No thank you, Obama will help them.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.

20 WHOLE DOLLARS? The terms are set out above... they're not negotiable. What's more dummy... is it's NOT DISPUTABLE. Do you HONESTLY believe that LEFTISTS are not out there advocating that companies be taxed at their gross?

Now, Sis I know that you're not very bright, but this is taking it to the ABSURD!

What the hell do you think all the fuss about DEDUCTIONS ARE ABOUT? Hells bells, the entire accounting INDUSTRY makes hundreds of Billions of dollars JUST TO CERTIFY THE NET of a business... Now if you idiots ARE NOT working towards KILLING DEDUCTIONS... WHY DO WE HAVE TO HIRE A SPECIALIST JUST TO TELL YOU WHAT OUR NET IS?

So... c'mon jackass... it's a done freakin' deal... there is a leftist out there somehwere RIGHT NOW, demanding that "Corporations should be taxed on their gross sales!"....

BUT! If you just need to unload some coin, I'll be happy to help ya out... You stand to gain the CHANCE that I will not be able to produce a post by some jackass declaring that corporations should be taxed at their gross... The Site will earn $150 for holding your deposit, no matter what happens... and should I fail to produce the post, you'll have your $1000 returned whole... and the elusive braggin' rights that you took the bear down. You'd be the Davey Crocket of USMB...

Of course what WILL happen is I'll go find the necessary post, the site will get their $150 and I'll take the $790 for services rendered...

Now that's as fair as I can be... I've told you exactly why you shouldn't; I've told you exactly what ya need to do TO DO IT... if you must and I've told you what is going to happen if you do.

So knock yourself out.

The market price is $20 take it or leave it, Pube.
Let it be known to everyone on the board that should Pubilicous choose to not accept the wager and instead go on another pointless rant that I will accept said rant as his concession on the issue.
Pubalicious is clearly punking out and ignoring that his bluff has been called. He has even responded to posts made in this thread after I called so he can't say he hasn't read it.

What. A. Little. Bitch.

ROFLMNAO... Sis I just read your little offer... and here's the response:

This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.

20 WHOLE DOLLARS? The terms are clearly established above and they're not negotiable. What's more dummy... the point is NOT DISPUTABLE. Do you HONESTLY believe that LEFTISTS are NOT out there, REGULARLY advocating that companies be taxed at their gross?

Now, Sis I know that you're not very bright, but this is taking it to the ABSURD!

What the hell do you think all the fuss regarding DEDUCTIONS IS ALL ABOUT?

Hells bells, the entire accounting INDUSTRY makes hundreds of Billions of dollars JUST TO CERTIFY THE NET of a business... Now if you idiots ARE NOT working towards KILLING DEDUCTIONS... WHY DO WE HAVE TO HIRE A SPECIALIST JUST TO TELL YOU WHAT OUR NET IS?

So... c'mon jackass... it's a done freakin' deal... there is a leftist out there somehwere RIGHT NOW, demanding that "Corporations should be taxed on their gross sales!"....

BUT! If you just need to unload some coin, I'll be happy to help ya out... You stand to gain BRAGGIn' RIGHTS that I will not be able to produce a post by some jackass declaring that corporations should be taxed at their gross... AT which time, the Site will earn $150 for holding your deposit, no matter what happens... and should I fail to produce the post, you'll have your $1000 returned whole... and the elusive braggin' rights that you took the bear down. You'd be the Davey Crocket of USMB...

Of course what WILL happen is I'll go find the necessary post, the site will get their $150 and I'll take the $790 for services rendered...

Now that's as fair as I can be... I've told you exactly why you should NOT; I've told you exactly what ya need to do, TO DO IT... if you must and I've told you what is going to happen if you do.

So knock yourself out.
I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.

20 WHOLE DOLLARS? The terms are set out above... they're not negotiable. What's more dummy... is it's NOT DISPUTABLE. Do you HONESTLY believe that LEFTISTS are not out there advocating that companies be taxed at their gross?

Now, Sis I know that you're not very bright, but this is taking it to the ABSURD!

What the hell do you think all the fuss about DEDUCTIONS ARE ABOUT? Hells bells, the entire accounting INDUSTRY makes hundreds of Billions of dollars JUST TO CERTIFY THE NET of a business... Now if you idiots ARE NOT working towards KILLING DEDUCTIONS... WHY DO WE HAVE TO HIRE A SPECIALIST JUST TO TELL YOU WHAT OUR NET IS?

So... c'mon jackass... it's a done freakin' deal... there is a leftist out there somehwere RIGHT NOW, demanding that "Corporations should be taxed on their gross sales!"....

BUT! If you just need to unload some coin, I'll be happy to help ya out... You stand to gain the CHANCE that I will not be able to produce a post by some jackass declaring that corporations should be taxed at their gross... The Site will earn $150 for holding your deposit, no matter what happens... and should I fail to produce the post, you'll have your $1000 returned whole... and the elusive braggin' rights that you took the bear down. You'd be the Davey Crocket of USMB...

Of course what WILL happen is I'll go find the necessary post, the site will get their $150 and I'll take the $790 for services rendered...

Now that's as fair as I can be... I've told you exactly why you shouldn't; I've told you exactly what ya need to do TO DO IT... if you must and I've told you what is going to happen if you do.

So knock yourself out.

The market price is $20 take it or leave it, Pube.
i doubt $20 is worth his time
it wouldnt be worth mine
i doubt $20 is worth his time
it wouldnt be worth mine

He should be doing it for fucking free. He KNOWS he's wrong so he came up with the $1,000 bluff because HE KNOWS that nobody is going to pony up that kind of money.

He's been called out and he's punking out like the lil' bitch that he is.
i doubt $20 is worth his time
it wouldnt be worth mine

He should be doing it for fucking free. He KNOWS he's wrong so he came up with the $1,000 bluff because HE KNOWS that nobody is going to pony up that kind of money.

He's been called out and he's punking out like the lil' bitch that he is.
well, call his bluff then
you will get $1000

I'm not putting up a $1000. I'm putting up $20, take it or leave it.

If he leaves it, he concedes defeat. It's that simple.
This is actually the first time anyone has demanded payment to back up their own assertions. I wonder if it will become a trend.
This is actually the first time anyone has demanded payment to back up their own assertions. I wonder if it will become a trend.

lol ...

I doubt it.

Besides, it's a dead issue now.

PubliusInfinitum has conceded defeat and I've accepted.

Game Over.
PubliusInfinitum has conceded defeat and I've accepted.

Game Over.

Where did he do this? Pogo, is one of my favorite radical I hate the left righties. :cuckoo: I want to publish this for my personal satisfactions.
Just as I suspected all along, Pogo, AKA Publius, is a poser.:clap2:

So it is written. So it shall be. You are hereby summarily given the title of

Sir Poser.
i doubt $20 is worth his time
it wouldnt be worth mine

He should be doing it for fucking free. He KNOWS he's wrong so he came up with the $1,000 bluff because HE KNOWS that nobody is going to pony up that kind of money.

He's been called out and he's punking out like the lil' bitch that he is.

I don't do anything for free Sis...

You idiots have declared my position to be false, you've in effect called me a liar... and you've done so on a position which is not even DEBATABLE.

That Democrats want to tax on the gross is INDISPUTABLE. You simply want to convert the gross into the net by whacking any means to DEDUCT one's COST... what's HILARIOUS IS that YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW! The ONLY plausible distinction is that you've just not come out and declared that "THERE WILL BE NO DEDUCTIONS FOR COST"... as you realize that to do so would end your access to political power.

Now I've stated the terms; I've told you that they're not negotiable... and FTR: there is no means to 'bluff'... except this little feint wherein you desperately hope that the allure of TWENTY little ones will draw me out... Post the deposit, set some skin on the line and witness it tear away.

There's no chance you can win, there's not chance I can lose and the site wins either way; and no one of any discerable intelligence believes otherwise...
This is actually the first time anyone has demanded payment to back up their own assertions. I wonder if it will become a trend.

Well, actually its not... and I'm not demanding payment, per se... I am demanding that you take responsibility for your statemement.

You've denied the obvious... that the Left wants to maximize the means to tax... to the extent that is possible, without regard for the viability of that tax model; in short that there are leftists who have declared their desire 'to tax on the gross'...

What's HILARIOUS to me is that the position is NOT even a DEBATABLE POINT.

You're already taxing millions of individuals ON THEIR GROSS... and:



YET you demand that 'no Democrat has ever called for anyone to be taxed on their gross'


You actually want to proclaim that because someone refuses to dig through the scope of the internet discussion board and find a quote from a Leftist that proclaims it... that DESPITE THE INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE LISTED ABOVE: that it's simply not a reality...

It's HYSTERICAL! (In at least two contexts and on several levels...)
i doubt $20 is worth his time
it wouldnt be worth mine

He should be doing it for fucking free. He KNOWS he's wrong so he came up with the $1,000 bluff because HE KNOWS that nobody is going to pony up that kind of money.

He's been called out and he's punking out like the lil' bitch that he is.
well, call his bluff then
you will get $1000

Well just to clarify... this isn't a wager, per se... so the money that they would deposit would not be against a like wager. They're risking $1000 at 5:1 odds; meaning that I am risking the $150 which would go to the Admin and the 3% Pay Pal transaction fee which would be assessed both ways when they sent to money to Admin and when Admin returned it... or $60 for a total of $210... which woul dbe due "IF" I cannot produce a post which calls for Business to be taxed on it's gross...

Which will inevitably result in their loss of the $1000, as that risk is tantamount to a certain loss... realizing the admin the $150... the PP transaction fees and my pre-tax net of $790 for services rendered.

Look it's VERY simple... IF they really believed what they're saying, they'd pony up the coin and be done with it... They simply want to lean on the sliverous doubt... it's classic fallacious reasoning and it's the very BEST that they can do...
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