Not All Conservatives Thrilled About Romney VP Pick

I've looked for how many Democrats responded versus GOP to this poll but the poll didn't ask that question.

The poll of 1,006 adults was taken Sunday.
So using the fact
Registered Democrats 42 million voters, 43.8% or 12% MORE Democrats then GOP.
30 million Republicans 31.3%
24 million independents 25%
Voters are leaving main parties in droves

Therefore using the above ratio for the USA/GAllup polled had :
440 Democrat responses or 125 MORE Democrats then GOP..
314 GOP
252 Independent!
So NATURALLY with a poll question to 125 MORE DEMOCRATS the GOP there would be a negative response to Ryan!

Once again as it is with all things MSM bias does NOT explain the details that CHANGE the story dramatically!
Barack Obama

Bills Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Barack Obama

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan

You will note the lie being told by Lakhota.

Paul managed to get 2 voted into law.

When you check the link to Obama, the number of bills actually in law isn't listed anywhere. Also note, he managed to sign his name to hundreds, but was not instrumental in writing any.

Game, set, match.

Senator Obama has sponsored or co-sponsored 570 bills in the 109th and 110th Congress.

Senator Obama has sponsored or co-sponsored 15 bills that have become LAW since he joined the Senate in 2005.

Senator Obama has also introduced amendments to 50 bills, of which 16 were adopted by the Senate.

His record is in fact quite impressive for a junior Senator from Illinois.

Most of his legislative effort has been in the areas of:

Energy Efficiency and Climate Change (25 bills)
Health care (21 bills) and public health (20 bills)
Consumer protection/labor (14 bills)
The needs of Veterans and the Armed Forces (13 bills)
Congressional Ethics and Accountability (12 bills)
Foreign Policy (10 bills)
Voting and Elections (9 bills)
Education (7 bills)
Hurricane Katrina Relief (6)
The Environment (5 bills)
Homeland Security (4 bills)
Discrimination (4 bills)

List of Laws Senator Obama got passed
By Ian Millhiser

In April of 2011, after Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan had been House Budget Chair for only a few months, he convinced nearly the entire House GOP caucus to vote for a laissez-faire budget resolution that would slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, and destroy Medicaid’s promise to provide health care to the most vulnerable Americans. Like his running mate Mitt Romney’s tax plan, the Ryan Plan also combined austerity for the poor and the middle class with large tax cuts for the rich.

The Ryan Plan that passed the House in 2011 is most famous, however, for its multiple step plan to phase out Medicare. Let us say that again so we are perfectly clear about what the Ryan Plan does to Medicare. It does not just “end Medicare as we know it” and it certainly does not “reform” Medicare.” The Ryan Plan simply ends Medicare, although it admittedly takes some time for it to achieve this goal.

More w/Chart (worth reading): Paul Ryan's Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period | ThinkProgress

Has it been voted into law? Then dumbass, it doesn't end medicare.
"Medicare is socialism! We need to get rid of all this socialist crap".


"Paul Ryan's plan gets rid of Medicare".


"How dare you accuse us of trying to get rid of Medicare"

Rinse, repeat.
By Ian Millhiser

In April of 2011, after Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan had been House Budget Chair for only a few months, he convinced nearly the entire House GOP caucus to vote for a laissez-faire budget resolution that would slash education, raise taxes on the middle class, and destroy Medicaid’s promise to provide health care to the most vulnerable Americans. Like his running mate Mitt Romney’s tax plan, the Ryan Plan also combined austerity for the poor and the middle class with large tax cuts for the rich.

The Ryan Plan that passed the House in 2011 is most famous, however, for its multiple step plan to phase out Medicare. Let us say that again so we are perfectly clear about what the Ryan Plan does to Medicare. It does not just “end Medicare as we know it” and it certainly does not “reform” Medicare.” The Ryan Plan simply ends Medicare, although it admittedly takes some time for it to achieve this goal.

More w/Chart (worth reading): Paul Ryan's Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period | ThinkProgress

No it doesn't end Medicare--those under than 55 years old can still opt for Medicare. The only difference is they can make choices as to which health care policy they want.

STOP WITH THE LIES ends Medicare, period.

Medicare becomes a "capped" program. And if you don't get the funding for that expensive will die.

Governor Jan Brewer did the proof of concept. She directly cut funding for 2 expensive operations that caused the deaths of 2 Americans.
Here is why democrats are panicked.

The Path to Prosperity (Episode 1): America's two futures, visualized - YouTube

"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

Go to the 1:59 portion of that Ryan video.

If he's wrong about the numbers, then show us, libs.

Show us.

But if he's RIGHT, then WTF are you assholes caterwauling about?

If our government spends on medical "insurance" and retirement obligations and interest on the debt almost 70 cents on the dollar it takes in ALREADY and that is (without a dramatic change in the way we go about doing things) heading for 100 cents of every dollar we send in, then that will leave HOW much for the OTHER 9some even legitimate) obligations of our government?

Is there ANY figure at which you liberal sheep are willing to concede that the confiscatory tax system is taking too much?

Haven't ANY of you libs grasped the simple (but correct) notion about killing the golden goose?
Dems 2008: These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis

Dems 2012: These two entities -- Medicare and Social Security -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis
But the scare tactics being used by the Democrats, as predictable as they are, are not honest. Well, they're lies. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's okay - is this a good time for lies?

And the scare tactics used by Republicans aren't? Death Panels? Government takeover? Puhleese.

No, Ryan's plan won't "end" Medicare...It will just end Medicare as we know it.

Agreed, the Republicans are lying too. They're half the problem. No argument there.

We need to end Medicare as we know it. I think we all know that. The question is how. Medicare makes the Social Security problem look like a trip to the park.

I answered your question.


No we don't. We can fix Medicare without decimating it for future generations.

Make Medicare the public option most Americans wanted.
If he's wrong about the numbers, then show us, libs.

His implication seems to be that if he finds a way to hide the costs of care by getting them off the government books (and onto the backs of seniors, for instance), then they've magically gone away.

But unless he wants to advance a plan that includes some cost controls (which he hasn't yet), that isn't so. He's just cooking the books to make the government's ledger look better. And seniors worse off.


The Democrats admit that Medicare needs to be changed. But they scream about "ending Medicare as we know it." Well, that's what change is. If the Democrats change Medicare in their way, they're also "ending Medicare as we know it."

My head is about to explode. This is madness. I think I'll go to the office now.


Obama did make some pretty fundamental changes to Medicare..and where it was scored to be "bankrupt" in thanks to the's scored to be "bankrupt" in 2024.

Was it magic? Nope.

It was going through the books..finding inefficiencies and getting rid of them.

Unfortunately for the private sector..those efficiencies cost them big. It stopped the flow of government dollars.

Which is why alot of them are up in arms.
One side gives a shit; the other side doesn't.

What's funny, and sad, is that many wingnuts don't know what they're talking about.

Obama has bent over backward trying to deal with these Teabagger Republicans, but they don't want anything he's willing to agree to. For example...

Paul Ryan Debt Ceiling Bill: Why Did He Advocate Killing The Grand Bargain?

"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
Medicare is a slow motion train wreck. There's no bottom line accountability and it's in everyone interest to try to jack up cost as much as possible.

Also that Obamaroids are telling us they cut $500 billion and it made the programs better has me scratching my head. How bad a program is it if that's possible?
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If Ryan is a bad VP pick, What is Biden?

Biden knows how this works, he isn't trying to be president and he's very good at his job. Ryan thinks he's running for president because everyone hates it that Romney won the primaries. Ryan sees himself as a hero coming to save the party. :lol:
There no bottom line accountability and it's it everyone interest to try to jack up cost as much as possible.

Not anymore, Frankie. That's the point of reforming Medicare. Providers are now assuming accountability for patient populations and their financial incentives are being realigned to encourage high-value care, not just high-volume care. Better care, slower cost growth. Win-win.

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation
Shared Savings Program | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
it'll cost $6000 MORE per person in out of pocket expenses vs Medicare is the estimate....

all he is doing is cutting everyones benefits and making you pay more for it and bankrupting the medicare system by taking funds out of it and giving it to the FOR PROFIT insurance companies.....

His plan is for making medicare as we know it, whither on the vine... the devil is in the details

That's false.

It distributes the costs MORE to those who can more readily afford it and far less to those who cannot afford it so well. And the real detail you gloss right over doesn't go away when you stick your head in the sand as you do.

The REAL detail is that the costs are going up: period.

The Ryan plan allows the overall system to survive.

The President's illusory efforts and non plan is what will kill Medicare entirely.
Doing nothing (also known as the Obama "plan") WILL, however, terminate Medicare.

The alternative approach has never been to do nothing.


There is no Obama plan beyond the very thing Ryan pointed out in the video. And layering the system with a bunch of bureacrats does NOTHING to fix what is fundamentally broken.

There IS no actual "plan" by the Administration to save Medicare (which might explain why he fucking raided it by almost 3/4 of a trillion to cobble that stupid ObamaTax plan together).

Ergo, his "plan" IS to do nothing.

Kick the can down the road. Fucking idiot libs.
If he's wrong about the numbers, then show us, libs.

His implication seems to be that if he finds a way to hide the costs of care by getting them off the government books (and onto the backs of seniors, for instance), then they've magically gone away.

But unless he wants to advance a plan that includes some cost controls (which he hasn't yet), that isn't so. He's just cooking the books to make the government's ledger look better. And seniors worse off.

False. That's not even remotely what he implies or seems to imply.

I said "show," not "bloviate some more."


The Democrats admit that Medicare needs to be changed. But they scream about "ending Medicare as we know it." Well, that's what change is. If the Democrats change Medicare in their way, they're also "ending Medicare as we know it."

My head is about to explode. This is madness. I think I'll go to the office now.


Obama did make some pretty fundamental changes to Medicare..and where it was scored to be "bankrupt" in thanks to the's scored to be "bankrupt" in 2024.

Was it magic? Nope.

It was going through the books..finding inefficiencies and getting rid of them.

Unfortunately for the private sector..those efficiencies cost them big. It stopped the flow of government dollars.

Which is why alot of them are up in arms.

All his "plan" does is delay the inevitable...bankruptcy of medicare. may not agree with Ryans plan....but he was bold enough to present it...he did not worry about what was politically expedient. He knows there is an issue and he put his career on the line with a viable solution. Is it a solution that will be economically BEST for the American people as it pertains to senior caqre down the road? No. Of course not. There can NOT be a plan like that for the economically BEST plan for individuals is what put thew system on the road of disaster.

So he propsed a plan that will allow Americans to prepare....todays seniors...and all who will become seniors in the next ten years do not need to worry. Ryan is well aware that they have no time to nothing will change for them.

Those that are 45-54 are the ones that will hurt the most...for they have little time to prepare.....but someone is going to have to tkae a hit.

Now...all that being said....we all know Obamas desire.,..he wants a single payer system for all through life.....I applaud the idea....but I dont necessarily think it is a good one....but those that say they want it are bold and deserve an applause.

But Obama is showing he is more wrapped up in his political career than he is in solving problems. He should go out there and say "my plan is a single payer system from the day you are born to the day you die." But he knows he will lose many independents with that...

So criticize ryans plan all you want....but at least he had the balls to present one.

Put some thought into this. Who is better for our country right with the balls to present a plan...or one with no balls at all?

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