Note to Bush: Stop throwing our Intelligence Community under the bus!

Thanks Shaman.
Lets also not forget that our government had an official no comment stance when Sadam used chemical WMD's on Iranian troops.

Anyone remember who was president then?'s Bush's fault that 25 million Iraqis were freed from oppression under a ruthless tyrant and his blood-thirsty sons.

It's the Dems fault for doing everything in their power to make that into a negative.

I keep thinking of the reaction if Obama had freed 25 million people from oppression. That little WMD deal would have been almost totally ignored by the left.

Trying to take the moral argument over a war that should of never have happened in the first place, priceless. :lol:
I keep seeing the same tactics being used by the Democrats on everything.

They plant the seed or idea and everyone runs with it because it makes sense.

They did this to turn Iraqi freedom into lying about WMDs.

They also did this to turn defending this country from illegals and possible terrorist attacks into racism and discrimination. Cass Sustein's information cascade method was used to attain this.

Except the war was never about the Iraqi's freedom until after the failure to find WMDs occurred. If Bush truly cared about the Iraqi people, he would of gotten rid of the sanctions that killed 500,000 Iraqi children along with the weekly bombings by the U.S.
After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?

True but they did have Russia.........



Talking Points for Rumsfeld-Franks Meeting in November 2001 Outline Policy Makers’ Aims for the Conflict and Postwar Rule of Iraq
Yep the bring freedom and democracy thing was about the third excuse I think.
Wasn't revenge for 911 the first one, kinda combined with fear mongering about WMD's? Then get rid of Sadam, he is a bad guy? Then bring democracy to the Iraqi?
then it became , well we can't just leave, that would be rude of us.
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Yep the bring freedom and democracy thing was about the third excuse I think.
Wasn't revenge for 911 the first one, kinda combined with fear mongering about WMD's? Then get rid of Sadam, he is a bad guy? Then bring democracy to the Iraqi?

I don't believe for a minute that conservatives in this country give a hoot about "democracy". The "filibuster" party pretty much squats on democracy in this country.

And then there was a previous post from a right winger poster who said we "liberated" 25 million people in Iraq, which is pure delusion. Iraq is now under Sharia Law, by constitution. It's women are living in burkas and have been pretty much reduced to slave status. We did that. We could have put any constitution in place we wanted, after all, we were the government by force. For those that say we should let them have their own government, they already had their own government. And look how much they wanted one like ours. Not at all.

Instead, a far right wing religious government was installed. And the people show appreciation by chanting "death to America" and throwing shoes at the president".

The American right is delusional. They created a disaster in Iraq and refuse to see what's right in front of them.

I'm sure, in a way, they know. Look at all the vitriol they threw at me for simply telling the truth.

I don't understand how the right wing could agree that our CIA is so inept and a bunch of liars.
Note to rdean: Go fuck yourself.

Guess I hit a sore spot. Oops.

was there even a point to this thread?
I was thinking the same.

There's no mention, whatsoever, to President Cheney!!!!!! :eusa_eh:

"Dick Cheney was CTEG's patron. He had the group present its material at OVP and the National Security Council. He made frequent public remarks, drawing on CTEG conclusions, alleging an al-Qaida/Saddam connection. (Even after the 9/11 commission delivered its verdict that there was no collaborative relationship between the two sides, Cheney announced that the evidence of the Bin Laden-Baghdad ties was "overwhelming.") John Hannah, a Cheney aide who became the vice president's national security adviser after Libby's resignation, recycled some of the material into a draft of the speech Secretary of State Colin Powell was to give at the United Nations in February 2003—a draft that Powell threw out, calling it "bullshit."
Our current excuse for not leaving Iraq seems to be it would be rude to leave them after decimating their country and killing tens of thousands of them.

Besides we don't have our oil interests fully in place yet.
Attacking Iraq to get rid of Saddam is about the best thing any recent president has done.
Ah, yes......Republicans have always been the masters o' cover-up!!!

(Whatta shame Big Dick Nixon isn't here, to verify that. :rolleyes: )​

Thank God Saddam is gone, now we need to destroy all the other tyrants in the middle east. It is obvious they are still not ready to govern themselves.
No doubt. They're lookin' more-suspicious, daily..... :rolleyes:



It's the '60s, in Iran.

Don't fuck-it-UP!!!!!!
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After Bush Sr. drove Iraq out of Kuwait, does anyone believe our intelligence community simply stopped keeping an eye on Iraq?

We saw their military in action. We knew what was destroyed.

We helped put sanctions on Iraq. The entire Middle East was watching Iraq because they invaded an Arab neighbor.

Iraq had no real industry. No real manufacturing.

But they were putting together a military complex capable of attacking the US? After the US drove them out of Kuwait?

What will be the reaction from the Intelligence Community to Bush's book?
Probably will be the same reaction it was to the 9/11 Commission's report about the IC. Same info, different source.

I keep seeing the same tactics being used by the Democrats on everything.

They plant the seed or idea and everyone runs with it because it makes sense.
Yeah.....whatta crime.

I keep seeing the same tactics being used by the Democrats on everything.

They plant the seed or idea and everyone runs with it because it makes sense.

They did this to turn Iraqi freedom into lying about WMDs.

They also did this to turn defending this country from illegals and possible terrorist attacks into racism and discrimination. Cass Sustein's information cascade method was used to attain this.

Except the war was never about the Iraqi's freedom until after the failure to find WMDs occurred. If Bush truly cared about the Iraqi people, he would of gotten rid of the sanctions that killed 500,000 Iraqi children along with the weekly bombings by the U.S.
That's what's so amusing about "conservatives'" arguments.....what exposes them for the History-challenged dolts they are.....

We WERE able to "contain" the Soviet Union (as large as it WAS), until it imploded.....but, "containing" Iraq was too-difficult.

Could there BE a more-significant example of "conservatives'" LAZINESS??!!!

I'm sure, in a way, they know. Look at all the vitriol they threw at me for simply telling the truth.

the reason?.....when you make a statement like this......

Quote Rdean....."Republicans want to kill all gays"....and just cant seem to back it up then throw quotes from the Radical Christian Right or some Far Right lunatic as your proof ....yea your going to be treated like the Dishonest piece of shit you are.....

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