Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Plus...if you know you are about to die, you can go out with a blast, or leave the left over money to your family.

Or you could go on one big blast and then leave the next 20 years with nothing, because the doctor fucked up.

Or you could die and leave your family with massive debts.

Again how many times do I have to say this, I even posted pictures of my self..

Not a fat ass, I don't ever go to the doctor, I get a boo boo I stitch it up myself.

Yeah, and then you get cancer. Then what?

People in China get cancer, you know what happens to them?

I'll show you.

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate - BBC News

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate"

"Xu Ting, 26, was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system, earlier this year."

"However, she chose not to undergo chemotherapy, saying she had seen friends suffer from the procedure, and was concerned about the cost."

Ok, you are going to have to fill me in. What does this have to do with people worried about having money to retire on?

You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?
Or you could go on one big blast and then leave the next 20 years with nothing, because the doctor fucked up.

Or you could die and leave your family with massive debts.

Again how many times do I have to say this, I even posted pictures of my self..

Not a fat ass, I don't ever go to the doctor, I get a boo boo I stitch it up myself.

Yeah, and then you get cancer. Then what?

People in China get cancer, you know what happens to them?

I'll show you.

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate - BBC News

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate"

"Xu Ting, 26, was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system, earlier this year."

"However, she chose not to undergo chemotherapy, saying she had seen friends suffer from the procedure, and was concerned about the cost."

Ok, you are going to have to fill me in. What does this have to do with people worried about having money to retire on?

You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?

The point being, again, that things happen that you can't control.

Some get cancer at 26. Some live to 120. You can't control that. You could save up X amount of money, retire at 60, decide you have X amount for every decade, get to 90 and run out of money.
Again how many times do I have to say this, I even posted pictures of my self..

Not a fat ass, I don't ever go to the doctor, I get a boo boo I stitch it up myself.

Yeah, and then you get cancer. Then what?

People in China get cancer, you know what happens to them?

I'll show you.

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate - BBC News

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate"

"Xu Ting, 26, was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system, earlier this year."

"However, she chose not to undergo chemotherapy, saying she had seen friends suffer from the procedure, and was concerned about the cost."

Ok, you are going to have to fill me in. What does this have to do with people worried about having money to retire on?

You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?

The point being, again, that things happen that you can't control.

Some get cancer at 26. Some live to 120. You can't control that. You could save up X amount of money, retire at 60, decide you have X amount for every decade, get to 90 and run out of money.

... and you can get to be 70 and the government runs out of money for Social Security and you are fucked for the next 20 years of your life.
Yeah, and then you get cancer. Then what?

People in China get cancer, you know what happens to them?

I'll show you.

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate - BBC News

Chinese actress' death sparks cancer treatment debate"

"Xu Ting, 26, was diagnosed with lymphoma, a form of cancer that affects the immune system, earlier this year."

"However, she chose not to undergo chemotherapy, saying she had seen friends suffer from the procedure, and was concerned about the cost."

Ok, you are going to have to fill me in. What does this have to do with people worried about having money to retire on?

You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?

The point being, again, that things happen that you can't control.

Some get cancer at 26. Some live to 120. You can't control that. You could save up X amount of money, retire at 60, decide you have X amount for every decade, get to 90 and run out of money.

... and you can get to be 70 and the government runs out of money for Social Security and you are fucked for the next 20 years of your life.

Yeah, and if the govt runs out of money at the age of 70, then you're probably fucked whether you have a pension, or investments or whatever anyway.

Go back to 1920s and 1930s Germany. Inflation killed off all value of the Deutsch Mark, so a pension that paid you 200 Marks a month would have not bought you a slice of bread 6 months later.

No one has money to buy gold, it might help you later on when the economy recovers, but basically if the country is that fucked, you're fucked too.
Ok, you are going to have to fill me in. What does this have to do with people worried about having money to retire on?

You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?

The point being, again, that things happen that you can't control.

Some get cancer at 26. Some live to 120. You can't control that. You could save up X amount of money, retire at 60, decide you have X amount for every decade, get to 90 and run out of money.

... and you can get to be 70 and the government runs out of money for Social Security and you are fucked for the next 20 years of your life.

Yeah, and if the govt runs out of money at the age of 70, then you're probably fucked whether you have a pension, or investments or whatever anyway.

Go back to 1920s and 1930s Germany. Inflation killed off all value of the Deutsch Mark, so a pension that paid you 200 Marks a month would have not bought you a slice of bread 6 months later.

No one has money to buy gold, it might help you later on when the economy recovers, but basically if the country is that fucked, you're fucked too.

... but if you have your own money, then you're still buying bread. You're not going to convince me on this subject. As long as the government is going to dip into Social Security for other programs, and as long as Social Security shrinks each year instead of growing... and the chances are it isn't going to still be viable in 25 years, I think people should be able to take care of their own retirement funds.
You're going to have to fill me in, seeing as you were the one saying you weren't a fat ass.

However, the point I was getting at is that things happen that you can't control. As much as you've decided you are in total control of your destiny, it's just not true. Tomorrow something could happen and you could fucked.

In China they don't have Social Security, they don't have free medical treatment. One day this girl woke up and something she couldn't control destroyed her. Why couldn't it happen to you?

You are quoting the wrong person, and what good would retirement do for a 26 year old dying of cancer?

The point being, again, that things happen that you can't control.

Some get cancer at 26. Some live to 120. You can't control that. You could save up X amount of money, retire at 60, decide you have X amount for every decade, get to 90 and run out of money.

... and you can get to be 70 and the government runs out of money for Social Security and you are fucked for the next 20 years of your life.

Yeah, and if the govt runs out of money at the age of 70, then you're probably fucked whether you have a pension, or investments or whatever anyway.

Go back to 1920s and 1930s Germany. Inflation killed off all value of the Deutsch Mark, so a pension that paid you 200 Marks a month would have not bought you a slice of bread 6 months later.

No one has money to buy gold, it might help you later on when the economy recovers, but basically if the country is that fucked, you're fucked too.

... but if you have your own money, then you're still buying bread. You're not going to convince me on this subject. As long as the government is going to dip into Social Security for other programs, and as long as Social Security shrinks each year instead of growing... and the chances are it isn't going to still be viable in 25 years, I think people should be able to take care of their own retirement funds.

Well the "as long as" part is where we might agree. The govt shouldn't be dipping into social security. This is a matter of the voters voting in those who won't do such a thing. It's a matter of standing up and making govt accountable. Clearly it's not accountable now, so, you have a vote, don't vote Rep or Dem.

You say nothing is going to change, then social security isn't going to go away and they're going to keep dipping into it.

Either we suggest alternatives for ways to stop this happening, or we accept it.

You seem to accept one part but not the other, see one as inevitable but not the other part, which is confusing.
If Donald was paying taxes he didn't need to pay, he would be stupid. It's not that hard a concept. OP mad that Trump isn't a politically correct POS.
You are supporting a candidate for public office who brags about not paying taxes. Whose tax dollars are we to use to support the military, infrastructure, etc.? You are so ridiculous. You want to turn this into a 3rd world country...have a despot as leader. Unbelievable.

And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. Neither you nor anyone else has a right nor has any business judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated.

But a good woman, a decent woman doesn't.

Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.

Are you really gonna compare hillary's "christian tenets"..... she supports eugenics.

Also not sure why it bothers you that I merely bring up that other women see her as a shallow and weak failure.

I guess you also think that domestic violence victims who stay with their abuser are somehow strong leaders....

Don't project your insecurities on me and my posts. I am just stating what strong women are already thinking.
Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. You or anyone HAS NO RIGHT and NO BUSINESS judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated. Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Someone is very angry and confused. Bad combo for a liberal. Hope he doesn't start shooting.

You are a fucking crazy asshole.

You people are judging Hillary for her personal choices in her marriage when most of you are breaking your own marriage vows right and left. Monumental hypocrites.

Actually Bill has broken their marriage vows repeatedly. And the reality is that Hillary needed him to gain any sort of power and influence to further her own career.

Had she been a strong woman and divorced him years ago she would still be in Arkansas defending child molesters and crushing little girls on the stand.

Too bad she wasn't strong enough to make her own way..... heck now she can't even campaign without falling over and coughing over and over.

She's worthless..... face it
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .

You are so fucking judgmental. You or anyone HAS NO RIGHT and NO BUSINESS judging anyone's marriage or anyone's roll in their marriage but your own. Maybe right wing, hypocritical, nose up their own asses women look down on a woman who stays with a husband who cheated. Ironically, leaving your husband because he cheated goes against Christian, as RW women generally claim to be holier than thou Christians, they are not living up to their religious beliefs when it comes to marriage and until 'death do us part.' What bloody great hypocrites you people are. You insist on your 'religious values' when it comes to hating gays, for example, but when it comes to shitting on your marriage vows, you've all got monumental diarrhea.
Someone is very angry and confused. Bad combo for a liberal. Hope he doesn't start shooting.

You are a fucking crazy asshole.

You people are judging Hillary for her personal choices in her marriage when most of you are breaking your own marriage vows right and left. Monumental hypocrites.

I have a just one question ..did anyone ever see Bill or hillary mouth . I love you" to one another?

Its like obama and Michelle relationship.

Ronnie had Nancy

George has Barbara

George Jr has Laura

Why does Bill and hillary and obama and Michelle look like both a marriage of convience ..?

Because for them it's all about the money. That Tranny isn't leaving obama now .... the Iranians, Saudi's, Soros, and the Muslim Brotherhood are getting ready to fund the obama foundation to ridiculous levels.
Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.
No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

OY VEY @ "cultured" Hubris is not actually an English word-----but it would show up in either an unabridged dictionary or a fairly comprehensive dictionary

Show me where I said it was an English word?

my point is that it may not show up in some dictionaries. I will add------you would be amazed to know how many people never read those classics required in the ninth grade. Hubris
is a kind of word some people just never wanted to understand.

The literary use of hubris and the definition are not the same thing.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

As well as an unpatriotic douche.
It wasn't enough to pay only 5-10%, he needed to get it to zero.

We do not know how much he paid why do you assume it was 0 ?

Because Shillary speculated that it might be 0?

Because he didn't refute it but actually took the opportunity to call himself smart for it.

So a quick answer to a what if, purely speculative with no basis in truth remark is now the absolute truth

We're getting there. He will continue to be raked over the coals for not releasing.
Funny how it doesn't seem to be hurting him in the polls
Hillary used to donate Slick's used underwear and take a deduction for them.

More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Are you serious?

Globetrotting on the private jet owned by the foundation.
Hobnobbing with celebs and dignitaries on the foundation's dime

There are thousands of ways to use so called charitable donations for your own benefit
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

If it's legal what do you care?

All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

Then why should they get a pass on the income tax?

If its legal what do you care? *slaps knee*
So he obeys the law and follows the tax codes and that's somehow wrong

If D. Trump is following the law, why is he hiding his taxes?

Rich folk, like D. Trump not paying taxes? - No wonder our troops in Iraq were scrounging around in Iraqi garbage dumps for armor.


He's not hiding them he has no obligation to release them
And yes I'm sure that it's Trump's taxes that support ALL the troops in Iraq
No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.
You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word
I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word

Dude...the literary device was created long before it was ever given a definition and put in a dictionary.
I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.

Prideful is an acceptable term for hubris.

and FYI hubris is not a result.

Prideful is an element of hubris.

Hubris is extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall.

Hubris - Examples and Definition of Hubris

Same as I said before. It's a concept, a literary device, an act, not an adjective.

Now on to discussing things worthwhile.

It's a noun not an adjective.
And the literary device is a use of the word not the definition of the word

Dude...the literary device was created long before it was ever given a definition and put in a dictionary.

the word had to be defined before it could be used as a literary device

Do you think the ancient Greeks didn't have definitions of words?

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