North Korea will not give up its nuclear arms unless “U.S. nuclear threat to Korea” is eliminated


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump has done nothing. He got played by N. Korea. That's what the article shows. And this is just the beginnings of woes for this nation.

North Korea will not give up its nuclear arms unless the “U.S. nuclear threat to Korea” is eliminated

North Korea will not give up its nuclear arms unless the “U.S. nuclear threat to Korea” is eliminated, North Korean state media said Thursday.

The statement carried by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency was a particularly blunt indication that the two countries are still far apart on their ideas of what “denuclearization” means on the Korean Peninsula.

In a historic summit meeting in June, President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to work toward “complete denuclearization” on the peninsula but without detailed agreements on how that would be achieved.

Since his June meeting with Kim, Trump has claimed progress in negotiations with North Korea. But talks appear to have stalled as Pyongyang has demanded the removal of international sanctions as a precondition for denuclearization.

The North Korean statement said “the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” includes elimination of not only the North’s nuclear arms but also “the United States’ nuclear weapons and other invading forces in South Korea.”

“If we lay down our nuclear weapons first, that is not denuclearization, but putting ourselves in a defenseless state,” continued the commentary. “This will apparently shatter the balance of strategy of nuclear forces, as well as bring about a nuclear war.”

A number of analysts warned after the Trump-Kim summit that North Korea had little intention of giving up its weapons without substantial concessions in return from the United States.

“The statement shows that North Korea is not necessarily on the same terms as the U.S. on the idea of denuclearization. Pyongyang has constantly taken issue with the U.S.’s ‘nuclear umbrella’ over South Korea,” said Woo Jung-yeop, a researcher at South Korea’s Sejong Institute.

North Korea rejects denuclearization unless U.S. ‘nuclear threat’ is eliminated
Well IQ2, when did Fatboy last fire off a missile?

Seemed like he did it regularly when your bro was in the WH...and your bro did nothing.

Seems like an improvement, no?
Well IQ2, when did Fatboy last fire off a missile?

Seemed like he did it regularly when your bro was in the WH...and your bro did nothing.

Seems like an improvement, no?

He was able to increase his capacity to hit the US during Trump.

No improvement.
Well IQ2, when did Fatboy last fire off a missile?

Seemed like he did it regularly when your bro was in the WH...and your bro did nothing.

Seems like an improvement, no?
The pace increased as soon as tRump *took office*. The whole thing was a set up. Everybody but you guys knows how easily manipulated Cheeto Jesus is.
The game is still on. You Leftists betting on NK? Obama didn't do anything to contain NK, any bets on what happens next?
Well IQ2, when did Fatboy last fire off a missile?

Seemed like he did it regularly when your bro was in the WH...and your bro did nothing.

Seems like an improvement, no?

The Liar in Chief was played....The Art of the Fail......
Time to pull our forces out of S.Korea and give Seoul their own nukes. We've been there 65 years, that's long enough. Trump accomplished Kim not threatening to nuke LA in the near future and that's as good as it's going to get.
Time to pull our forces out of S.Korea and give Seoul their own nukes. We've been there 65 years, that's long enough. Trump accomplished Kim not threatening to nuke LA in the near future and that's as good as it's going to get.

Not exactly. NK still has ICBMs and enough nukes to be a threat. We need China to clamp down and for NK to hand over their nukes or face the consequences. Trump is giving Kim a choice of prosperity or devastation, I hope he chooses wisely...
Not exactly. NK still has ICBMs and enough nukes to be a threat. We need China to clamp down and for NK to hand over their nukes or face the consequences. Trump is giving Kim a choice of prosperity or devastation, I hope he chooses wisely...

NK hasn't proven their ICBMs can accomplish reentry with a warhead....they probably can't yet. China has no intention of doing anything about NK...they've had that pitbull on a chain for decades and enjoy how the West freaks out when Dung snarls at us. That said, why have 30k Troop sitting under Kim's artillery curtain? Pull them out....we can't retaliate to an NK strike with them there.
Not exactly. NK still has ICBMs and enough nukes to be a threat. We need China to clamp down and for NK to hand over their nukes or face the consequences. Trump is giving Kim a choice of prosperity or devastation, I hope he chooses wisely...

NK hasn't proven their ICBMs can accomplish reentry with a warhead....they probably can't yet. China has no intention of doing anything about NK...they've had that pitbull on a chain for decades and enjoy how the West freaks out when Dung snarls at us. That said, why have 30k Troop sitting under Kim's artillery curtain? Pull them out....we can't retaliate to an NK strike with them there.

I'm also concerned about an EMP, so NK needs to be resolved one way or another.
I'm also concerned about an EMP, so NK needs to be resolved one way or another.

Our grid has been extensively hardened over the last few years.....nobody talks about it but they've been working on it.....if it went down, we'd have a catastrophe on our hands alright. What's involved as far as I've read, is not having a national grid anymore, but cordoning it off into sectors that can detach from each other and reattach after a strike.
I'm also concerned about an EMP, so NK needs to be resolved one way or another.

Our grid has been extensively hardened over the last few years.....nobody talks about it but they've been working on it.....if it went down, we'd have a catastrophe on our hands alright. What's involved as far as I've read, is not having a national grid anymore, but cordoning it off into sectors that can detach from each other and reattach after a strike.

I'd rather detach Kim from his nukes...along with a space based defense....
Its not just the grid that's at risk, but all electronics Electromagnetic pulse - Wikipedia
Ili'Kim is a typical dumb left wing crackpot fanatic.
America doesn't want to nuke North Korea.
We won't nuke them if they disarm.

BTW, North Korea has done everything that the Democrats want to do.
The government owns everything.
No freedom of speech.
No freedom of the Press
No freedom of religion.
No right to bear arms.
Everyone is equal for social justice.
People are imprisoned for thought crimes.
North Korea will not give up its nuclear arms unless “U.S. nuclear threat to Korea” is eliminated

And even then.

Not sure how any president can deal with a crazy person. & Kim's starving country sits between China & Russia

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