Norwegians got what they deserved

Please accept my humble apologies. I didn't know that Lieberman, someone who belongs to a party that got a tiny part of the vote, spoke for everyone.
So was the Mavi Marmara. Now THEY got what was coming.

Yes, there are a lot Jews who make fun of the dead.
We don't forget our dead and sooner or later you will pay the price for what you did.


You sail into our sea, you attack our men and women - yeah. You're fucked.
Please accept my humble apologies. I didn't know that Lieberman, someone who belongs to a party that got a tiny part of the vote, spoke for everyone.

So, you are a banana-state and the words and deeds of the FM aren't binding?
You sail into our sea, you attack our men and women - yeah. You're fucked.

This time you fucked with the wrong guys.

Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey faced turmoil within its military on Saturday after the country's four most senior commanders quit in protest over the detention of 250 officers on charges of conspiring against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government.

Chief of General Staff General Isik Kosaner stepped down on Friday evening along with the army, navy and air force commanders, plunging NATO's second largest armed forces into uncertainty just days before a key promotions board convenes.

In a farewell message to "brothers in arms," Kosaner said it was impossible for him to continue in his role as he was unable to defend the rights of men who had been detained as a consequence of a flawed judicial process.

Relations between the secularist military and Erdogan's socially conservative Justice and Development Party (AK) have been fraught since it first won power in 2002, due to mistrust of the AK's Islamist roots.

In years gone by, Turkey's generals were more likely to mount a coup than quit, but Erdogan has ended the military's past dominance through a series of reforms aimed at advancing Turkey's chances of joining the European Union.

The subordination of the generals was starkly demonstrated last year when police began detaining scores of officers over "Operation Sledgehammer," an alleged plot against Erdogan's government discussed at a military seminar in 2003.

The officers say Sledgehammer was merely a war game exercise and the evidence against them has been fabricated.

Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit - Yahoo! News
Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey faced turmoil within its military on Saturday after the country's four most senior commanders quit in protest over the detention of 250 officers on charges of conspiring against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government.

Chief of General Staff General Isik Kosaner stepped down on Friday evening along with the army, navy and air force commanders, plunging NATO's second largest armed forces into uncertainty just days before a key promotions board convenes.

In a farewell message to "brothers in arms," Kosaner said it was impossible for him to continue in his role as he was unable to defend the rights of men who had been detained as a consequence of a flawed judicial process.

Relations between the secularist military and Erdogan's socially conservative Justice and Development Party (AK) have been fraught since it first won power in 2002, due to mistrust of the AK's Islamist roots.

In years gone by, Turkey's generals were more likely to mount a coup than quit, but Erdogan has ended the military's past dominance through a series of reforms aimed at advancing Turkey's chances of joining the European Union.

The subordination of the generals was starkly demonstrated last year when police began detaining scores of officers over "Operation Sledgehammer," an alleged plot against Erdogan's government discussed at a military seminar in 2003.

The officers say Sledgehammer was merely a war game exercise and the evidence against them has been fabricated.

Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit - Yahoo! News

If you don't agree with elected people, step aside.
There are other Officers waiting to be promoted.
Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey faced turmoil within its military on Saturday after the country's four most senior commanders quit in protest over the detention of 250 officers on charges of conspiring against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government.

Chief of General Staff General Isik Kosaner stepped down on Friday evening along with the army, navy and air force commanders, plunging NATO's second largest armed forces into uncertainty just days before a key promotions board convenes.

In a farewell message to "brothers in arms," Kosaner said it was impossible for him to continue in his role as he was unable to defend the rights of men who had been detained as a consequence of a flawed judicial process.

Relations between the secularist military and Erdogan's socially conservative Justice and Development Party (AK) have been fraught since it first won power in 2002, due to mistrust of the AK's Islamist roots.

In years gone by, Turkey's generals were more likely to mount a coup than quit, but Erdogan has ended the military's past dominance through a series of reforms aimed at advancing Turkey's chances of joining the European Union.

The subordination of the generals was starkly demonstrated last year when police began detaining scores of officers over "Operation Sledgehammer," an alleged plot against Erdogan's government discussed at a military seminar in 2003.

The officers say Sledgehammer was merely a war game exercise and the evidence against them has been fabricated.

Turkey's military in turmoil as top brass quit - Yahoo! News

If you don't agree with elected people, step aside.
There are other Officers waiting to be promoted.

Yeah other less experienced officers, There is a lot of trouble brewing in Turkey and it isn’t going to be pretty. I love the way you over estimate the military relevance of Turkey. Erdogan is taking Turkey in the wrong direction, they are groveling to get in the EU what a joke.
Yeah other less experienced officers, There is a lot of trouble brewing in Turkey and it isn’t going to be pretty. I love the way you over estimate the military relevance of Turkey. Erdogan is taking Turkey in the wrong direction, they are groveling to get in the EU what a joke.

No, there's no trouble brewing.
Government is in it's 3rd term with 49.83% votes, economy grew in Q1 by 11%.
You don't like the verdict of the people, you step aside.
That's what they did, and the glory of the Republic will continue without these people.

You like them much? You import them to America and let them play babysitter for Obama and step back from your principle of civilian rule over the Army.
Yeah other less experienced officers, There is a lot of trouble brewing in Turkey and it isn’t going to be pretty. I love the way you over estimate the military relevance of Turkey. Erdogan is taking Turkey in the wrong direction, they are groveling to get in the EU what a joke.

No, there's no trouble brewing.
Government is in it's 3rd term with 49.83% votes, economy grew in Q1 by 11%.
You don't like the verdict of the people, you step aside.
That's what they did, and the glory of the Republic will continue without these people.

You like them much? You import them to America and let them play babysitter for Obama and step back from your principle of civilian rule over the Army.

Civilian rule? or islamic rule? the only thing that has kept Turkey from being the failed model of the rest of the islamic world is the military. Most people don't want to be ruled by a theocracy, it might take some time. but the people will reject were Erdogan is trying to take thier country.
Civilian rule? or islamic rule? the only thing that has kept Turkey from being the failed model of the rest of the islamic world is the military. Most people don't want to be ruled by a theocracy, it might take some time. but the people will reject were Erdogan is trying to take thier country.

People made their decisions long ago.
We have no use for an ethno-centric Ideology within the Army that projects power into the domestic system and that indoctrinates people into being some nationalistic Rambos.

E-memorandum - General Staff statement released on its Web site in 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those who are opposed to Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's understanding 'How happy is the one who says I am a Turk' are enemies of the Republic of Turkey and will remain so. The Turkish Armed Forces maintain their sound determination to carry out their duties stemming from laws to protect the unchangeable characteristics of the Republic of Turkey. Their loyalty to this determination is absolute."[1]

The Army is now under civilian rule, and will be restructured from projecting domestic power into foreign power. Like it always should've been.
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Turk leader admits Kurds mistreated

Erdogan termed the Kurdish issue "my problem, our collective problem."
"Mistakes have been made," he said. And to ignore past mistakes, the prime minister declared, was not "fitting behavior for great nations such as Turkey."
Chicago Tribune

So, leave it to us how much of power we want the Army to project into society-design.
So was the Mavi Marmara. Now THEY got what was coming.

Yes, there are a lot Jews who make fun of the dead.
We don't forget our dead and sooner or later you will pay the price for what you did.


You sail into our sea, you attack our men and women - yeah. You're fucked.

The boarding of the MV Mavi Marmara took place roughly 5,000 miles from American territorial waters. Or is there a Denver in Israel that I've not yet heard of?
Israel has been the bully of the region for the last several decades.

Turkey has called Israel's bluff and has stated that it will be "king of the hill".

Now Egypt is following Turkey's lead and slowly withdrawing from Israeli influence and dominance.

As other nations follow this new paradigm towards the rogue state of Israel.

Soon Israel will become an isolated and embargoed nation.

To paraphrase, " A dead state walking" :cool:
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Israel has been the bully of the region for the last several decades.

Turkey has called Israel's bluff and has stated that it will be "king of the hill".

Now Egypt is following Turkey's lead and slowly withdrawing from Israeli influence and dominance.

As other nations follow this new paradigm towards the rogue state of Israel.

Soon Israel will become an isolated and embargoed nation.

To paraphrase, " A dead state walking" :cool:

It aint happening Sunni boy, Obama isn't going to be president forever. Israel will also strengthen its economic and military ties with India who also has a radical muslim problem and strengthen economic trade with China.:cool:

Israel to strengthen commercial ties with India and China

10 Mar 2011
State of Israel to invest NIS 100 million in aid to Israeli companies operating in the markets of India and China

Joint Press Release - Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor

The joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor committee for increasing exports to East Asia, headed by the Director General of the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Haim Shani, has formulated a dedicated plan for strengthening trade ties with China and India and allocating a government budget for the purpose. China and India are Israel's two largest export destinations in the Orient. Last year, both countries recorded an impressive growth in exports (with a 100% increase in the volume of Israeli exports to China).

With the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, overall trade between China and Israel amounted to a mere USD 50 million. In 2001, the overall trade figure crossed the USD 1 billion barrier, and this year overall trade between China and Israel has already amounted to approximately USD 7 billion.

The volume of trade between Israel and India, non-including diamonds, amounted to approximately USD 3 billion in 2009, of which USD 1.8 billion were exports and approximately USD 1.2 billion imports.

The prime minister has instructed the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and the Ministry of Finance to examine ways of increasing exports to East Asia. Accordingly, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and the Ministry of Finance are now launching a three-year plan, with a total budget of approximately NIS 100 million, to help realize the inherent commercial potential of the markets in China and India.

The purpose of the plan is to increase the number of Israeli exporters operating in the markets of China and India, to diversify the composition of Israeli exports and to create sustainable growth channels that will strengthen Israeli industry and enhance its robustness vis-à-vis the challenges that it faces in the years ahead.

Israel’s foreign trade policy includes the definition of China and India as destination countries in Israel’s foreign trade policies, inter alia due to their accelerated economic growth, which embodies tremendous opportunities for the Israeli economy and constitutes a vast potential for Israeli companies. In order to take advantage of this potential, Israeli companies make a long-term managerial commitment that is supported by many resources on the part of the company.
Israel to strengthen commercial ties with India and China 10-Mar-2011

After the Kashmiri insurrection in 1989, the collapse of the USSR and the military escalation with Pakistan, the political framework changed, resulting in the establishment of relations between India and Israel in 1992. The loss of the Indian National Congress in the general elections and the coming of the Bharatiya Janata Party, along with concerns about Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent[2][3] are also to take into consideration. Establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel also was a step in strengthening relationships with the United States[4] The new level of collaboration between the two countries was pursued even after the Indian National Congress returned to power in 2004. Israel is now India's second largest arms provider after Russia. India is viewed by both the Israelis and the Palestinians as a trustworthy intermediary.[5]

According to an international opinion survey conducted in 2009 on behalf of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, India is the most pro-Israel country in the world, followed by United States.

Military and strategic tiesIndia and Israel have increased cooperation in military and intelligence ventures since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The rise of Islamic terrorism in both countries have generated a solid strategic alliance, between the two.[18] India recently launched a military satellite for Israel through its Indian Space Research Organization.[19]

In 1997, Israel's President Ezer Weizman became the first head of the Jewish state to visit India. He met with Indian President K.R. Narayanan, Vice President Shankar Dayal Sharma and Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda. Weizman negotiated the first weapons deal between the two nations, involving the purchase of Barak-1 vertically-launched surface-to-air (SAM) missiles from Israel. The Barak-1 has the ability to intercept anti-ship missiles such as the Harpoon.[20] The purchase of the Barak-1 missiles from Israel by India was a tactical necessity since Pakistan had purchased Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime surveillance aircraft and 27 Harpoon sea-skimming anti-ship missiles from the United States.[20] Israel was one of the selected few nations, a group that also included France and Russia, that did not condemn India's 1998 Pokhran-II nuclear tests.[21]


In naval terms, Israel sees great strategic value in an alliance with the Indian Navy, given India's dominance of South Asian waters. Since the Mediterranean has a dominant Arab and European presence that is hostile to the Israeli Navy in varying degrees, it thus sees the potential of establishing a logistical infrastructure in the Indian Ocean with the cooperation of the Indian Navy. In 2000, Israeli submarines reportedly conducted test launches of cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in the waters of the Indian Ocean, off the Sri Lankan coast.[18]

In 1996 India purchased 32 IAI Searcher unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Electronic Support Measure sensors and an Air Combat Manoeuvering Instrumentation simulator system from Israel.[20] Since then Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has serviced several large contracts with the Indian Air Force including the upgrading of the IAF's Russian-made MiG-21 ground attack aircraft and there have been further sales of unmanned aerial vehicles as well as laser-guided bombs.[22]

A Rediff story in 2003 revealed that the Indian external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) had clandestine links with the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency. When R&AW was founded in 1968 by Rameshwar Nath Kao, he was advised by the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to cultivate links with Mossad. This was suggested as a countermeasure to military links between that of a hostile Pakistan and China, as well as with North Korea. Israel was also concerned that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians in handling Chinese and North Korean military equipment.[23] Though India planned to strike Pakistani nuclear research facilities in Kahuta, just like in Operation Opera, where Israel destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor, the plan was later dropped.

Pakistan feared intelligence relations between India and Israel threatened Pakistani security. When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties, Pakistan suspected they were disguised Israeli army officers there to help Indian security forces with counter-terrorism operations. Israeli tourists were attacked, with one slain and another kidnapped. Pressure from the Kashmiri Muslim diaspora in the United States led to his release.[23]

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd signed a $2.5 billion deal with India to develop an anti-aircraft system and missiles for the country, in the biggest defense contract in the history of Israel at the time.[when?] IAI CEO Yitzhak Nissan visited India to finalize the agreement with heads of the defense establishment and the country's president. IAI is developing the Barak-8 missile for the Indian Navy and [Air Force which is capable of protecting sea vessels and ground facilities from aircraft and cruise missiles. The missile has a range of over 70 kilometres. The missile will replace the current obsolete Russian system used by India.[6]

Israel to strengthen commercial ties with India and China

No AIPAC cocksuckers in China and India.
Those countries function rationally and see a 7 Million Israeli market and a 350 Million Middle-East market.

India to pay it's trade transactions with Iran over Turkish State Bank Haklbank.
Turkey with China is one of the few countries that still has it's banking sector open for Iran to do transactions with the world.
India is in debt to Iran due to already delivered Oil, so India will now transaction some Billions into Turkey:

India is Iran's second largest client after China and absorbs about 20 percent of its crude exports.
India to make oil payment to Iran via Turkey - Yahoo! News
China sees Israel's technology and military power.

They have a strong relationship right now, despite what your propaganda news tells ya. That makes the US and Iran pissed, but what can ya do?

Russia, on the other hand, prefers to sell its mafia weapons to the Arab world. :terror:

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