boomerang effect.
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Yes, increased sales as a result of Marketing by the NRA has made millions for the gun industry.

That's a far cry from "The NRA sells everything gun related"

There are only 5 mil NRA members out of what 330mil americans. They sure rent free space in your head.

Know who REALLY sells the most guns and related? Obamas admin and liberals.
They own a large portion of Congress.
Its all about trust Dave. I trust the guns more then the Progs.
Actually he passed of the disease many years ago. On the other hand, if family or government later tries to take mine, I'll try to keep you in mind. :)

They just took away ma in laws drivers license. It sucks, but I'm glad it was them that did it. I was about to take it my self. Rough road. We had to buy a safe for all the guns and car keys.
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
The reason 90% support universal background checks is because the surveyors downplayed the word "universal" and failed to explain that it would require a full gun registry to work. Explain that and watch your support drop to libtards who don't own guns.

You always throw that gun registry thing in there. That is not what is proposed dumb ass. Quit making shit up.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Blah, blah, blah FUCK TRUMP!! ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
That's clothing, bags, etc. dumbass!

You see any guns, ammunition, or gun accessories for sale on that site?

The closest thing they have are holsters.
That's not what you said dumbass. You said they sell nothing but membership's

They don't sell GUNS, shit for brains!

The gear they do sell is membership related.

I swear, I have rarely seen someone dumber than a liberal, but I think we have a winner in you, racist POS!

When even another gun nut as crazy as Bigreb says you are full of shit, you really should reconsider your strategy.
I'm not a gun but I fight for my Rights so if that makes me a gun nut so be it. Why aren't you a gun nut? Are you a Nazi that hates Rights?

Is your little brain incapable of seeing that those aren't the only two options?
I see things for what they are and what they have been
Actually he passed of the disease many years ago. On the other hand, if family or government later tries to take mine, I'll try to keep you in mind. :)

They just took away ma in laws drivers license. It sucks, but I'm glad it was them that did it. I was about to take it my self. Rough road. We had to buy a safe for all the guns and car keys.
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
The reason 90% support universal background checks is because the surveyors downplayed the word "universal" and failed to explain that it would require a full gun registry to work. Explain that and watch your support drop to libtards who don't own guns.

You always throw that gun registry thing in there. That is not what is proposed dumb ass. Quit making shit up.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...
They just took away ma in laws drivers license. It sucks, but I'm glad it was them that did it. I was about to take it my self. Rough road. We had to buy a safe for all the guns and car keys.
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
You always throw that gun registry thing in there. That is not what is proposed dumb ass. Quit making shit up.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Blah, blah, blah FUCK TRUMP!! ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
That`s a powerful defense of trump. Did you forget how to spell TDS?
The democrat governor of Va. doesn't have much credibility when it comes to erasing the 2nd Amendment. Gov Northam doesn't even challenge allegations that he engaged in racist follies involving blackface and KKK garb in college. Hypocrite supporters conveniently forget about his rant in support of late term abortions where he suggested that newborn infants be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents discuss how to commit murder. It's alleged that Northam bused thugs to Charlottesville and ordered the State Police to stand down and watch the fun. Isn't it possible that the radical democrats created the fake news regarding the NRA to gin up anger?
The democrat governor of Va. doesn't have much credibility when it comes to erasing the 2nd Amendment. Gov Northam doesn't even challenge allegations that he engaged in racist follies involving blackface and KKK garb in college. Hypocrite supporters conveniently forget about his rant in support of late term abortions where he suggested that newborn infants be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents discuss how to commit murder. It's alleged that Northam bused thugs to Charlottesville and ordered the State Police to stand down and watch the fun. Isn't it possible that the radical democrats created the fake news regarding the NRA to gin up anger?

I believe his proper title is "Governor Black Face," or, if you want to be more formal, "Governor Klan robes." That is they guy who wants to confiscate guns from actual citizens....
Now, why do you think I might want to take your guns?
Lets first admit that you reworded my claim of you supporting those who do want to confiscate them to fit you bogus claim that I said it is you:

Your support for them is undeniable even by you, and by supporting them you can also make the dubious claim that it is not you who wants to confiscate them...It's one thing to call people idiot, but when you start believing you can communicate like one and get away with it you will find yourself experiencing the boomerang effect.

Gun nuts have been whining about gun confiscation for more than 40 years. Probably more, but I know it's been at least more than 40 years. Can you name one time when it could have been a real possibility? You're nuts. I won't even pretend to know anything about problems you people who are nuts have communicating.
That's not what you said dumbass. You said they sell nothing but membership's

They don't sell GUNS, shit for brains!

The gear they do sell is membership related.

I swear, I have rarely seen someone dumber than a liberal, but I think we have a winner in you, racist POS!

When even another gun nut as crazy as Bigreb says you are full of shit, you really should reconsider your strategy.
I'm not a gun but I fight for my Rights so if that makes me a gun nut so be it. Why aren't you a gun nut? Are you a Nazi that hates Rights?

Is your little brain incapable of seeing that those aren't the only two options?
I see things for what they are and what they have been

The caps lock is impressive, but you should check your spelling Boo Boo.
They just took away ma in laws drivers license. It sucks, but I'm glad it was them that did it. I was about to take it my self. Rough road. We had to buy a safe for all the guns and car keys.
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
You always throw that gun registry thing in there. That is not what is proposed dumb ass. Quit making shit up.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

You left out acquiring guns from friends, family members, or individual sellers that don't require any kind of background check. Why did you leave that group out?
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

You left out acquiring guns from friends, family members, or individual sellers that don't require any kind of background check. Why did you leave that group out?

Because all these years, hundreds of them in fact this really hasn't been an issue. Should we have licensed the sale of ladders after the first person fell off one and died? What about hammers? Those actually have an FBI stat for use as a murder weapon.
I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

You left out acquiring guns from friends, family members, or individual sellers that don't require any kind of background check. Why did you leave that group out?

Because all these years, hundreds of them in fact this really hasn't been an issue. Should we have licensed the sale of ladders after the first person fell off one and died? What about hammers? Those actually have an FBI stat for use as a murder weapon.

We aren't talking about hammers or ladders. Why are you trying to change the subject?
They just took away ma in laws drivers license. It sucks, but I'm glad it was them that did it. I was about to take it my self. Rough road. We had to buy a safe for all the guns and car keys.
Hang in there. It is a strange progression. My best to you and yours.

I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
You always throw that gun registry thing in there. That is not what is proposed dumb ass. Quit making shit up.
And your side always tries to hide the details of what you want to do

just because you arent pushing it now does not mean you wont in the future

in fact I know you will even if you dont

You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Blah, blah, blah FUCK TRUMP!! ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

You left out acquiring guns from friends, family members, or individual sellers that don't require any kind of background check. Why did you leave that group out?

Because all these years, hundreds of them in fact this really hasn't been an issue. Should we have licensed the sale of ladders after the first person fell off one and died? What about hammers? Those actually have an FBI stat for use as a murder weapon.

We aren't talking about hammers or ladders. Why are you trying to change the subject?

Not. You want me to have a baby sitter because I have a gun. Hammers, screw drivers, ladders and horses kill plenty of people more frequently then me and my gun. There is no point to your "universal background check", something no one can define, that the standard background check doesn't cover already. So what you are doing is saying I can't give my sons a gun because some gay haji wannabe shot up a gay night club in Florida, or some kid in Santa Fe Texas went batshit crazy and shot up his school. What your doing is buying the same bullshit that consist of buzzwords "universal background check" so you can be sold fake security. In the end, a bad guy is going to get a gun and he will shoot up a mall, school, post office, or whatever and nothing your polititions or TV personalities say or do will change that.
I got the easy job. I'm just the driver. The messed up part is watching them slip out, then come back worried as hell because she don't know what the hell happened. Rough stuff.
Yep. Remember well. Your wife has it worse, since her mother.
You can't logically argue against what is actually proposed, so you have to make shit up.
Liberals ultimately want gun confiscation as they have in europe

you may not know where you are going with this but it's clear to me

If wanting to keep guns out f the hands of people that should not have them (crazies, felons, kids, etc) is wanting to take everyone's guns, then you must be saying gun owners are all crazies, felons, kids, etc.

Why don't you want better background checks

Why don't you want to plus loopholes?

Why don't you want the person next to you that is carrying a loaded weapon to be trained?

Because nothing you want, the so called universal background checks would stop criminals...since they already avoid current, federally mandated background checks by using straw buyers or stealing their guns........and there is no loophole...that is another lie.

In Europe, training requirements are now used to keep people from being able to own guns, let alone carry them...which is what you guys convince uninformed people to sign on to training requirements...they think a few hours in class, and the next thing they know the fees, time and requirements are so intense only the rich and politicians can get around them.....

Screw you.

Owning and carrying guns is a Right, you do not get to require Poll Taxes or Literacy Tests for voting, you don't get to require tests and taxes for owning and carrying a gun...

You left out acquiring guns from friends, family members, or individual sellers that don't require any kind of background check. Why did you leave that group out?

Because all these years, hundreds of them in fact this really hasn't been an issue. Should we have licensed the sale of ladders after the first person fell off one and died? What about hammers? Those actually have an FBI stat for use as a murder weapon.
When was the last time a man used a ladder to kill school children?

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