Nows a good time to dissolve the Republican party


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
A lot of Republican voters walk around and say the Republicans are about preserving the Constitution , but with the internet and the sharing of facts, it's becoming much harder to ignore the big elephant in the room.

There was no "civil war", ...after promising Americans there would be no war, this railroad lobbyist Abraham Lincoln (R.) raised an army and invaded southern states who tried to leave the union. The government CAUSED the insurrection by double taxing the southern states in an effort to move money north.

Slavery was simply the propaganda used to make their actions sound moral, most problems for the blacks began after the war and they were dumped into ghettos without employment.

They say Lincoln is a "hero" because he "preserved the union". He could have preserved the union with his own states.

Lincoln prematurely brought Nevada into the union in an effort to illegally raise more electoral votes. After the war the government implemented , non-constitutional, federal supremacy...everything we have problems with today.

("I am a Federalist" -John McCain)

The proof the plot was corrupt, is in the fact the government of the era claimed they wanted to "enforce the bill of rights to the states", and has never told any state they must allow the citizens to have full gun rights.

Anyone who thinks the government enslaved the states with the Constitution missed the point of the founding of the nation entirely.


After the war, the South would only vote for the "conservative Democrats", they would rarely vote for the "liberal Republicans". Later, the rest of the country would follow.

After 1900 when the Socialists began to infiltrate the government, people couldn't win elections unless they had the "Democrat" label, so the Socialists had to run as Democrats instead of choosing the party that was more suited to them, the Republicans.


The Republicans had some decent Presidents but when asked who their claim-to-fame was. most will say Ronald Reagan.

Under Reagan,

* Bad supreme court justices were chosen.

* 2 million jobs left the united states.

* Chinese-to-America imports were greatly increased.

* The sales of foreign made cars were increased.

* Drugs became an epidemic.

* Gang activity became an epidemic.

* Reckless immigration bot legal and illegal , greatly increased.

...just to name a few.


Currently the GOP leadership, in total disregard for democracy, doesn't like the frontrunner and is telling us that only THEY choose the candidate.

I'm sorry but, I don't support government like that.

If the leading candidate wins New York and California, but doesn't become the nominee, i'm done with the Republicans, federally and locally, forever.

...and will have no regrets.
The GOP is simply following the lead of the Founding Fathers who were adamant that the common man could not be trusted to elect the right person.
Hamilton laid it out in the Federalist Papers, having prescience of the uneducated common man falling for a con man like Trump:
"That the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications."
...There was no "civil war", ...after promising Americans there would be no war, this railroad lobbyist Abraham Lincoln (R.) raised an army and invaded southern states who tried to leave the union. The government CAUSED the insurrection by double taxing the southern states in an effort to move money north. Slavery was simply the propaganda used to make their actions sound moral, most problems for the blacks began after the war and they were dumped into ghettos without employment...
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

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