Notice how most police racial murders have nearly vanished since body cams?

Privacy. People have cameras on their phones, and are quick to post on YouTube. Cat videos. Or porn of any kind. Home cameras to catch bad nannies, babies sleeping, dog being dogs...We want to catch bad cops or bad people...put cameras on everybody. Fair is fair.
The ACLU actually wants to have them Used less by cops because liars are getting busted lying about police brutality.

We’re Updating Our Police Body Camera Recommendations for Even Better Accountability and Civil Liberties Protections

Did cops all of a sudden get less racist? Seems the body cameras are good.

It would have been good if the cop that Michael Brown attacked had been wearing one.

Bad news for the left wingers if they can't scream white cops are out to kill blacks to keep the African Americans in the Demrat plantation.
45 years ago, WHO was watching police? Police represented Us, WE the People. Law abiding citizens.
We worried about the crooks, not the cops. NOW? We want to put police on notice, they are being watched...Paradigm shift. Cops are our better angles. When you are in need and see something bad, who do you call?
Once they start fringing on someone's rights. Then it becomes a problem.

What, specific, rights are we talking about? Most people don't realize they're being recorded a lot of the time on public and private CCTV. Cameras are literally everywhere. That isn't a violation of rights. That video is routinely released to the press, who often pay for it.

It used to be, every crime scene got a door knock looking for potential witnesses to advance an investigation. Now the crime scene door knocks are all about finding CCTV footage for investigation.

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