Now Over 60,000 dead in Syria

Thats how I see it. Just like Israel, the USA should just stay out of it & leave them alone to deal with their own internal affairs.

None of our business, none of anyones business, let the genocide continue.
:clap2: Let's keep that number growing!!!

Oh, the turd member of the ZioNut Neg. Rep Hit Squad...a real strange one...always talking about sucking cocks in his reps.

Sure sign of a juvenile sick puppy.
Hey Pbel, is it true that ever since you lost your rep meter you went from your average everyday douchebag to SUPER DUPER DOUCHEBAG?

He's such a douchebag, that the douchebag meter can't read his excessive douchebagness
Thats how I see it. Just like Israel, the USA should just stay out of it & leave them alone to deal with their own internal affairs.

Like stop israel's 3 billion a year welfare cheque?:clap2:
Thats how I see it. Just like Israel, the USA should just stay out of it & leave them alone to deal with their own internal affairs.

Like stop israel's 3 billion a year welfare cheque?:clap2:

Nope, those cheques will continue.

Maybe Iran should stop spending money in it's nuclear program so they can help their fucked up economy which is the worst its ever been /?!?!?
It's called investment for the future, Nuclear energy for electricity, with full membership of the NNPT
Israel should try it
Remember what the Palestinians did to each other when Israel granted them their own Jew free Gaza? Syria is proving that one need not necessarily have to be Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.

BTW, MJB, the 60,000 dead does not include the THOUSANDS MISSING .

Wow - 60,000 dead.
When do you think the Warmongering Chickenhawk Obama is going to intercede?
Best guess?
Post-Hawaiian vacation?

Well Hillary is giving money to the Free Syrian Army, who are killing civilians as well.

Obama intervened instead in Turkey, where he sent U.S troops and patriot missiles because some missiles and mortars from Syria landed by the turkey border
Oh, the turd member of the ZioNut Neg. Rep Hit Squad...a real strange one...always talking about sucking cocks in his reps.

Sure sign of a juvenile sick puppy.
Hey Pbel, is it true that ever since you lost your rep meter you went from your average everyday douchebag to SUPER DUPER DOUCHEBAG?

He's such a douchebag, that the douchebag meter can't read his excessive douchebagness
I think Kotex is considering making a brand of douchebag named "Pbel" in his honor. The advertising slogan would go: "instant douchebag, just add some Pbel".
Thats how I see it. Just like Israel, the USA should just stay out of it & leave them alone to deal with their own internal affairs.

Like stop israel's 3 billion a year welfare cheque?:clap2:

Pointless and irrelevant.

We have close ties with Israel and share a mutually beneficial association.

But then there’s this:
United Nations News Centre - In latest update, UN independent panel finds more breaches of human rights law by parties to Syrian conflict

“The war of attrition that is being fought in Syria has brought immeasurable destruction and human suffering to the civilian population".

Gee whiz, but I’m just not seeing this thread crowded with the cynical phonies whining about the “poor oppressed Syrians™.”

It seems that the shrill screeching on behalf of Arab/moslem beggers and squatters is only the result of opportunistic Jooooo hatering when there is an agenda to furthered.
I wish to continue this discussion ----by BRANCHING OFF
to the issue of "ARAB SPRING" uhm when did it start?
My memory sometimes plays tricks but I seem to REMEMBER
(off the top) that it started sometime in 2011----like first half of the year--
ie sometime around spring 2011 Is that right?

I do not remember exactly when some brilliant tunisian
self immolated-----but I do recall that the RESPONSE
quickly developed into a social phenomenon and by
summer it was something of interest thruout the
"islamic world" I also remember what I thought
about it and where it was going. ok enough of me
(me-me-me-me ---me.._)
We shall now discuss OUR EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF
THE ARAB SPRING---back then---when it started---
whenever that was.... (i will play sherri and tell
dictate topic and content)
I wish to continue this discussion ----by BRANCHING OFF
to the issue of "ARAB SPRING" uhm when did it start?
My memory sometimes plays tricks but I seem to REMEMBER
(off the top) that it started sometime in 2011----like first half of the year--
ie sometime around spring 2011 Is that right?

I do not remember exactly when some brilliant tunisian
self immolated-----but I do recall that the RESPONSE
quickly developed into a social phenomenon and by
summer it was something of interest thruout the
"islamic world" I also remember what I thought
about it and where it was going. ok enough of me
(me-me-me-me ---me.._)
We shall now discuss OUR EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF
THE ARAB SPRING---back then---when it started---
whenever that was.... (i will play sherri and tell
dictate topic and content)
The Tunisian young man was the catylist for the Arab Spring. You're right.
I wish to continue this discussion ----by BRANCHING OFF
to the issue of "ARAB SPRING" uhm when did it start?
My memory sometimes plays tricks but I seem to REMEMBER
(off the top) that it started sometime in 2011----like first half of the year--
ie sometime around spring 2011 Is that right?

I do not remember exactly when some brilliant tunisian
self immolated-----but I do recall that the RESPONSE
quickly developed into a social phenomenon and by
summer it was something of interest thruout the
"islamic world" I also remember what I thought
about it and where it was going. ok enough of me
(me-me-me-me ---me.._)
We shall now discuss OUR EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF
THE ARAB SPRING---back then---when it started---
whenever that was.... (i will play sherri and tell
dictate topic and content)
The Tunisian young man was the catylist for the Arab Spring. You're right.
Yep. That's my understanding.

There's a really disturbing article in the Saturday Nation (among others), Tunisia Islamists besiege opposition meeting - Africa -
regarding Tunisia and a follow-up analysis of where that nation may be headed, post-Arab intellectual Winter. I was only vaguely familiar with the politics of Tunisia but had generally understood that on a regional, comparative basis and at least in the major cities, life was not the hellish, islamic fundamentalist controlled existence that plagues so many Middle Eastern nations.

What is really scary, according to the article, is the emergence of "the radicals" who are pressing the islamist agenda of puritanical, by-brute-force, in-your-face islamism.

While that portion of the Tunisian population, which sought to overthrow their version of the typical corrupt Arab dictator, may have though they could be free of totalitarianism, they may have inadvertently opened the door to a far more oppressive and poisonous totalitarianism: fundamentalist islam!

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