Northam Threatens “Consequences” For 2A Sanctuary Counties, Sheriffs


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This is a fight we will gladly make. The sleeping tiger has been awakened.

Seems the governor has forgotten the Virginia state motto: Sic semper tyrannis.

For those who don't know, "Sic Semper Tyrannis" is Latin for "Thus always do we fail to investigate two charges of rape by our Dem Lt. Governor and ignore our black face Dem governor”.

Northam Threatens “Consequences” For 2A Sanctuary Counties, Sheriffs.

If the Dems do use the National Guard to do their dirty work I certainly hope that the Guard (Who are comprised of regular citizens like you and I) are smart enough to decline on the grounds that it is not a State of Emergency which requires armed enforcement against "American Taxpaying Citizens". And such an order is an "Abuse of Power".
Further more inciting such an order is sedition promoting civil chaos and inciting a "Civil War".
Northam is the guy who gave a rambling opinion of a democrat abortion bill which would "keep newborn infants comfortable" while the doctor and the parents discussed whether or not to kill them. Northam is also the first Va. governor to admit wearing a KKK outfit and/or blackface in college follies. If he was a republican he would be laughed out of office.
Northam Threatens “Consequences” For 2A Sanctuary Counties, Sheriffs

Northam Threatens "Consequences" For 2A Sanctuary Counties, Sheriffs
December 12, 2019 ~~ By Cam Edwards
While several of Virginia’s congress critters are calling for Second Amendment Sanctuary counties in the state to be stripped of state funds or to have the National Guard brought in to enforce new gun control laws, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is instead offering veiled threats of “consequences” for sheriffs in Second Amendment Sanctuary counties unless they enforce whatever gun control bills he signs into law.
Funny how just a week or so ago the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement was “purely symbolic” according to gun control activists. Now that more than 80 counties and cities in Virginia have declared themselves safe havens for the right to keep and bear arms, they’re singing a very different tune.
Threatening counties with punishment for not enforcing unenforceable and unconstitutional laws makes it clear that anti-gun Democrats in Virginia are far more interested in targeting legal gun owners than gang members and drug dealers in the state.

Sanctuary cities, counties and even states for illegal immigrants are allowed. But 2nd Amendment Sanctuary? No way! Governor Blackface is playing with fire. I've read where some sheriffs are just going to deputize virtually entire counties. What will Northam do then?
Looks like John Mark may be right, Virginia could indeed become the initial battleground for the Second Civil War.
There is a side of me that really would love to see this blithering Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Virginian Commie idiot go full King George III. We have a large number of Anti Constitution Scumbags running amok that are in dire need of being removed from the equation.
Hmm... will members of the VANG refuse to carry out the Governor's orders?
I’m guessing that VANG rank and file troops are conservative pro 2nd Amendment. Same with LEO’s. They ain’t gonna go round doing search and seizures on their neighbors, co-workers and relatives.
The first shots at Concord and beginning battle of the American Revolution was fought over gun control. The British government wanted to seize the lawfully owned firearms of the colonists. If British troops could disarm the militia, there would be less of a threat to their control.
This is one of the reasons the Second Amendment was added to the Constitution.
Will the black faced white Klansman in Virginia's governor's seat dare impose this on the citizens of Virginia?
Tick Tock...
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If he calls out the Guard to enforce dodgy gun laws, they're liable to march on Richmond instead. :113:
The thought of the VA NatGuard being tasked to disarm their relatives sounds like it could be fun. . .
I imagine there are a few guardsmen that are not willing to give up their personal guns either. I wonder how that works out? Some of the guard force the rest to give up their guns then they reverse rolls? I don't see that working out. Maybe the left can all gather round the crazy governor and using sticks and harsh words they can go around and try to disarm those with arms.

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