Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
*My apologies for publishing and then amending this post.*

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Hello. What I found interesting is learning police officers in Washington State would feel uncomfortable if they were not wearing a body camera when performing patrol duties.

As a cop whose been falsely accused of acting unprofessional, I totally empathize with these officers. And hope body camera evidence allows officers falsely accused of misconduct to SUE the dickens out of apparent mentally ill citizens making false allegations.

I also hope police body & dash cameras help identify officers requiring further training, officers experiencing 'burn-out', as well as identifying officers apparently not well-suited to serve the public.

Keeping it REAL. When I became a cop assigned to serve *young* 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim's Shawn Carter's and Christopher Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods, I was totally ignorant.

I had no clue on a daily basis large numbers of my American neighbors, through no fault of their own, were forced to experience genuine concerns for their family, friends, neighbor's and co-worker's physical SAFETY, as well as emotional well being while counting the number of nearby or distant gunshots echoing throughout residential communities. :sad:

My point. While a citizen may possess the skills and aptitude to complete police academy training, they may not have the human temperament for regularly witnessing or coping with human mayhem and dysfunction many cops deal with every single working day.

Somehow I lasted nearly twelve years before experiencing ‘TOTAL BURNOUT’ when I recognized my empathy and compassion were being drained from me without being replenished.

After twelve years of riding and witnessing the mind bending emotional roller coaster ride American urban story-TRUTH-teller and President Obama’s friend Kendrick Lamar describes as a “m.A.A.d. City” Street Culture, no different from the “T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.” Child Abuse Culture the late urban TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur vividly describes in his popular American art and interviews, I determined I needed to place ABOVE ALL ELSE my emotional well being, as well as my physical safety.

Unfortunately, all the knowledge and experience I gained serving fellow citizens residing or working in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant community became null and void when I requested a transfer to a less demanding, less stressful, less life-threatening work environment populated by fewer numbers of depressed, emotionally or mentally ill people engaging in SUIC!DAL/HOMIC!DAL people and community harming behaviors diminishing the Quality of Life for my peaceful, reasonably responsible American neighbors.

Sadly, not all American moms recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of America’s most precious and cherished assets will most likely result with fairly or wonderfully happy children maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens respecting themselves, their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors, as well as the authority responsible for maintaining peace in all American neighborhoods.

Even more unfortunate is the fact young kids like Shawn, Kendrick Lamar, the late Christopher Wallace, the late Freddie Gray, the late Tupac Shakur, the late Michael Brown, the late Eric Garner, as well as untold numbers of abused, neglected and/or maltreated children and teens do not have the option of packing up their belongings and moving to another community when they believe their minds are being affected in ways that are not healthy for them.


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He'll you can't get a roving band of black thugs all riled up if there is video showing some thugs started it!... Even they have more common sense than the lying leftist media!
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.
Hello again. In my opinion there are no doubts police body cameras benefit the public, as well as police officers.

However, there are some drawbacks, especially for officers focused on identifying and apprehending bad guys or gals committing serious crimes against their peaceful neighbors.

I'm talking about cops having a sworn lawful duty, as well as obligation to the community they serve, to make an arrest when personally observing a crime (misd. or felony) being committed in their presence. Yet making a decision to NOT follow the law or their training. Unless the law has changed, in NYS police discretion applies to traffic infractions, not other offenses.

Keeping it REAL. If I was a uniform cop adhering to my sworn duty, arresting EVERYONE I personally observed possessing small quantities of illegal substances, or for other low-level offenses, the NYPD would have never promoted me to detective-investigator.

Unless it's beneficial to a case, the last thing Detective Bureau brass and commanders want is an investigator making small quantity drug or low-level arrests, distracting the investigator from their mission to solve cases.

Here I write about intentionally defying NYS law, NYPD policies, and how my willful defiance could have affected my police career.

How Making and Not Making Drug Arrests Threatened My Police Career

He'll you can't get a roving band of black thugs all riled up if there is video showing some thugs started it!... Even they have more common sense than the lying leftist media!

Hello, Purge.

Have you ever thought about WHY most perfectly healthy American newborns mature into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens caring about the well-being of their neighbors...

...yet a significant population of perfectly healthy newborns mature into apparent emotionally troubled, angry, frustrated, violence-prone teen and adult citizens LARGELY lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

I'm referring to perfectly healthy American newborns you and many of our American neighbors correctly characterize as "thugs."

Hello NYPD! I have a cousin on the job

check this out

Sheriff Kills Illegal Who Fired On Her From VERY Close Range…
Posted by Kane on February 23, 2019 12:31 pm
Categories: Breaking

Napa County Sheriff’s Office – Body Cam Footage
ICE: Man Who Shot At Napa Deputy In Country Illegally, Deported 3 Times

bed stye 79 or 81st ? bed styes huge wasnt it more than one ?in the bad old days to you weren't a cop you were a soldier
good honest hard workin black folk had it rough but they had some of the most beautiful brownstones ya ever seen
NO shit

bed stye was brutal in the 70 and 80s still brutally rough throughout the 90's

BODYCAMS some progressive have complained about them...after they were screaming for em
they don't like it when you prove that a person screaming racism turned out to be a liar ...blow their whole narrative and fantasy world.

they've certainly stopped some hate hoaxes and false accusations lodged against leos

Are ya still there ? don't ya hate the white people ? theirs tons of blue and white collar jobs all around the country .Southern business owners small and large/ corp and private love hard working Yankees .

they usually love ya even more when they find out you're a patriot.
GET OUT of the city man

Ever think about packing in that sweet pension selling the property and leaving Like millions of others have over the decades ?
it can be pretty sweet

LIfe long Brooklyn born on metropolitan av .Refugee in Dixie approaching 2 1/2 years since i fled to freedom. I shut my biz Sold all my buildings and headed south to freedom ,low taxes ,and constitutional friendly gun laws.

The NYC i loved is dead doesn't exist anymore. the 90s were incredible...that super individualistic vibe and energy was still humming...some nights on the roof i could swear i could not only feel it but hear it.

Personally i was on top of the world. my biz and career took off while over the years i was buying real estate here and there for peanuts . NYC was still great cause it was still filled with new yorkers..not white kids from Ohio. some of them would go homeless to I had not an ounce of pity for them .. i would tell em go back to wherever it is you came from you dumb white asshole.. and here i there i selectively gave to the homeless ... food or money

It wouldn't be so bad BUT fer crying out loud 60 to 70 % are "woke" "progressives" Besides we already had our own home grown commies and self hatin commie joooos.
no offense no matter your heritage or religion . and im guessing you're a stand up brotha anyway

goddamn Marxist pc commies IVE lived walked and mingled amongst them all you probably have sir FAHGEDABOUDIT!!!..INvasion of the body snatchers INDEED!!!!
oh ANd fuck me !!!!!

SO "PROGRESSIVELY" It got worse and worse ..AND IM NOT kidding one of their progressive hipster publications claimed Brooklyn as the progressive capital of the world. that was probably one of the last straws.

they also like to rename neighborhoods and train stops just as much as they like to tear down statues of general lee(s)

AS Im not one to hide my patriotic constitutionalist right leaning capitalistic beliefs errrr i may have set a few of these off,,,

theirs also the distinct possibility that I may have purposely " triggered " a tolerant progressive once or twice............Seventeen times
Im telling ya! leaving? its an unbelievable change of pace and it mostly all positive.

I got money in the bank and spread out , semi retired, i get consulting gigs for nice fat checks.
I'm in my early 50s i got another good 25 years in me ... i may take a full time job again i'm just chilln right now ...learning some new skills ...its certainly not coding like a buzz feed propagandist

shit brotha IM taking two months off having major dental work done.9 grand.. paying cash financing the other half interest free 18 months with my white privilege card .....

Not Braggin just sayin life is good if ya busted yer ass for it ! financially ?bigger dollars ? i don't owe anyone or any lender DICK ..........

I do have great private health and life policies but no dental

check this out
about a year before i left I saw a highly recommended dentist in midtown .So for what i wanted and needed done he wanted almost double the price!!
which he probably needed to cover his office rent LOL

It was in no big rush or emergency but i'm a lil bit of a prepper MY motivation for getting major dental work that id probably need in the future anyway . i figure Id git er done before western civilization collapses .

common sense will tell ya that most urban and suburbanites will be out of food in 7 days or less if the semis ever stopped rolling ...and if they stop for an extended period of time ...for whatever reason ...i think you can put 2 + 2 together

Anyone who dont think it cant happen here is a fool! (if you thought about scenarios like that or not ) Hope for the best prepare for the worst thats my personal motto.
AND good luck waiting on the government to come save your asses

I got a beautiful piece of land WE'RE talking a few acres finishing up a sweet 4 bed sILLY NUMBER OF BATHROOMS cabin in the spring early summer. CIVILIZATION STILL STANDING ...for now so if i want a giant master with MY VERY OWN SEXIST MAN urinal i can have one .

its a BFYTW dream come true ....snifffle
GO merica

Its gonna have a view of the mountains that rival the NYC skyline . NYC is only a 70 to 125 dollar prop plane 4 n half hour flight away from an airport WHERE its so clean you could eat off the floor ..CROWDS ? LINES ? what crowds and lines ?

PLUS ..i dont think were getting a green deal eurotrash style high speed rail anytime soon

go bk 1.JPG

My older brothers in Brighton beach with the Russians (he may be a Russian asset Pfftttt lol ) hes a block from the train and two blocks from the beach. he likes to jog and meditate at sunrise .doesn't wear his make America great again hat because unfortunately who needs the hassle of running into a TDS sufferer at sunrise ..

progressive ruin everything ...ITS A COMMON THEME with them

My sister and husband are upstate in orange about to flee.. my niece their youngest just started college

they've also had enough of Albany and NYS suburban property taxes which are on a whole different level from the city you probably already know.
and like i mentioned I have a cousin on the job in the city

my uncles kid hes a balif .he gets to help drag people kickin and screamin out of the courtroom after the judge gives ya twenty .even as a kid he was tough as nails impossible to knock down even with takin a couple punches to the his gandpa his father my uncle got it , I got it

im not a huge fan of the militarization of the police thats been going on across the nation but what you guys did in the 90s really had to be done.
God bless you sir and our batshit crazy mayor rudy

I thought he he was a great mayor !over the years i musta seen him on the street a dozen times ....usually 15 steps ahead of his security and moving at a mile a second lol
HEY Mr mayor good morning!!!!he'd always give ya a good morning or sum-thin back

..could ya friggin send me pizza and a still warm plain salt bagel (not toasted)
i miss a quick couple slices out of the oven n picking up a bagel and coffee on my way to work.....probably more than anything.

im in a real rural area and the towns are full of corporate chains and fast food ...chickfila lines around the drive through are INDEED BIBLICAL

dont get me wrong their are some really good local eateries but great local independents are few and far between

i already get katz hot dogs, peter lugers , half sour jewie piclkes that i love , my ginny gumbas with the smoked & fresh mozz, dried sawseege, PINWHEEL sausage that is still made in a Brooklyn basement ,and red ginseng from china town.... mailed to me... amongst a few other things.
i got list almost as long as a hate hoax list lol

i do the lugers room temperature on a cast iron ridged griddle
its almost like being in the restaurant

the food , the ya cant swing a dead cat without hitting a beautiful broad on the streets of Manhattan, fuckin with left tards in union square (especially ones with signs) Gettin on the subway for some un godly reason AND especially all the old timers and friggin characters like my grandpa who fought the nips in are missed and remembered
other than that like i said what i loved no longer really exists .

SO one day if ya ever say to yourself "ya know WOT! fuck this shit !Waylon Jennings was right !!!! IM DONE with this whole freakin " LIBERAL" mess.

YOU go right ahead pack up that sweet pension sell the property for way to much money to a white progressive idiot from out of town and feel free to join us yore fellow AMERICANS from all walks in fly over country anytime.

Mucho respect to you sir ! and the force .....especially for putin up with us mouthy natives who wouldn't hesitate to give ya an earful on the corner ....and letting some of us slide for maybe a brown paper bag on stoop an what not

ladies gentleman whats that funny smell?
What funny smell would that be sir? Derrrrrrrr busted

you know the rest
btw besides shine ?hillbilly's grow some kick ass weed ...just sayin

God bless you, Everyone still walking the beat or in their patrol cars ,and all the great Leos across the nation still out there.
God bless yas all
Hello NYPD! I have a cousin on the job

check this out

Sheriff Kills Illegal Who Fired On Her From VERY Close Range…
Posted by Kane on February 23, 2019 12:31 pm
Categories: Breaking

Napa County Sheriff’s Office – Body Cam Footage
ICE: Man Who Shot At Napa Deputy In Country Illegally, Deported 3 Times

bed stye 79 or 81st ? bed styes huge wasnt it more than one ?in the bad old days to you weren't a cop you were a soldier
good honest hard workin black folk had it rough but they had some of the most beautiful brownstones ya ever seen
NO shit

bed stye was brutal in the 70 and 80s still brutally rough throughout the 90's

BODYCAMS some progressive have complained about them...after they were screaming for em
they don't like it when you prove that a person screaming racism turned out to be a liar ...blow their whole narrative and fantasy world.

they've certainly stopped some hate hoaxes and false accusations lodged against leos

Are ya still there ? don't ya hate the white people ? theirs tons of blue and white collar jobs all around the country .Southern business owners small and large/ corp and private love hard working Yankees .

they usually love ya even more when they find out you're a patriot.
GET OUT of the city man

Ever think about packing in that sweet pension selling the property and leaving Like millions of others have over the decades ?
it can be pretty sweet

LIfe long Brooklyn born on metropolitan av .Refugee in Dixie approaching 2 1/2 years since i fled to freedom. I shut my biz Sold all my buildings and headed south to freedom ,low taxes ,and constitutional friendly gun laws.

The NYC i loved is dead doesn't exist anymore. the 90s were incredible...that super individualistic vibe and energy was still humming...some nights on the roof i could swear i could not only feel it but hear it.

Personally i was on top of the world. my biz and career took off while over the years i was buying real estate here and there for peanuts . NYC was still great cause it was still filled with new yorkers..not white kids from Ohio. some of them would go homeless to I had not an ounce of pity for them .. i would tell em go back to wherever it is you came from you dumb white asshole.. and here i there i selectively gave to the homeless ... food or money

It wouldn't be so bad BUT fer crying out loud 60 to 70 % are "woke" "progressives" Besides we already had our own home grown commies and self hatin commie joooos.
no offense no matter your heritage or religion . and im guessing you're a stand up brotha anyway

goddamn Marxist pc commies IVE lived walked and mingled amongst them all you probably have sir FAHGEDABOUDIT!!!..INvasion of the body snatchers INDEED!!!!
oh ANd fuck me !!!!!

SO "PROGRESSIVELY" It got worse and worse ..AND IM NOT kidding one of their progressive hipster publications claimed Brooklyn as the progressive capital of the world. that was probably one of the last straws.

they also like to rename neighborhoods and train stops just as much as they like to tear down statues of general lee(s)

AS Im not one to hide my patriotic constitutionalist right leaning capitalistic beliefs errrr i may have set a few of these off,,,

theirs also the distinct possibility that I may have purposely " triggered " a tolerant progressive once or twice............Seventeen times
Im telling ya! leaving? its an unbelievable change of pace and it mostly all positive.

I got money in the bank and spread out , semi retired, i get consulting gigs for nice fat checks.
I'm in my early 50s i got another good 25 years in me ... i may take a full time job again i'm just chilln right now ...learning some new skills ...its certainly not coding like a buzz feed propagandist

shit brotha IM taking two months off having major dental work done.9 grand.. paying cash financing the other half interest free 18 months with my white privilege card .....

Not Braggin just sayin life is good if ya busted yer ass for it ! financially ?bigger dollars ? i don't owe anyone or any lender DICK ..........

I do have great private health and life policies but no dental

check this out
about a year before i left I saw a highly recommended dentist in midtown .So for what i wanted and needed done he wanted almost double the price!!
which he probably needed to cover his office rent LOL

It was in no big rush or emergency but i'm a lil bit of a prepper MY motivation for getting major dental work that id probably need in the future anyway . i figure Id git er done before western civilization collapses .

common sense will tell ya that most urban and suburbanites will be out of food in 7 days or less if the semis ever stopped rolling ...and if they stop for an extended period of time ...for whatever reason ...i think you can put 2 + 2 together

Anyone who dont think it cant happen here is a fool! (if you thought about scenarios like that or not ) Hope for the best prepare for the worst thats my personal motto.
AND good luck waiting on the government to come save your asses

I got a beautiful piece of land WE'RE talking a few acres finishing up a sweet 4 bed sILLY NUMBER OF BATHROOMS cabin in the spring early summer. CIVILIZATION STILL STANDING ...for now so if i want a giant master with MY VERY OWN SEXIST MAN urinal i can have one .

its a BFYTW dream come true ....snifffle
GO merica

Its gonna have a view of the mountains that rival the NYC skyline . NYC is only a 70 to 125 dollar prop plane 4 n half hour flight away from an airport WHERE its so clean you could eat off the floor ..CROWDS ? LINES ? what crowds and lines ?

PLUS ..i dont think were getting a green deal eurotrash style high speed rail anytime soon

View attachment 247465

My older brothers in Brighton beach with the Russians (he may be a Russian asset Pfftttt lol ) hes a block from the train and two blocks from the beach. he likes to jog and meditate at sunrise .doesn't wear his make America great again hat because unfortunately who needs the hassle of running into a TDS sufferer at sunrise ..

progressive ruin everything ...ITS A COMMON THEME with them

My sister and husband are upstate in orange about to flee.. my niece their youngest just started college

they've also had enough of Albany and NYS suburban property taxes which are on a whole different level from the city you probably already know.
and like i mentioned I have a cousin on the job in the city

my uncles kid hes a balif .he gets to help drag people kickin and screamin out of the courtroom after the judge gives ya twenty .even as a kid he was tough as nails impossible to knock down even with takin a couple punches to the his gandpa his father my uncle got it , I got it

im not a huge fan of the militarization of the police thats been going on across the nation but what you guys did in the 90s really had to be done.
God bless you sir and our batshit crazy mayor rudy

I thought he he was a great mayor !over the years i musta seen him on the street a dozen times ....usually 15 steps ahead of his security and moving at a mile a second lol
HEY Mr mayor good morning!!!!he'd always give ya a good morning or sum-thin back

..could ya friggin send me pizza and a still warm plain salt bagel (not toasted)
i miss a quick couple slices out of the oven n picking up a bagel and coffee on my way to work.....probably more than anything.

im in a real rural area and the towns are full of corporate chains and fast food ...chickfila lines around the drive through are INDEED BIBLICAL

dont get me wrong their are some really good local eateries but great local independents are few and far between

i already get katz hot dogs, peter lugers , half sour jewie piclkes that i love , my ginny gumbas with the smoked & fresh mozz, dried sawseege, PINWHEEL sausage that is still made in a Brooklyn basement ,and red ginseng from china town.... mailed to me... amongst a few other things.
i got list almost as long as a hate hoax list lol

i do the lugers room temperature on a cast iron ridged griddle
its almost like being in the restaurant

the food , the ya cant swing a dead cat without hitting a beautiful broad on the streets of Manhattan, fuckin with left tards in union square (especially ones with signs) Gettin on the subway for some un godly reason AND especially all the old timers and friggin characters like my grandpa who fought the nips in are missed and remembered
other than that like i said what i loved no longer really exists .

SO one day if ya ever say to yourself "ya know WOT! fuck this shit !Waylon Jennings was right !!!! IM DONE with this whole freakin " LIBERAL" mess.

YOU go right ahead pack up that sweet pension sell the property for way to much money to a white progressive idiot from out of town and feel free to join us yore fellow AMERICANS from all walks in fly over country anytime.

Mucho respect to you sir ! and the force .....especially for putin up with us mouthy natives who wouldn't hesitate to give ya an earful on the corner ....and letting some of us slide for maybe a brown paper bag on stoop an what not

ladies gentleman whats that funny smell?
What funny smell would that be sir? Derrrrrrrr busted

you know the rest
btw besides shine ?hillbilly's grow some kick ass weed ...just sayin

God bless you, Everyone still walking the beat or in their patrol cars ,and all the great Leos across the nation still out there.
God bless yas all

Hello, DY. While it sucks being placed in a position of having to use deadly physical force upon a human being, the sheriff did an excellent job of ending an apparent threat to public SAFETY.

As for Brooklyn, I miss the mom and pop restaurants offering a variety of tasty foods from beef or chicken roti, to mushroom barely soup and bread chicken cutlets. Though what I really miss is the Royal Rib House on Halsey St. Great eatin'.

Google Maps

DY, thanks for taking the time to share some of your Bklyn and Big Apple flavored experiences.

Wishing you a peaceful semi-retirement surrounded by nature's beauty. If it were not for family ties, most likely I too would be enjoying peaceful mountain views. :)

Stay safe, my friend.
bed fuckin stye
i had a building right on the border in bushwick off myrtle

crap now i want roti and oxtail
chuchifritos to on the corner ..of Manhattan or knickerbocker ....either one

the guy was reaching under the seat to before she walks around to did ya see that shit ? i probably would of drew right their and said wait a second paco keep that shit at ten and 2

guy shouldn't of even been here to begin with

thank god she made it without a scratch and drilled him full of holes.

im serious cash it all in take that sweet pension and run ....relatives can visit but i get ya ya still like to walk around the corner to aunt junes
Black guys are really southerners ya know
most of your grandparents and parents came up in the 60's

boston was 95% white for the longest time
*My apologies for publishing and then amending this post.*

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Hello. What I found interesting is learning police officers in Washington State would feel uncomfortable if they were not wearing a body camera when performing patrol duties.

As a cop whose been falsely accused of acting unprofessional, I totally empathize with these officers. And hope body camera evidence allows officers falsely accused of misconduct to SUE the dickens out of apparent mentally ill citizens making false allegations.

I also hope police body & dash cameras help identify officers requiring further training, officers experiencing 'burn-out', as well as identifying officers apparently not well-suited to serve the public.

Keeping it REAL. When I became a cop assigned to serve *young* 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim's Shawn Carter's and Christopher Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods, I was totally ignorant.

I had no clue on a daily basis large numbers of my American neighbors, through no fault of their own, were forced to experience genuine concerns for their family, friends, neighbor's and co-worker's physical SAFETY, as well as emotional well being while counting the number of nearby or distant gunshots echoing throughout residential communities. :sad:

My point. While a citizen may possess the skills and aptitude to complete police academy training, they may not have the human temperament for regularly witnessing or coping with human mayhem and dysfunction many cops deal with every single working day.

Somehow I lasted nearly twelve years before experiencing ‘TOTAL BURNOUT’ when I recognized my empathy and compassion were being drained from me without being replenished.

After twelve years of riding and witnessing the mind bending emotional roller coaster ride American urban story-TRUTH-teller and President Obama’s friend Kendrick Lamar describes as a “m.A.A.d. City” Street Culture, no different from the “T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.” Child Abuse Culture the late urban TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur vividly describes in his popular American art and interviews, I determined I needed to place ABOVE ALL ELSE my emotional well being, as well as my physical safety.

Unfortunately, all the knowledge and experience I gained serving fellow citizens residing or working in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant community became null and void when I requested a transfer to a less demanding, less stressful, less life-threatening work environment populated by fewer numbers of depressed, emotionally or mentally ill people engaging in SUIC!DAL/HOMIC!DAL people and community harming behaviors diminishing the Quality of Life for my peaceful, reasonably responsible American neighbors.

Sadly, not all American moms recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of America’s most precious and cherished assets will most likely result with fairly or wonderfully happy children maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens respecting themselves, their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors, as well as the authority responsible for maintaining peace in all American neighborhoods.

Even more unfortunate is the fact young kids like Shawn, Kendrick Lamar, the late Christopher Wallace, the late Freddie Gray, the late Tupac Shakur, the late Michael Brown, the late Eric Garner, as well as untold numbers of abused, neglected and/or maltreated children and teens do not have the option of packing up their belongings and moving to another community when they believe their minds are being affected in ways that are not healthy for them.


Glad you got out of the Job, to soft and do Democratic for the job. No friends when you have a badge.
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.

People get angry. Dogs get mad. And most police officers are great. Small minority of them is terrible.
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.

People get angry. Dogs get mad. And most police officers are great. Small minority of them is terrible.

That's why cops should police their own people. One terrible cop will prevent trust of the entire department. A citizen won't know if the cop stopping him is a good cop or that terrible cop.
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.

People get angry. Dogs get mad. And most police officers are great. Small minority of them is terrible.

That's why cops should police their own people. One terrible cop will prevent trust of the entire department. A citizen won't know if the cop stopping him is a good cop or that terrible cop.

I actually agree with you. Hell must be freezing over
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.

Because whenever they’re filmed it’s after something that occurred which caused them to act. They have no problem with body cams because they do show full context of all their interactions with people
Body cams and cell phone video are one of the greatest things that have happened as far as documenting cop / citizen interactions. I wonder why so many cops still get mad when they are videoed.

Because whenever they’re filmed it’s after something that occurred which caused them to act. They have no problem with body cams because they do show full context of all their interactions with people

Yet they often turn them off at exactly the time controversial things happen. They hate it when someone else is recording what happens and the cop can't erase the parts that show their misbehavior. Plenty of Youtube videos to prove that. A cop that covers for a bad cop is just as bad as that bad cop.
*My apologies for publishing and then amending this post.*

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Complaints against police plummet in presence of body cams, says new study

Hello. What I found interesting is learning police officers in Washington State would feel uncomfortable if they were not wearing a body camera when performing patrol duties.

As a cop whose been falsely accused of acting unprofessional, I totally empathize with these officers. And hope body camera evidence allows officers falsely accused of misconduct to SUE the dickens out of apparent mentally ill citizens making false allegations.

I also hope police body & dash cameras help identify officers requiring further training, officers experiencing 'burn-out', as well as identifying officers apparently not well-suited to serve the public.

Keeping it REAL. When I became a cop assigned to serve *young* 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim's Shawn Carter's and Christopher Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods, I was totally ignorant.

I had no clue on a daily basis large numbers of my American neighbors, through no fault of their own, were forced to experience genuine concerns for their family, friends, neighbor's and co-worker's physical SAFETY, as well as emotional well being while counting the number of nearby or distant gunshots echoing throughout residential communities. :sad:

My point. While a citizen may possess the skills and aptitude to complete police academy training, they may not have the human temperament for regularly witnessing or coping with human mayhem and dysfunction many cops deal with every single working day.

Somehow I lasted nearly twelve years before experiencing ‘TOTAL BURNOUT’ when I recognized my empathy and compassion were being drained from me without being replenished.

After twelve years of riding and witnessing the mind bending emotional roller coaster ride American urban story-TRUTH-teller and President Obama’s friend Kendrick Lamar describes as a “m.A.A.d. City” Street Culture, no different from the “T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.” Child Abuse Culture the late urban TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur vividly describes in his popular American art and interviews, I determined I needed to place ABOVE ALL ELSE my emotional well being, as well as my physical safety.

Unfortunately, all the knowledge and experience I gained serving fellow citizens residing or working in Brooklyn’s Bedford Stuyvesant community became null and void when I requested a transfer to a less demanding, less stressful, less life-threatening work environment populated by fewer numbers of depressed, emotionally or mentally ill people engaging in SUIC!DAL/HOMIC!DAL people and community harming behaviors diminishing the Quality of Life for my peaceful, reasonably responsible American neighbors.

Sadly, not all American moms recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well-being of America’s most precious and cherished assets will most likely result with fairly or wonderfully happy children maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult citizens respecting themselves, their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors, as well as the authority responsible for maintaining peace in all American neighborhoods.

Even more unfortunate is the fact young kids like Shawn, Kendrick Lamar, the late Christopher Wallace, the late Freddie Gray, the late Tupac Shakur, the late Michael Brown, the late Eric Garner, as well as untold numbers of abused, neglected and/or maltreated children and teens do not have the option of packing up their belongings and moving to another community when they believe their minds are being affected in ways that are not healthy for them.


A cam shields cops against unwarranted bs accusations against them as much as it shields the public from unwarranted actions by police. Great post.

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