Non-Birther Author Explains Obama And His Intentions And Why


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
This video is included in the article I have pasted below, but it is not working so I found it on YouTube. It helps to explain where Obama is really coming from and is not where most of us have thought. He is living his father's dream, thinking this is the way for America to succeed. Not Marxism, not racism, but big state run government headed by him. The author believes Obama was born in Hawaii. Many videos available on this author with insight into Obama on YouTube. At last, for me, there is a believable explanation for this president's actions, though I still believe him to be a racist. *


Author D'Souza Rebuts Critics of His Obama 'Roots' Book
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I love Dinesh. Very good writer. Books on hold forever at the library though.

Yes, that's what I hear. I ordered it from Amazon. His assertions make more sense than anything I have read thus far. :) And he explains them all in detail.


"The book has drawn sharp attacks from left-wing bloggers and the White House, in large part based on remarks from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who recently cited D'Souza's work in a blistering critique of Obama.

"Gingrich told National Review Online that D'Souza's work offered the “most profound insight I have read in the last six years about Barack Obama.”

Snip: D'Souza believes the president is driven by his father's anti-colonialist ideology.

"His father, it's well known, was an anti-colonialist," D'Souza says. "He came of age in Kenya during the great struggles in Africa for liberation from European rule."

Anti-colonists see the poor nations of the world as being colonized and exploited by powerful, oppressive Western nations.

"I was born in 1961, the same year as Obama," D'Souza tells Newsmax. "And I grew up in India in the aftermath of Indian independence. So anti-colonialism is what my father believed, and my grandfather.

"This is the air that I breathed as a young man growing up in Bombay in the ’60s and ’70s. So the moment I saw Obama talking about all this, I said, 'Wait a minute, I know this world very well! It's my world!"

"D'Souza notes that Obama spent very little time with his father, Barack Obama Sr. But anti-colonial sentiment also was very strong in Hawaii and Indonesia, where Obama grew up. And in his quest to understand his father, Obama adopted his father's goals according to D'Souza."

Author D'Souza Rebuts Critics of His Obama 'Roots' Book

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