'No treason or sedition charges for January 6 rioters'...Does That Mean 'Insurrection' Is a MISDEMEANOR?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.


The number of people who have been charged in connection with the January 6th riot at the Capitol Building has now grown to over 500. They are all facing a variety of charges ranging from disturbing the peace to vandalism, with a smaller number facing assault raps. from all of these proceedings. Why has nobody been charged with sedition or treason?

The events of January 6th were a travesty and the actions of many who broke into the building were clearly criminal.

Probably the biggest treason no one has been charged with Treason despite Democrats and snowflakes falsely claiming 1/6 was an attempted 'Insurrection' is because they are STUPID / IGNORANT.

"Treason isn’t typically understood to include “all enemies foreign or domestic.” It refers to actual warfare, which takes place between countries or organized subsets of countries in the case of civil war. Those are the “enemies” that come to mind when you throw around words like treason. If a couple of hundred people throwing bottles at the police and breaking into a building qualifies as war, then pretty much every BLM riot over the last couple of years was an act of war. And since they frequently attacked police stations and the police themselves – part of the executive branch of government – then they were all traitors too."

Sedition may be another matter, though. Seditious Conspiracy, as defined by code, covers a lot of territory. It begins by describing a situation where “two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States.” While the rioters were, at least in some cases, working in concert with each other, their apparent goal was to prevent the certification of the 2020 election results. In the end, the INTENT is the bottom line, and the intent was NOT to 'overthrow the govt'.
** Immediately after the events of 1/6 Speaker Pelosi publicly condemned the event and declared it was an attempt to prevent the election from being certified.

The actions of those who actively participated in the 1/6 event and entered the Capitol do not meet the definitions of Treason, Conspiracy.

So American citizens have been tracked down, arrested, and incarcerated for 6 months without bail for 'trespassing', 'disturbing the peace', and 'vandalism' while Democrats and snowflake Drama Queens have been screaming how they attempted an 'insurrection' and sought to 'overthrow the Govt', which the DOJ now shows it disagrees with and as the acts on 1/6 do not rise to that level.

Furthermore, several legal experts have reportedly claimed Americans who participated in the 1/6 event, who have been arrested, and who have been held as long as 6 Months without bail could possibly have a legal case against the Capitol Police and / or DOJ based on the fact that 'disturbing the peace' and even 'vandalism' do NOT merit incarceration without being allowed bail for 6 MONTHS! Their Constitutional Rights to a speedy trial, it has also been suggested, has been violated as the DOJ has intentionally 'slow walked' their cases.

THAT would be funny / ironic as hell - the DOJ has slow-walked their cases to 'punish' them, and those arrested wind up making money from suing the DOJ for violating their Constitutionl and civil rights.


YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.
You've seen the picture of the violence and destruction that took place, so you guys continuing to lie about what happened that day makes you just as dishonest and dishonorable as the left claiming BLM riots were mostly peaceful. That aside, nobody present in the Capitol that day literally committed an act of treason or sedition. It's a great talking point for TDS sufferers, but at most, these people are guilty of vandalism and rioting and I suspect that is how this will end.
What's the rush?

Jan. 6 insurrection participants not traitors or seditionists in the eyes of the law — as yet

"CHICAGO (AP) — Plotted to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory: check. Discussed bringing weapons into Washington to aid in the plan: check. Succeeded with co-insurrectionists, if only temporarily, in stopping Congress from carrying out a vital constitutional duty: check.

"Accusations against Jan. 6 rioter Thomas Caldwell certainly seem to fit the charge of sedition as it’s generally understood — inciting revolt against the government.

"And the possibility of charging him and others was widely discussed after thousands of pro-Trump supporters assaulted scores of police officers, defaced the U.S. Capitol and hunted for lawmakers to stop the certification. Some called their actions treasonous."
You've seen the picture of the violence and destruction that took place, so you guys continuing to lie about what happened that day makes you just as dishonest and dishonorable as the left claiming BLM riots were mostly peaceful.
No one has claimed what happened on 1/6 was NOT 'wrong' / 'criminal'. the DOJ, however, has rejected the claim by Democrat / snowflake drama queens that the intent of the 1/6 was to 'overthrow the govt'.

Trespassing, disturbing the peace, vandalism - yup, and by all means they need to face the consequences of their actions. Democrats are guilty of 'overreach', though in an attempt to use the actions of those who participated in the 1/6 event to label all Trump Supporters and Conservatives 'terrorists' and 'Insurrectionists who wanted to overthrow the govt'. The DOJ just stated this is FALSE!

The only ones who have attempted to overthrow the US govt / attempted failed political coups have been Barry and his criminal administration and Pelosi - twice - with her 2 failed Impeachment attempts based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

And attempting to compare those who participated in 1/6 with Marxist foreign/Democrat supported and financed domestic terrorists Antifa / BLM who looted, vandalized, damaged, burned, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered innocent people, perpetrating BILLIONS of dollars in damage to democrat-run communities across the US, who just praised the communist Cuban administration, is complete and utter bullshit.

YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.


The number of people who have been charged in connection with the January 6th riot at the Capitol Building has now grown to over 500. They are all facing a variety of charges ranging from disturbing the peace to vandalism, with a smaller number facing assault raps. from all of these proceedings. Why has nobody been charged with sedition or treason?

The events of January 6th were a travesty and the actions of many who broke into the building were clearly criminal.

Probably the biggest treason no one has been charged with Treason despite Democrats and snowflakes falsely claiming 1/6 was an attempted 'Insurrection' is because they are STUPID / IGNORANT.

"Treason isn’t typically understood to include “all enemies foreign or domestic.” It refers to actual warfare, which takes place between countries or organized subsets of countries in the case of civil war. Those are the “enemies” that come to mind when you throw around words like treason. If a couple of hundred people throwing bottles at the police and breaking into a building qualifies as war, then pretty much every BLM riot over the last couple of years was an act of war. And since they frequently attacked police stations and the police themselves – part of the executive branch of government – then they were all traitors too."

Sedition may be another matter, though. Seditious Conspiracy, as defined by code, covers a lot of territory. It begins by describing a situation where “two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States.” While the rioters were, at least in some cases, working in concert with each other, their apparent goal was to prevent the certification of the 2020 election results. In the end, the INTENT is the bottom line, and the intent was NOT to 'overthrow the govt'.
** Immediately after the events of 1/6 Speaker Pelosi publicly condemned the event and declared it was an attempt to prevent the election from being certified.

The actions of those who actively participated in the 1/6 event and entered the Capitol do not meet the definitions of Treason, Conspiracy.

So American citizens have been tracked down, arrested, and incarcerated for 6 months without bail for 'trespassing', 'disturbing the peace', and 'vandalism' while Democrats and snowflake Drama Queens have been screaming how they attempted an 'insurrection' and sought to 'overthrow the Govt', which the DOJ now shows it disagrees with and as the acts on 1/6 do not rise to that level.

Furthermore, several legal experts have reportedly claimed Americans who participated in the 1/6 event, who have been arrested, and who have been held as long as 6 Months without bail could possibly have a legal case against the Capitol Police and / or DOJ based on the fact that 'disturbing the peace' and even 'vandalism' do NOT merit incarceration without being allowed bail for 6 MONTHS! Their Constitutional Rights to a speedy trial, it has also been suggested, has been violated as the DOJ has intentionally 'slow walked' their cases.

THAT would be funny / ironic as hell - the DOJ has slow-walked their cases to 'punish' them, and those arrested wind up making money from suing the DOJ for violating their Constitutionl and civil rights.


They don't want to give it that title. It's too serious. So they downplay it. Still we have plenty of things to charge the insurrectionists with. Things that will give them long prison sentences.

We do want to downplay just how close we came to a constitutional crisis.
They don't want to give it that title. It's too serious.

Did your momma drop you on your head when you were little, or are you just illiterate? The crimes committed on 1/6 do not meet the legal definitions of Treason of Sedition. The DOJ says you are wrong. Get over it.
YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.
You've seen the picture of the violence and destruction that took place, so you guys continuing to lie about what happened that day makes you just as dishonest and dishonorable as the left claiming BLM riots were mostly peaceful. That aside, nobody present in the Capitol that day literally committed an act of treason or sedition. It's a great talking point for TDS sufferers, but at most, these people are guilty of vandalism and rioting and I suspect that is how this will end.
Then why haven;t they been treated like the BLM/Antifa rioters that took over a police precinct and fire bombed Federal buildings and churches?
Democrats are guilty of 'overreach', though in an attempt to use the actions of those who participated in the 1/6 event to label all Trump Supporters and Conservatives 'terrorists' and 'Insurrectionists who wanted to overthrow the govt'.
They haven't finished with this plan yet. It seems they're ramping up efforts to cast that net ever-wider. I've stopped ignoring them as idiots and begun to realize that they know their only chance to hold power is to use the levers of government power to silence or otherwise suppress their political opposition. I think we will see them find a way to dump the filibuster and they will use a tiebreaker vote to do a LOT of "fundamental change" before the midterms. This will be especially true if the audit data that is collected is used to keep them from being able to cheat again.

These power-mad people in DC will set the nation on fire before they relinquish control again and their dim-witted or hateful supporters will cheer them on while it happens.
YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.


The number of people who have been charged in connection with the January 6th riot at the Capitol Building has now grown to over 500. They are all facing a variety of charges ranging from disturbing the peace to vandalism, with a smaller number facing assault raps. from all of these proceedings. Why has nobody been charged with sedition or treason?

The events of January 6th were a travesty and the actions of many who broke into the building were clearly criminal.

Probably the biggest treason no one has been charged with Treason despite Democrats and snowflakes falsely claiming 1/6 was an attempted 'Insurrection' is because they are STUPID / IGNORANT.

"Treason isn’t typically understood to include “all enemies foreign or domestic.” It refers to actual warfare, which takes place between countries or organized subsets of countries in the case of civil war. Those are the “enemies” that come to mind when you throw around words like treason. If a couple of hundred people throwing bottles at the police and breaking into a building qualifies as war, then pretty much every BLM riot over the last couple of years was an act of war. And since they frequently attacked police stations and the police themselves – part of the executive branch of government – then they were all traitors too."

Sedition may be another matter, though. Seditious Conspiracy, as defined by code, covers a lot of territory. It begins by describing a situation where “two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States.” While the rioters were, at least in some cases, working in concert with each other, their apparent goal was to prevent the certification of the 2020 election results. In the end, the INTENT is the bottom line, and the intent was NOT to 'overthrow the govt'.
** Immediately after the events of 1/6 Speaker Pelosi publicly condemned the event and declared it was an attempt to prevent the election from being certified.

The actions of those who actively participated in the 1/6 event and entered the Capitol do not meet the definitions of Treason, Conspiracy.

So American citizens have been tracked down, arrested, and incarcerated for 6 months without bail for 'trespassing', 'disturbing the peace', and 'vandalism' while Democrats and snowflake Drama Queens have been screaming how they attempted an 'insurrection' and sought to 'overthrow the Govt', which the DOJ now shows it disagrees with and as the acts on 1/6 do not rise to that level.

Furthermore, several legal experts have reportedly claimed Americans who participated in the 1/6 event, who have been arrested, and who have been held as long as 6 Months without bail could possibly have a legal case against the Capitol Police and / or DOJ based on the fact that 'disturbing the peace' and even 'vandalism' do NOT merit incarceration without being allowed bail for 6 MONTHS! Their Constitutional Rights to a speedy trial, it has also been suggested, has been violated as the DOJ has intentionally 'slow walked' their cases.

THAT would be funny / ironic as hell - the DOJ has slow-walked their cases to 'punish' them, and those arrested wind up making money from suing the DOJ for violating their Constitutionl and civil rights.


The people entered "The Peoples House" and the criminal politicians got scared.
YES, I am COMPLETELY making fun of all the Democrat Political Theater Actors within the Democrat party and all of their surrogate snowflake Drama Queens who sadly attempted to proclaim unarmed citizens incited into entering the Capitol - after Capitol police were nice enough to move barricades, open doors for them, and guide them through the Capitol - where they wandered around, took Selfies, and 'took souvenirs' constituted an 'Insurrection', an attempt to 'overthrow the US govt'.


The number of people who have been charged in connection with the January 6th riot at the Capitol Building has now grown to over 500. They are all facing a variety of charges ranging from disturbing the peace to vandalism, with a smaller number facing assault raps. from all of these proceedings. Why has nobody been charged with sedition or treason?

The events of January 6th were a travesty and the actions of many who broke into the building were clearly criminal.

Probably the biggest treason no one has been charged with Treason despite Democrats and snowflakes falsely claiming 1/6 was an attempted 'Insurrection' is because they are STUPID / IGNORANT.

"Treason isn’t typically understood to include “all enemies foreign or domestic.” It refers to actual warfare, which takes place between countries or organized subsets of countries in the case of civil war. Those are the “enemies” that come to mind when you throw around words like treason. If a couple of hundred people throwing bottles at the police and breaking into a building qualifies as war, then pretty much every BLM riot over the last couple of years was an act of war. And since they frequently attacked police stations and the police themselves – part of the executive branch of government – then they were all traitors too."

Sedition may be another matter, though. Seditious Conspiracy, as defined by code, covers a lot of territory. It begins by describing a situation where “two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States.” While the rioters were, at least in some cases, working in concert with each other, their apparent goal was to prevent the certification of the 2020 election results. In the end, the INTENT is the bottom line, and the intent was NOT to 'overthrow the govt'.
** Immediately after the events of 1/6 Speaker Pelosi publicly condemned the event and declared it was an attempt to prevent the election from being certified.

The actions of those who actively participated in the 1/6 event and entered the Capitol do not meet the definitions of Treason, Conspiracy.

So American citizens have been tracked down, arrested, and incarcerated for 6 months without bail for 'trespassing', 'disturbing the peace', and 'vandalism' while Democrats and snowflake Drama Queens have been screaming how they attempted an 'insurrection' and sought to 'overthrow the Govt', which the DOJ now shows it disagrees with and as the acts on 1/6 do not rise to that level.

Furthermore, several legal experts have reportedly claimed Americans who participated in the 1/6 event, who have been arrested, and who have been held as long as 6 Months without bail could possibly have a legal case against the Capitol Police and / or DOJ based on the fact that 'disturbing the peace' and even 'vandalism' do NOT merit incarceration without being allowed bail for 6 MONTHS! Their Constitutional Rights to a speedy trial, it has also been suggested, has been violated as the DOJ has intentionally 'slow walked' their cases.

THAT would be funny / ironic as hell - the DOJ has slow-walked their cases to 'punish' them, and those arrested wind up making money from suing the DOJ for violating their Constitutionl and civil rights.


They will be sued. There was no insurrection. The FBI tried to make it appear like an insurrection and capitol police opened the doors and let people wander around. Criminal mischief, disorderly conduct ensued. An unarmed woman was shot dead by a capitol cop for trespassing. Now they are holding people for months without bail in solitary confinement for non-violent crimes.
We are becoming Cuba thanks to Democrats.
You've seen the picture of the violence and destruction that took place, so you guys continuing to lie about what happened that day makes you just as dishonest and dishonorable as the left claiming BLM riots were mostly peaceful. That aside, nobody present in the Capitol that day literally committed an act of treason or sedition. It's a great talking point for TDS sufferers, but at most, these people are guilty of vandalism and rioting and I suspect that is how this will end.
i suggest death penalty for those rioting in oregon st louis chicago etc

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