Now is this collusion? Google swung between 2.6M to 10.4M votes to Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This should be getting a great amount of media attention, an alarm. As Canada tries to silence social media, which is really grassroots communication; google runs the show and assists one particular ideology.

So that "popular vote" win is total bullshit because Google "colluded" with the Hillary Clinton campaign.
It wasn't the Russians that affected the 2016 vote count, it was Google that swung about 6-million votes.
Let’s see

People Googled “Who should I vote for?”
In b4 the trust-bust hammer comes down on Google and Facebook.

Facebook has been purging.
Facebook pushed out a “Don’t forget to vote”reminder to only liberal subscribers and it was estimated to have led o 400,000 additional votes in 2012.
Facebook pushed out a “Don’t forget to vote”reminder to only liberal subscribers and it was estimated to have led o 400,000 additional votes in 2012.

Where's your proof? Most people I work with commented they received a reminder to vote on their FB page, they are all republicans and voted for Trump. So why do you spew lies? Oh, never mind you must be a trump clone.
This fantasy takes care of that whole "popular vote" thing.


Thankfully, the Founding Fathers took care of the whole "popular vote" thing, by providing for the Electoral College in the Constitution which you Marxist/Socialist/Communist Turds can remove by following the provisions in the Constitution for Amending it.

The Founding Fathers were pretty smart. They could never have predicted that one area of the country---here California--would import millions of illegals and let them vote and thus skewer the popular vote, but they did realize that one area of the country might get so radical that it employed The Mob to undermine the Republic--not a pure Democracy--which in their wisdom, they established.

I think you are the worst Fraud on this board...and damn that's saying something. You pretend to be some kind of Moderate, when in fact, you are just another dumb-ass Marxist.
Facebook pushed out a “Don’t forget to vote”reminder to only liberal subscribers and it was estimated to have led o 400,000 additional votes in 2012.

Where's your proof? Most people I work with commented they received a reminder to vote on their FB page, they are all republicans and voted for Trump. So why do you spew lies? Oh, never mind you must be a trump clone.
the proof is in the video,,,and where is your proof of your claim???
or are you lying again???
In b4 the trust-bust hammer comes down on Google and Facebook.

Facebook has been purging.

Love seeing all the so-called "free market conservatives" calling for government crackdowns on businesses they don't like.

It's different when you do it.
Facebook pushed out a “Don’t forget to vote”reminder to only liberal subscribers and it was estimated to have led o 400,000 additional votes in 2012.

Where's your proof? Most people I work with commented they received a reminder to vote on their FB page, they are all republicans and voted for Trump. So why do you spew lies? Oh, never mind you must be a trump clone.


It was 2010 and 300,000......I am a liar. I admit. It was also discussed in depth on a podcast I listened to, but I can’t recall which one it was...I think Dan Bongino.

Facebook targets users with local election reminders
In b4 the trust-bust hammer comes down on Google and Facebook.

Facebook has been purging.

Love seeing all the so-called conservative calling for government crackdowns on businesses they don't like.

It's different when you do it.
at least its more important than attacking a business over a cake,,,

Same shit, different party.
voter manipulation and a gay cake are worlds apart
if it weren't for the need of conservative judges by GOP voters, Hillary would have beaten Trump and become president
In b4 the trust-bust hammer comes down on Google and Facebook.

Facebook has been purging.

Love seeing all the so-called conservative calling for government crackdowns on businesses they don't like.

It's different when you do it.
at least its more important than attacking a business over a cake,,,

Same shit, different party.
voter manipulation and a gay cake are worlds apart

They're both delusion excuses for government to exert power over private businesses. Seem the same from my perspective.
In b4 the trust-bust hammer comes down on Google and Facebook.

Facebook has been purging.

Love seeing all the so-called conservative calling for government crackdowns on businesses they don't like.

It's different when you do it.
at least its more important than attacking a business over a cake,,,

Same shit, different party.
voter manipulation and a gay cake are worlds apart

They're both delusion excuses for government to exert power over private businesses. Seem the same from my perspective.

so the government shouldnt protect the vote???

then what was the meuller investigation all about???

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