Now this video is a keeper


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Talk about total bullshit, lies. I guess the only people they could find to do this video was those on crack.

We'll just have to take this,

ONE fuktard at a time...

'cuz you CAN have too many of 'em, and they're SO Out There, that you're like, WTF?!?


poo43w5 poor y'all

OKAY, so FU ~ my flippin' fingers slipped... CRIPES! :lol:
Talk about total bullshit, lies. I guess the only people they could find to do this video was those on crack.

How was literally any of what these people said a lie? Could you please explain, with examples? Thanks.

"I remember which party started a needless trillion dollar war in Iraq." It is a lie. That person is so addled on dope he couldn't remember what he had for breakfast.
Well, i mean,

i AM a fuktard, and i just need to listen to MOAR muZAC,

and sort of not worry about this SHIT of life.

My bad....
Talk about total bullshit, lies. I guess the only people they could find to do this video was those on crack.

How was literally any of what these people said a lie? Could you please explain, with examples? Thanks.

0:20 was a lie, who signed NAFTA?
0:40 Record budget surplus? there wasn't one clinton had the books cooked
0:45 spending money in other nations
Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote
Obama Bill: $845 Billion More For Global Poverty; More Of Our Money Going Out Of The County? |Insurance|mortgage|loan|debt relief|finance
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program - Topix
0:49 walkl street bailout Democrats were in control of Congress at the time of the bailouts and they control government spending
1:15 posions food?
History of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

1:30 social issues? EDUCATION? MEDICARE SOCIAL SECURITY? Civil rights and equal pay for women?
Holy shit no one wants to end or destroy any of that
1:45 less money for government means moire money for government has already been proven to work. Besides if the government did not have so many entitlement programs thhey would not need more and more money

1:51 Every major fincial crsis? 2008 who was in control of congress?

2:00 the screams of the people? Hvae you already forgotten all the marchs and rally that have happen the past two years?

Wake up
Asked to PROVE their statements,

libturds counter with:

_________ (fill in the blank)

I fully expect the next post to be from one of MANY cons that reside on this forum...

aHEM! :lol:
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Talk about total bullshit, lies. I guess the only people they could find to do this video was those on crack.

How was literally any of what these people said a lie? Could you please explain, with examples? Thanks.

0:20 was a lie, who signed NAFTA?
0:40 Record budget surplus? there wasn't one clinton had the books cooked
0:45 spending money in other nations
Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote
Obama Bill: $845 Billion More For Global Poverty; More Of Our Money Going Out Of The County? |Insurance|mortgage|loan|debt relief|finance
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program - Topix
0:49 walkl street bailout Democrats were in control of Congress at the time of the bailouts and they control government spending
1:15 posions food?
History of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

1:30 social issues? EDUCATION? MEDICARE SOCIAL SECURITY? Civil rights and equal pay for women?
Holy shit no one wants to end or destroy any of that
1:45 less money for government means moire money for government has already been proven to work. Besides if the government did not have so many entitlement programs thhey would not need more and more money

1:51 Every major fincial crsis? 2008 who was in control of congress?

2:00 the screams of the people? Hvae you already forgotten all the marchs and rally that have happen the past two years?

Wake up

newpolitics, you asked for proof I provided it for you. Was it to much at one time?
There was not one thing they lied about, except maybe for the bailout, because that was done by both sides. All the bullshit you just listed, while I respect your dedication to your point, is just that... bullshit. YOu see the world in an extremely conservtative way, so you bend all information to make it fit your viewpoint. The same as fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. Whackjobs, the lot of you.

Further, All the points that I want to contend with you on, I won't becuase, it is pointless, because people like you don't listen at all. You have your views, and your %100 correct, so why even waste my energy. Even if I got ALL the information, and spent ALL that time, refuting every single one of your points, you would have more bullshit to say. So, fuck it....

That you even believed that NONE of the points that these people made in these video's has any merit, means that you are in complete denial in order to keep on supporting a defunct ideology, and I can't help you there, until you decide to open your own eyes. In the meantime, I will direct my energy towards better uses, and I will not stop calling out bullshit when I see it.
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There was not one thing they lied about, except maybe for the bailout, because that was done by both sides. All the bullshit you just listed, while I respect your dedication to your point, is just that... bullshit. YOu see the world in an extremely conservtative way, so you bend all information to make it fit your viewpoint. The same as fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. Whackjobs, the lot of you.
oh, and YOU dont ever "bend" any info to fit your preconceived notions?
There was not one thing they lied about, except maybe for the bailout, because that was done by both sides. All the bullshit you just listed, while I respect your dedication to your point, is just that... bullshit. YOu see the world in an extremely conservtative way, so you bend all information to make it fit your viewpoint. The same as fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. Whackjobs, the lot of you.
oh, and YOU dont ever "bend" any info to fit your preconceived notions?

Haha, you wholeheartedly just admitted that you do bend information to fit your own views. That's pathetic, and that is why your views are so dimented.

See, the usual direction is this: you get information, you make a judgement upon it, and you form a view. NOT: You form a view, you get information, you use only that information which supports your view and neglect all else.

No, I do not bend information ever to fit any preconceived notions, because I try not to have any preconceived notions. I'd rather see reality just the way it is, than try to morph it into something. I just know ego when I see it, and ego is false. I am not a liberal. I happen to be left leaning right now, because the right is fucked up. You assume I am. I just call bullshit when I see, and like I have said so many times on these boards, Republicans are the ones most full of shit right now. Sure, there are fringe liberals who are equally idiotic I am sure, but it seems the whole of the republican party has gone fringe, and are doing just what you are: contorting the information out there to fit your political viewpoint,ignore everything and everybody else, and call everybody idiots, and say that you are right. I swear, it's like being back in elementary school- watching the political discourse among republicans.
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Talk about total bullshit, lies. I guess the only people they could find to do this video was those on crack.

How was literally any of what these people said a lie? Could you please explain, with examples? Thanks.

There was not one thing they lied about, except maybe for the bailout, because that was done by both sides. All the bullshit you just listed, while I respect your dedication to your point, is just that... bullshit. YOu see the world in an extremely conservtative way, so you bend all information to make it fit your viewpoint. The same as fundamentalist Muslims and Christians. Whackjobs, the lot of you.

Further, All the points that I want to contend with you on, I won't becuase, it is pointless, because people like you don't listen at all. You have your views, and your %100 correct, so why even waste my energy. Even if I got ALL the information, and spent ALL that time, refuting every single one of your points, you would have more bullshit to say. So, fuck it....

That you even believed that NONE of the points that these people made in these video's has any merit, means that you are in complete denial in order to keep on supporting a defunct ideology, and I can't help you there, until you decide to open your own eyes. In the meantime, I will direct my energy towards better uses, and I will not stop calling out bullshit when I see it.

Just because you say it is not true does not make you right. I will post this one more time you can continue lying in your denial or you can take each point I posted and point out how and why you think they are wrong.
0:20 was a lie, who signed NAFTA?
0:40 Record budget surplus? there wasn't one clinton had the books cooked
0:45 spending money in other nations
Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote
Obama Bill: $845 Billion More For Global Poverty; More Of Our Money Going Out Of The County? |Insurance|mortgage|loan|debt relief|finance
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program - Topix
0:49 walkl street bailout Democrats were in control of Congress at the time of the bailouts and they control government spending
1:15 posions food?
History of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

1:30 social issues? EDUCATION? MEDICARE SOCIAL SECURITY? Civil rights and equal pay for women?
Holy shit no one wants to end or destroy any of that
1:45 less money for government means moire money for government has already been proven to work. Besides if the government did not have so many entitlement programs thhey would not need more and more money

1:51 Every major fincial crsis? 2008 who was in control of congress?

2:00 the screams of the people? Hvae you already forgotten all the marchs and rally that have happen the past two years?

Wake up
You're posting facts. That is true. That doesn't make what these people said untrue.

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