Not to complain, but this is Insane!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
I don't know what is going on, and maybe I don't want to know what is going on, so that I can enjoy this while it lasts...

But for goodness sakes, it is slightly past the middle of March and it was 84 DEGREES today, IN MAINE!!!! north of Midcoast Maine....
Yesterday it was 80 degrees. It was cooler in Miami today than here in the Downeast region of maine

Our last record high for this took place in 1949 and it was 66 degrees as the record high.

Jimminee Cricket!

matt was off yesterday so we went to the beach to hunt for rocks and Sea Glass....the tide was out and I found more beautiful sea glass in this one "looking" than I have the entire 5 years of hunting since I have lived here....

I am figuring it was so bountiful because it wasn't picked over yet, and I was the first one to look for it in the winter, before the summer residents get here. It was lovely outside and today, today I wish I had air condition...again, in MAINE in MARCH, when we normally have not even had the first thaw and 20 inches of snow is still on the ground from the winter build up....

STRANGE strange strange weather we are having here....I'm loving it, but it is scary weird at the same time....
Saw an old guy at the post office today. Must be in his 80's. Said he's never seen anything like this.
I really think these solar flares that have been coming at us recently is the main cause of this freaky weather, but I don't know that for sure....I am just guessing.....

It's absolutely AMAZING though, just unbelievable...truly unbelievable to see this type of weather up here this time of the year....and I am loving it and thinking that matt and I could have ended up making the best investment of our life buying this home near the beach, up here for a song and dance and maybe in the long run, (when we become a resort town year round :) ), a wind fall on it! :D
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Getting lots of snow in Western Oregon and Washington, it barely snows in the winter but this late in the year?
I don't know what is going on, and maybe I don't want to know what is going on, so that I can enjoy this while it lasts...

But for goodness sakes, it is slightly past the middle of March and it was 84 DEGREES today, IN MAINE!!!! north of Midcoast Maine....
Yesterday it was 80 degrees. It was cooler in Miami today than here in the Downeast region of maine

Our last record high for this took place in 1949 and it was 66 degrees as the record high.

Jimminee Cricket!

matt was off yesterday so we went to the beach to hunt for rocks and Sea Glass....the tide was out and I found more beautiful sea glass in this one "looking" than I have the entire 5 years of hunting since I have lived here....

I am figuring it was so bountiful because it wasn't picked over yet, and I was the first one to look for it in the winter, before the summer residents get here. It was lovely outside and today, today I wish I had air condition...again, in MAINE in MARCH, when we normally have not even had the first thaw and 20 inches of snow is still on the ground from the winter build up....

STRANGE strange strange weather we are having here....I'm loving it, but it is scary weird at the same time....

Yeah, and across Europe they've had record cold temps unseen in at least 50 years. What conclusion can we draw from this? The earth's climate is as unpredictable as ever. We don't know if we're cooling or warming.
Nature is the shit!!!

Im in New York.......last winter I shoveled snow for 8 or 9 weeks straight. These 70 degree temps are the shit too.
we had a pretty good year last year as well, up here in downeast maine....we had very little snow last year too, while people south of us in New England got tons more than was still cold though....

This year has just been a mind blower!
Nature is the shit!!!

Im in New York.......last winter I shoveled snow for 8 or 9 weeks straight. These 70 degree temps are the shit too.
we had a pretty good year last year as well, up here in downeast maine....we had very little snow last year too, while people south of us in New England got tons more than was still cold though....

This year has just been a mind blower!
Last summer wa one of the mildest ever. No heat waves anywhere. Temperatures were extremely moderate comparitively. "Summer" never really arrived in many places. What can we make of this?
"Wilder and wider swings with an overall warming"

Right on schedule.

Now we are in the second La Nina in a row. We should have had a cold winter with a lot of precipitation. December almost broke the record for lack of rain, and was much warmer than usual. January was normal wet, cool. Same for February. March. Cold for March, and a lot of precipitation. Had 1/2 inch of snow on the deck this morning, neighbors in the West Hills had 4" to 5" of snow. The ornemental cherries had started blooming in February, they are still in the process of blooming. Usually we have daffadils and tulips blooming by now. Not this year.

Given that we are in a double La Nina, March is what the other winter months should have been. As for 87 degrees in Chicago, and 84 degrees in Maine, WOW.

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