Note to Bush: Stop throwing our Intelligence Community under the bus!



After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?
Well it could not have been Bush or Cheney's fault could it?
Party of personal responsibility my ass.
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?


And really astute is Mr Limbaugh? I mean.........s0n......11,000 fcuking posts in a bit over a year.:eek::eek::eek: WTF:boobies:.......appears Mr Limbaugh is spot on target.

Join a Chinese Checkers Club bro............we're all relatively sure George Bush isnt going to take your advice!!!:blowup:
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?

After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?
Probably will be the same reaction it was to the 9/11 Commission's report about the IC. Same info, different source.
Attacking Iraq to get rid of Saddam is about the best thing any recent president has done.

Thank God Saddam is gone, now we need to destroy all the other tyrants in the middle east. It is obvious they are still not ready to govern themselves.
Well it could not have been Bush or Cheney's fault could it?
Party of personal responsibility my ass.'s Bush's fault that 25 million Iraqis were freed from oppression under a ruthless tyrant and his blood-thirsty sons.

It's the Dems fault for doing everything in their power to make that into a negative.

I keep thinking of the reaction if Obama had freed 25 million people from oppression. That little WMD deal would have been almost totally ignored by the left.
Where ever you find people working for the government you find idiots.

We let the idiots run our country.

Anyone who tries to use their AKO or TSP account knows that the Fed Government comes up with the most confusing and un-user-friendly web sites I've ever seen.

The main reason is government is political. They put political appointees in jobs that in the public sector requires skilled or trained appointees.
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?
Probably will be the same reaction it was to the 9/11 Commission's report about the IC. Same info, different source.

I keep seeing the same tactics being used by the Democrats on everything.

They plant the seed or idea and everyone runs with it because it makes sense.

They did this to turn Iraqi freedom into lying about WMDs.

They also did this to turn defending this country from illegals and possible terrorist attacks into racism and discrimination. Cass Sustein's information cascade method was used to attain this.
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?

When did you ever care about the intelligence community--something you are clearly far from?
Note my sig line.
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?
As-far-as Kuwait goes....we pretty-much gave Hussein permission to "go in"!!
SEPTEMBER 23, 1990

Hussein: "Iraq came out of the war (with Iran) burdened with $40 billion debts, excluding the aid given by Arab states, some of whom consider that too to be a debt although they knew -- and you knew too -- that without Iraq they would not have had these sums and the future of the region would have been entirely different.

We began to face the policy of the drop in the price of oil. Then we saw the United States, which always talks of democracy but which has no time for the other point of view. Then the media campaign against Saddam Hussein was started by the official American media. The United States thought that the situation in Iraq was like Poland, Romania or Czechoslovakia. We were disturbed by this campaign but we were not disturbed too much because we had hoped that, in a few months, those who are decision makers in America would have a chance to find the facts and see whether this media campaign had had any effect on the lives of Iraqis. We had hoped that soon the American authorities would make the correct decision regarding their relations with Iraq. Those with good relations can sometimes afford to disagree.

But when planned and deliberate policy forces the price of oil down without good commercial reasons, then that means another war against Iraq. Because military war kills people by bleeding them, and economic war kills their humanity by depriving them of their chance to have a good standard of living. As you know, we gave rivers of blood in a war that lasted eight years, but we did not lose our humanity. Iraqis have a right to live proudly. We do not accept that anyone could injure Iraqi pride or the Iraqi right to have high standards of living.

Kuwait and the U.A.E. were at the front of this policy aimed at lowering Iraq's position and depriving its people of higher economic standards. And you know that our relations with the Emirates and Kuwait had been good. On top of all that, while we were busy at war, the state of Kuwait began to expand at the expense of our territory.

You may say this is propaganda, but I would direct you to one document, the Military Patrol Line, which is the borderline endorsed by the Arab League in 1961 for military patrols not to cross the Iraq-Kuwait border.

But go and look for yourselves. You will see the Kuwaiti border patrols, the Kuwaiti farms, the Kuwaiti oil installations -- all built as closely as possible to this line to establish that land as Kuwaiti territory."


TARIQ AZIZ: Our policy in OPEC opposes sudden jumps in oil prices.

HUSSEIN: Twenty-five dollars a barrel is not a high price.

GLASPIE: We have many Americans who would like to see the price go above $25 because they come from oil-producing states.

HUSSEIN: The price at one stage had dropped to $12 a barrel and a reduction in the modest Iraqi budget of $6 billion to $7 billion is a disaster.

GLASPIE: I think I understand this. I have lived here for years. I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.

I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60's. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction. We hope you can solve this problem using any suitable methods via Klibi or via President Mubarak. All that we hope is that these issues are solved quickly. With regard to all of this, can I ask you to see how the issue appears to us?

We used Saddam Hussein.....much like we used Noriega, in Panama.....or, even Diệm, in 'Nam.

When they were serving our greater-needs, they were free to do what they wanted!!

When our "partnership", with them, became inconvenient, they were "taken-out"; in one-way-or-another.

As-far-as them being a threat, to us.....even THE arms-inspector knew that was BULLSHIT!!


October 28, 2002

"If no one were watching, Iraq could do this. But just as with the nuclear weapons programme, they'd have to start from scratch, having been deprived of all equipment, facilities and research. They'd have to procure the complicated tools and technology required through front companies. This would be detected. The manufacture of chemical weapons emits vented gases that would have been detected by now if they existed. We've been watching, via satellite and other means, and have seen none of this. If Iraq was producing weapons today, we'd have definitive proof, plain and simple."
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What a joke, Saddam was not used by the USA, Saddam was just a Arab whack job who came to power in the traditional Arab way, murder.

Iraq was first British, then on their own, sort of, they were a Soviet state as in getting money and arms from the Communist. Lets not forget the French, they were busy, selling the nuclear program to Iraq.

Saddam deserved to be conquered, Saddam deserved a kick in the ass. about the best thing we could do in the Middle East, its a shame we stopped at Saddam.

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