No thank you, Obama will help them.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.

20 WHOLE DOLLARS? The terms are set out above... they're not negotiable. What's more dummy... is it's NOT DISPUTABLE. Do you HONESTLY believe that LEFTISTS are not out there advocating that companies be taxed at their gross?

Now, Sis I know that you're not very bright, but this is taking it to the ABSURD!

What the hell do you think all the fuss about DEDUCTIONS ARE ABOUT? Hells bells, the entire accounting INDUSTRY makes hundreds of Billions of dollars JUST TO CERTIFY THE NET of a business... Now if you idiots ARE NOT working towards KILLING DEDUCTIONS... WHY DO WE HAVE TO HIRE A SPECIALIST JUST TO TELL YOU WHAT OUR NET IS?

So... c'mon jackass... it's a done freakin' deal... there is a leftist out there somehwere RIGHT NOW, demanding that "Corporations should be taxed on their gross sales!"....

BUT! If you just need to unload some coin, I'll be happy to help ya out... You stand to gain the CHANCE that I will not be able to produce a post by some jackass declaring that corporations should be taxed at their gross... The Site will earn $150 for holding your deposit, no matter what happens... and should I fail to produce the post, you'll have your $1000 returned whole... and the elusive braggin' rights that you took the bear down. You'd be the Davey Crocket of USMB...

Of course what WILL happen is I'll go find the necessary post, the site will get their $150 and I'll take the $790 for services rendered...

Now that's as fair as I can be... I've told you exactly why you shouldn't; I've told you exactly what ya need to do TO DO IT... if you must and I've told you what is going to happen if you do.

So knock yourself out.

ROFLMNAO... Let the record reflect that the site moderator: Dul, has advanced yet another intellectual pearl in the form of a neg-rep... where she imparted her feelings that my position resembles a vagina...

She'd have liked to have offered a well reasoned, logically valid argument, but since such is beyond her intellectual means, she's relegated to flaccid little neg-reps to express her impotent rage.

But hey... I say we should give credit where credit is due and recognize that dul is doing the VERY BEST SHE CAN! God bless'er...

:clap2: Well done Dul... given your limitations, you get a "A" for Adequate... :clap2:

It should also be noted that in response I sent her a Pos-rep... for the effort.
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And just to put this thing to bed, I provide the following "link" which is the result of a Google search which took roughly 30 seconds... which represents roughly 9 dollars of my time at my pedestrian billing rate, but WTF... given the potential means of these idiots, we'll chalk it up to Charity.

It's a PDF which explains that the State of New Mexico IS taxing Businesses on their gross receipts... No doubt that the opposition will quickly run to declare New Mexico a bastion of Conservatism, to quiet the means to viably count New Mexico as a tenable extension of "The Left;" but since it's clear that the gals can't pony up the necessary coin to make the other search worth the effort, this one does the job and it took roughly no effort, so it works...

So just add that to the reasoned evidence which is long since on the table towards proving that Leftists are intent on taxing upon the Gross Receipts of Business... that this is a common desire, often expressed and exemplified in leftist policy; and one already in place in Federal policy on many individual tax payers; a simple fact which stands as the reasoning upon which the leftist proclamations that "Business should be taxed on their gross' rests...

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ROFLMNAO... Let the record reflect that the site moderator: Dul, has advanced yet another intellectual pearl in the form of a neg-rep... where she imparted her feelings that my position resembles a vagina...

She'd have liked to have offered a well reasoned, logically valid argument, but since such is beyond her intellectual means, she's relegated to flaccid little neg-reps to express her impotent rage.

But hey... I say we should give credit where credit is due and recognize that dul is doing the VERY BEST SHE CAN! God bless'er...

:clap2: Well done Dul... given your limitations, you get a "A" for Adequate... :clap2:

It should also be noted that in response I sent her a Pos-rep... for the effort.

i would never compare you to a vagina; they're much more useful than you are.

same goes for any body part i can think of, frankly.
except, possibly, the appendix.

i called you a pussy, as in pussycat.

carry on.
i would never compare you to a vagina; they're much more useful than you are.

same goes for any body part i can think of, frankly.
except, possibly, the appendix.

i called you a pussy, as in pussycat.

carry on.

well, as my husband always says: "even an a**hole has a purpose and a use". ;)

maybe PI will find his.
A very poor attempt, Pubic. A gross receipts tax is nothing more than a state sales tax collected by the state...and almost every state has a sales tax and has had one for years.

I'm glad you at least made the effort to try, thereby conceding defeat.
And just to put this thing to bed, I provide the following "link" which is the result of a Google search which took roughly 30 seconds... which represents roughly 9 dollars of my time at my pedestrian billing rate, but WTF... given the potential means of these idiots, we'll chalk it up to Charity.

It's a PDF which explains that the State of New Mexico IS taxing Businesses on their gross receipts... No doubt that the opposition will quickly run to declare New Mexico a bastion of Conservatism, to quiet the means to viably count New Mexico as a tenable extension of "The Left;" but since it's clear that the gals can't pony up the necessary coin to make the other search worth the effort, this one does the job and it took roughly no effort, so it works...

So just add that to the reasoned evidence which is long since on the table towards proving that Leftists are intent on taxing upon the Gross Receipts of Business... that this is a common desire, often expressed and exemplified in leftist policy; and one already in place in Federal policy on many individual tax payers; a simple fact which stands as the reasoning upon which the leftist proclamations that "Business should be taxed on their gross' rests...


It also makes my point that businesses don't pay the increased taxes to begin with, that they pass the tax onto the consumer of their goods and services. So, while they (government loving lefties) sit around and scream about taxing the 'rich', and jumping on the government's propaganda bandwagon, they're screwing themselves over. But, what else is new? It's what the libs in office count on, the ignorance of the masses.
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A very poor attempt, Pubic. A gross receipts tax is nothing more than a state sales tax collected by the state...and almost every state has a sales tax and has had one for years.

I'm glad you at least made the effort to try, thereby conceding defeat.

Oregon doesn't.
I think we do have the highest income tax rate (I might be mistaken) and spend the most per student. And we still have a crappy education system.
And just to put this thing to bed, I provide the following "link" which is the result of a Google search which took roughly 30 seconds... which represents roughly 9 dollars of my time at my pedestrian billing rate, but WTF... given the potential means of these idiots, we'll chalk it up to Charity.

It's a PDF which explains that the State of New Mexico IS taxing Businesses on their gross receipts... No doubt that the opposition will quickly run to declare New Mexico a bastion of Conservatism, to quiet the means to viably count New Mexico as a tenable extension of "The Left;" but since it's clear that the gals can't pony up the necessary coin to make the other search worth the effort, this one does the job and it took roughly no effort, so it works...

So just add that to the reasoned evidence which is long since on the table towards proving that Leftists are intent on taxing upon the Gross Receipts of Business... that this is a common desire, often expressed and exemplified in leftist policy; and one already in place in Federal policy on many individual tax payers; a simple fact which stands as the reasoning upon which the leftist proclamations that "Business should be taxed on their gross' rests...


It also makes my point that businesses don't pay the increased taxes to begin with, that they pass the tax onto the consumer of their goods and services. So, while they (government loving lefties) sit around and scream about taxing the 'rich', and jumping on the government's propaganda bandwagon, they're screwing themselves over. But, what else is new? It's what the libs in office count on, the ignorance of the masses.

They are not screwing themselves, those that buy the service or product are the ones paying the taxes on it.

Sounds like a consumption tax to me....

And those who buy the product or service SHOULD BE the ones paying taxes on it, NOT the rest of us who do not buy the product or service.

So, no Newby....this is not screwing the most of you presumed, imo.

You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.
You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.

"No thank you, Obama will help them".

Well aren't you so happy to now have a nice, handy dandy excuse for being a selfish prick. I, on the other hand, just say no thank you and feel no obligation whatsoever to justify my decision. I guess some people just have a tough time being honest with themselves.

And editec, shame on you for thanking this piece of shit post. Seriously dude! I expect this sort of blind ignorance from so many here, but et tu edi, et tu?
You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.

It also depends on which tax we are talking about. Sales tax is meant to be a tax on the consumer, why New Mexico has come up with this silly way to collect it I have no idea...but I can certainly understand the business passing it on to the consumer. I wonder though, if this New Mexico tax went away would the business charge the consumer less or just keep the difference since it presumably doesn't show up on the receipt. Here, with our sales tax, you actually know as the consumer that it exists and how much it is.

I wonder if when Bush's tax cuts were enacted on personal income tax if those business owners that enjoyed paying less tax lowered their prices...somehow I doubt it.

I also want to point out that the Democrats passed through legislation last year that allowed for business capital expenditures up to a total of $250,000 be deducted off of income instead of depreciated. It was $125,000 before far as I can tell the Democrats have actually done more tax wise for small business.

You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.


Then I would say that you are completely naive if you think you can go through society and not purchase goods and services that do not have the costs of tax increases embedded in their prices. This is only one small company, there are thousands of them, but I'm glad for you that you are able to avoid them all.
You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.


Then I would say that you are completely naive if you think you can go through society and not purchase goods and services that do not have the costs of tax increases embedded in their prices. This is only one small company, there are thousands of them, but I'm glad for you that you are able to avoid them all.
That's why God invented the help consumers avoid paying sales tax.
there is no such thing as taxing a business. the consumer pays the business tax.. so if you think 95% of youse is gonna get tax breaks then ask your mama for another think coming whydonchya?
there is no such thing as taxing a business. the consumer pays the business tax.. so if you think 95% of youse is gonna get tax breaks then ask your mama for another think coming whydonchya?

If only 5% of all small businesses could be affected by this, and a number of things to improve their business could keep them from reaching a mark that could raise their taxes, i seriously doubt that many american consumers will see any effect at all from this....

You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.


Then I would say that you are completely naive if you think you can go through society and not purchase goods and services that do not have the costs of tax increases embedded in their prices. This is only one small company, there are thousands of them, but I'm glad for you that you are able to avoid them all.

i CLEARLY said i did not mind paying the taxes incorporated in to the goods i buy or services i's the way it has always been...

Why you trying to twist it Newby?

there is no such thing as taxing a business. the consumer pays the business tax.. so if you think 95% of youse is gonna get tax breaks then ask your mama for another think coming whydonchya?

If only 5% of all small businesses could be affected by this, and a number of things to improve their business could keep them from reaching a mark that could raise their taxes, i seriously doubt that many american consumers will see any effect at all from this....


you seriously need to take your butt out of yer orifice... and seriously look at the amount of money obamalama is spending and then look me right in the eye and tell me you think 5% of the population is going to pay enough taxes to cover it... go ahead I double doggone dare ya! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
there is no such thing as taxing a business. the consumer pays the business tax.. so if you think 95% of youse is gonna get tax breaks then ask your mama for another think coming whydonchya?

If only 5% of all small businesses could be affected by this, and a number of things to improve their business could keep them from reaching a mark that could raise their taxes, i seriously doubt that many american consumers will see any effect at all from this....


you seriously need to take your butt out of yer orifice... and seriously look at the amount of money obamalama is spending and then look me right in the eye and tell me you think 5% of the population is going to pay enough taxes to cover it... go ahead I double doggone dare ya! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Don't be silly, Willow. As everyone knows from the Republicans, cutting taxes increases tax revenue. He can cut taxes every year and revenue will just go up, up, up!

You completely do not understand what I said, you completely missed the point.


Wasn't your point, that if the small business owner's tax goes up, it will be passed on to the consumer and to you, this meant that "liberals" that are fine with the tax increase are only screwing themselves?

I disagree with your comment, because not all liberals will be buying this small business owner's goods, only those who chose to buy the small business's product MIGHT be hit with higher prices if the owner passed on the higher taxes on to the retail price of his product.

As example if i chose never to buy at walmart, i am not paying the corporate taxes of walmart because i never bought any of their goods...or services offered.

I pay hidden taxes on what i personally use of these businesses or corporations, which is fine with me....

Just like those of us that drive, are the ones paying the "gas tax" for the roads, bridges etc...not those that do not drive and use public transportation....those using public transportation are the ones paying for their bus ride or train ride with the fees they pay, in which i do not have to pay, since i don't use the service...

I am fine with all of this...and...

This is how it should be, imho.

It also depends on which tax we are talking about. Sales tax is meant to be a tax on the consumer, why New Mexico has come up with this silly way to collect it I have no idea...but I can certainly understand the business passing it on to the consumer. I wonder though, if this New Mexico tax went away would the business charge the consumer less or just keep the difference since it presumably doesn't show up on the receipt. Here, with our sales tax, you actually know as the consumer that it exists and how much it is.

I wonder if when Bush's tax cuts were enacted on personal income tax if those business owners that enjoyed paying less tax lowered their prices...somehow I doubt it.

I also want to point out that the Democrats passed through legislation last year that allowed for business capital expenditures up to a total of $250,000 be deducted off of income instead of depreciated. It was $125,000 before far as I can tell the Democrats have actually done more tax wise for small business.


I think the businesses would pocket the money if their corporate taxes were removed, as an example.

they have already established that the retail price is salable.

HOWEVER, if there is a lot of competition in the arena of their service or business, if one local retailer decides to lower their retail prices to pass on this tax savings to the consumer, then the other same type businesses will be forced to meet competitive pricing.

So, basically, if they don't have a lot of competition in their businesses, then i think they will pocket it, but if they do have a lot of competition and one breaks the price, they will be forced to break the price themselves.
