Nothing burger with cheese over Russian lawyer..the left clinging bitterly to Russian collusion hope


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here are a couple of columns on the latest, sad, desperately sad, pitiful attempt by the left to wring blood from the Russian collusion stone...

On collusion, the media is all screwed up

The main point I want to make is that there is nothing wrong with such a meeting and such discussions, though in this case the discussion is said never to have gotten off the ground because the Russian lawyer had nothing to offer. A campaign should never turn down the opportunity to be presented with adverse information about an opponent from any source, within the bounds of the law.

(Of course, if the Trump campaign had actually been colluding with the Russian government, it’s highly doubtful that it would have met with this lawyer in the hope of obtaining adverse information about Clinton. Russian intelligence presumably would have been supplying whatever info Russia had that Team Trump could use.)

And I like the title of this one from PJmedia.......when Will Graham, the original with the other english guy, not Anthony hopkins, stated....You have disadvantages, you're insane....

The Left Won't Let Go of the 'Russian Collusion' Meme

Now the top story on the Drudge Report, the top Must-Read on and listed on Real Clear Politics: my latest column for the New York Post regarding the ridiculous stories in the New York Times about "Russian collusion."

The news was delivered by the New York Times in the breathless tones that might announce a cure for cancer or the discovery of life on Mars: “President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.”

To which a rational response is … who wouldn’t? And also: So what? A third response is unprintable.

As I said on the Dennis Prager radio show an hour ago: think David Mamet.

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LOL Protect the Russians at all costs, even treason to our nation. Aguy, you are a hoot. I think that Mr. Mueller will have a long talk with all involved.
calling this meeting a nothing burger is an insult to nothing burgers! this is more like a nothing caesar salad!
Every single member of the Trump family and Trump campaign had relations with Russia concerning the election that they "forgot" to reveal until investigators turned it up. Thank goodness all this was uncovered or who knows what concessions and victories Trump would have gifted to Russia despite their invasion of one of our allies and their sabotage of our efforts in the Middle East.
LOL Protect the Russians at all costs, even treason to our nation. Aguy, you are a hoot. I think that Mr. Mueller will have a long talk with all involved.
There is nothing wrong with meeting the Russians
If you or I meet with Russian representatives, it is no big deal

However, if Trumps key representatives including his son and son in law are meeting with Russian agents at the time they are releasing stolen is a big deal
If the purpose of the meeting was to receive damning information about your is a big deal
If you conveniently forget to report the is a big deal
Mueller is very interested in this Russian Lawyer's connection with the Fusion Group, a group hired by the Clintons to fake evidence against Trump. Mueller has questions like who brought this woman into the country, who hired her. Fusion was responsible for the now discredited dossier on Trump.

Mueller is very interested in Fusion and company and connections.
Every single member of the Trump family and Trump campaign had relations with Russia concerning the election that they "forgot" to reveal until investigators turned it up. Thank goodness all this was uncovered or who knows what concessions and victories Trump would have gifted to Russia despite their invasion of one of our allies and their sabotage of our efforts in the Middle East.
What concessions? What did the Russian do or promise to do or get promised? What laws were broken? You libtards threaten like toddlers.
What concessions? What did the Russian do or promise to do or get promised? What laws were broken?

What concessions? We'll never know since the Trump mafia was caught. What laws were broken? We'll know when the FBI's criminal investigation is over.

What threat, by the way? Snowflake. :cuckoo:
What concessions? What did the Russian do or promise to do or get promised? What laws were broken?

What concessions? We'll never know since the Trump mafia was caught. What laws were broken? We'll know when the FBI's criminal investigation is over.

What threat, by the way? Snowflake. :cuckoo:
So you don't have anything, Sugarpuss? I didn't think so.

Gotta love the Trumps....they fall for the oldest ruse in the book
Beautiful female Russian agent who offers you secrets


Next up....Moose and Squirrel
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