No witch hunt ..

Another frantic leftist fanatic blurting out anything he can to try to destroy Trump. No fact or accuracy needed, just get it out there.

No wonder nobody listens to people like little siete any more.

The far rightwing Republican talking point has already changed from "There's no evidence of collusion" to "Collusion is not a crime." aka "What was the crime?" aka "Nothing burger."

I used to believe in the FBI, my grandfather worked for them,. but Comey has caused me to see the FBI as just another corrupt government agency.
You'd think that Donald Trump jr. deleted all of his emails wiped his server with bleachbit, and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer. you know you think he did something like that the way the media is carrying on.

The way they're carrying on your think perhaps DonJunior had sold American uranium to Russia for personal profit while he was Secretary of State or something!
It's not Mueller's replacement. It's Comey's replacement.

No other answer should be expected.
Mueller's replacement? LMAO

Trump picked him, hes being confirmed now ... after that statement is he isnt confirmed Republicans in Congress are fucked in 2018 yeah, replacement
Another frantic leftist fanatic blurting out anything he can to try to destroy Trump. No fact or accuracy needed, just get it out there.

No wonder nobody listens to people like little siete any more.

He's just pointing out that people with a brain realize the investigation isn't imaginary, like you think.
The FBI has become corrupted by politicians, shocker. That Hillary wasn't charged, the secret meeting between the AG and Bill, Comey's convoluted excuse for not charging Hillary when any common citizen would have been thrown in jail for a fraction of what she did, welcome to America.
Another frantic leftist fanatic blurting out anything he can to try to destroy Trump. No fact or accuracy needed, just get it out there.

No wonder nobody listens to people like little siete any more.

He's just pointing out that people with a brain realize the investigation isn't imaginary, like you think.

Hey, here's a clue for you:

"Witch hunt" doesn't mean imaginary.
Mueller's replacement? LMAO

Trump picked him, hes being confirmed now ... after that statement is he isnt confirmed Republicans in Congress are fucked in 2018 yeah, replacement
He's not Mueller's replacement, moron. He's COMEY'S replacement.

That would be funny if this went right over his head too. I'd say there's a better than 50% chance it will.
Mueller's replacement? LMAO

Trump picked him, hes being confirmed now ... after that statement is he isnt confirmed Republicans in Congress are fucked in 2018 yeah, replacement
He's not Mueller's replacement, moron. He's COMEY'S replacement.

you C-R-U-S-H-E-D me !!!!!!!!!


now if you can get past their and they're you'll be something really special.

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