Notorious Antisemite DemonRATLouis Farrakhan Leads Death to America Chant on Solidarity Trip to Iran

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Black Muslim DemonRAT Anti-American should NOT be allowed to come bavk... let that traitorous piece of shit stay with his terrorist brothers in Iran!

Read much more at
Algemeiner ^

Nation of Islam leader and prominent antisemite Louis Farrakhan chanted “Death to America” and claimed that “America has never been a democracy” on Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran, ahead of the re-implementation of US sanctions on the country this week.

According to Iran’s semi-official state news agency Mehr, Farrakhan said at a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei that America is conspiring against Iran.

“I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots,” he said.

He also blasted American support for Saudi Arabia, Iran’s arch-rival in the region, and added, “Satan seeks to divide Muslims and wants them to kill each other, while God tells us in the Quran to be united.”

Farrakhan has referred to Jews as the “synagogue of Satan.”

In his remarks, he condemned the new American sanctions on Iran that will take effect on Monday. “Today, I warn the American government that sanctioning Iran is a big mistake,” he said.

In addition, he stated that African-Americans are part of Iran’s Islamic revolution.

According to the Farsi language Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), he also spoke to students at the University of Tehran law school and fulminated against Israel, praised women’s rights in Iran and the Islamic laws demanding they cover themselves. He claimed, “America has never been a democracy and has always leaned towards the wealthy and powerful class.”

At the end of his talk, Farrakhan chanted the common Iranian slogan “Death to America,” and was joined by members of the audience.

Farrakhan, perhaps the most notorious black supremacist in America, has a long history of antisemitic statements. Most recently, he referred to Jews as “termites.”

Several prominent American activists and politicians have been linked to Farrakhan in recent years. Tamika Mallory, a leader of the Women’s March, praised him as “GOAT” or “Greatest of All Time.” Linda Sarsour, another leader of the March, attended an event with Farrakhan and has repeatedly refused to condemn him.

Illinois Democratic Representative Danny K. Davis said of Farrakhan, “I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people.”

Recently, a photograph surfaced of former President Barack Obama meeting with Farrakhan in 2005 while he was a senator....Another black Muslim traitor!!!
Farrakhan is one of Obama's racist buddies.

Slick Willy also likes to party with Farrakhan.

Libtard scum.
Black Muslim DemonRAT Anti-American should NOT be allowed to come bavk... let that traitorous piece of shit stay with his terrorist brothers in Iran!

Read much more at
Algemeiner ^

Nation of Islam leader and prominent antisemite Louis Farrakhan chanted “Death to America” and claimed that “America has never been a democracy” on Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran, ahead of the re-implementation of US sanctions on the country this week.

According to Iran’s semi-official state news agency Mehr, Farrakhan said at a meeting with the Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei that America is conspiring against Iran.

“I understand how the enemies have plotted against the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to stop their plots,” he said.

He also blasted American support for Saudi Arabia, Iran’s arch-rival in the region, and added, “Satan seeks to divide Muslims and wants them to kill each other, while God tells us in the Quran to be united.”

Farrakhan has referred to Jews as the “synagogue of Satan.”

In his remarks, he condemned the new American sanctions on Iran that will take effect on Monday. “Today, I warn the American government that sanctioning Iran is a big mistake,” he said.

In addition, he stated that African-Americans are part of Iran’s Islamic revolution.

According to the Farsi language Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), he also spoke to students at the University of Tehran law school and fulminated against Israel, praised women’s rights in Iran and the Islamic laws demanding they cover themselves. He claimed, “America has never been a democracy and has always leaned towards the wealthy and powerful class.”

At the end of his talk, Farrakhan chanted the common Iranian slogan “Death to America,” and was joined by members of the audience.

Farrakhan, perhaps the most notorious black supremacist in America, has a long history of antisemitic statements. Most recently, he referred to Jews as “termites.”

Several prominent American activists and politicians have been linked to Farrakhan in recent years. Tamika Mallory, a leader of the Women’s March, praised him as “GOAT” or “Greatest of All Time.” Linda Sarsour, another leader of the March, attended an event with Farrakhan and has repeatedly refused to condemn him....... <quote>

Is anyone SURPRISED? ------there have been LOTS of Iranian
emigrees to the USA over the past 50 years------and I have worked
with and socialized with scores of them. Of all the people---it is
IRANIANS who are the most RACIST in reference to skin color.
There are Iranians who would not sit at the same cafeteria table with
a man as black as Farakharah. Good that he does not stay in Iran and
seek citizenship. The "PEOPLE OF COLOR" moniker now in fashion is
truly hilarious-----it is SO INCLUSIVE------inclusive of the people who MOST
REJECT anything related to that which was once called "NEGRO" ----
like those goose stepping ARYANS from the land once called PARAS---
and the people that Muhummad described as those MARKED
WITH EVIL on their faces------the "raisin heads" ----whose only function
in the world is ABED
Maybe America will get lucky and the Iranians will keep his stupid ass.
Farrakhan has referred to Jews as the “synagogue of Satan.”
Farrakhan was just quoting the Bible.

Revelations 3:9 "I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars"

In greek---the word "synagogue" means nothing but "place of assembly"------it actually had nothing amongst greek speaking
people of the time that the
New Testament was developed---specifically with JOOOOOS-----
That it NOW has a connotation in English as a temple for jews----
is, a simple example of the development of a semantic device----
so convenient for filthy Nazi scum. Such word play is common
amongst the MOST PERVERSE FILTH-----Farakharah, himself used
the fact that jews are often named "Gold" or "Silver" to imply
the age old islamo Nazi libel of AVARICE to jews. IN FACT----in
the world of SHARIAH SHIT law and custom----metal smiths
are disdained-------so much so that the fine filigree muslims use
to decorate the handles of their scimitars were,-----for more than 1000
years-----done almost solely by JOOOOOOS ------is that not fascinating?
My very own hubby born in a land once included in "ARABIA"----
can name which group of jews did the decoration of this or that
scimitar handle that muslims now call "ISLAMIC ART" and proudly
display in museums. The center of silver craftsmanship was----for
centuries-----the jewish enclave PORT CITY OF YEMEN-------the area of
that country called SHARAB. There are still lots of "rabbi sharabis"---
or "rabbi sharabanies" in the world. I have never known of a muslim
bearing the surname SHARABI-------it is the surname occupational equivalent to "silver"
Farrakhan hates fact, most Democrats hate Jews..

Even the 70% of Jews who vote Democratic, they hate Jews too...
Farrakhan hates fact, most Democrats hate Jews..

Even the 70% of Jews who vote Democratic, they hate Jews too...

not entirely true-----I am a registered democrat----as is hubby-----we are
both jews.-----HOWEVER----we are both doing a SWITCHEROOO this time.
I DID VOTE FOR OBAMA ....uhm...once. -----then abstained which used
to be my way of protesting a candidate without having to BETRAY MY
PARTY----------there are still jews out there who vote democrat because
their parents did-----and their grandparents-------TIMES..~~~ they are
a'changin' LA LA LA ~~~~~~. ps----I like jews
pps------seems to be that FARAKHARAH can be charged with treason---
what happened to the crime of TREASON?
pps------seems to be that FARAKHARAH can be charged with treason---
what happened to the crime of TREASON?
Steve King (a sitting US congressman) went over to Austria to pander to Neo-Nazis on a trip that was funded by a Holocaust memorial group -- now if that isn't irony....but I don't believe he committed treason, I just believe he is a depraved racist....

Who voted Farrakhan into office?

Rep. King met with far-right Austrians on trip funded by Holocaust memorial group
pps------seems to be that FARAKHARAH can be charged with treason---
what happened to the crime of TREASON?
Steve King (a sitting US congressman) went over to Austria to pander to Neo-Nazis on a trip that was funded by a Holocaust memorial group -- now if that isn't irony....but I don't believe he committed treason, I just believe he is a depraved racist....

Who voted Farrakhan into office?

Rep. King met with far-right Austrians on trip funded by Holocaust memorial group
pps------seems to be that FARAKHARAH can be charged with treason---
what happened to the crime of TREASON?
Steve King (a sitting US congressman) went over to Austria to pander to Neo-Nazis on a trip that was funded by a Holocaust memorial group -- now if that isn't irony....but I don't believe he committed treason, I just believe he is a depraved racist....

Who voted Farrakhan into office?

Rep. King met with far-right Austrians on trip funded by Holocaust memorial group
Farrakhan hates fact, most Democrats hate Jews..

Even the 70% of Jews who vote Democratic, they hate Jews too...

not entirely true-----I am a registered democrat----as is hubby-----we are
both jews.-----HOWEVER----we are both doing a SWITCHEROOO this time.
I DID VOTE FOR OBAMA ....uhm...once. -----then abstained which used
to be my way of protesting a candidate without having to BETRAY MY
PARTY----------there are still jews out there who vote democrat because
their parents did-----and their grandparents-------TIMES..~~~ they are
a'changin' LA LA LA ~~~~~~. ps----I like jews
I was married to a Jew (so was my brother) She was crap, but that's no slur on Jews per se.

I've never understood anti Semitism and I don't understand how Barry Obama could associate with Louis Farrakhan (despite weak denials from him to the contrary, Jeremiah Wright was Louis' buddy and admirer too) and have such a solid lock on the Jewish vote. It doesn't make sense.
Farrakhan hates fact, most Democrats hate Jews..

Even the 70% of Jews who vote Democratic, they hate Jews too...

not entirely true-----I am a registered democrat----as is hubby-----we are
both jews.-----HOWEVER----we are both doing a SWITCHEROOO this time.
I DID VOTE FOR OBAMA ....uhm...once. -----then abstained which used
to be my way of protesting a candidate without having to BETRAY MY
PARTY----------there are still jews out there who vote democrat because
their parents did-----and their grandparents-------TIMES..~~~ they are
a'changin' LA LA LA ~~~~~~. ps----I like jews
I was married to a Jew (so was my brother) She was crap, but that's no slur on Jews per se.

I've never understood anti Semitism and I don't understand how Barry Obama could associate with Louis Farrakhan (despite weak denials from him to the contrary, Jeremiah Wright was Louis' buddy and admirer too) and have such a solid lock on the Jewish vote. It doesn't make sense.

I am a jewish woman and, THEREFORE----had a basic understanding
of the "JEWISH MIND". --------jews love to imagine that they support the WEAK AND HELPLESS (like their husbands)-----and have long
associated the democratic party to be on the side of the weak and helpless-----(like their poor schlemazel husbands)

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