No snow in Siberia? Locals marvel - and worry - at the 'snow shortage'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
No snow in Siberia? Locals marvel - and worry - at the 'snow shortage'
By Anna Liesowska

17 December 2013

These extraordinary pictures give graphic new evidence of climate change.
We highlight December images taken in recent days in two Siberian cities Krasnoyarsk and Barnaul showing scenes that locals insist are unprecedented in living memory. The startling pictures from Krasnoyarsk show an almost total absence of snow yet as every school child around the world knows, snow is what Siberia is all about.

No more, it seems. The images of the River Yenisei with ducks splashing in the water, and grass in the parks, could be from autumn rather than deep in the winter in a city where December temperatures have gone as low as minus 47C, and the daily mean in minus 13C at this time of year, with plenty of snow on the ground.

As in many areas of Siberia this winter, the thermometer is reluctant to plummet to customary bone-chilling temperatures. Last night when we checked outside, it was a mere minus 3C. Day time temperatures lately have been warmer. As mother-of-two Anastasia said from Krasnoyarsk: 'I'm reading a book to my children and I hear the tapping of the rain in my ear. Rain? Rain??? Rain in the middle of December? In Siberia?'

No snow in Siberia? Locals marvel - and worry - at the 'snow shortage'
Last year, record cold at this time in Siberia. This year, record warm.

wait....dont tell me....both are proof positive of global warming!

am I right????

an unfalsifiable hypothesis is not science.
Last year, record cold at this time in Siberia. This year, record warm.

wait....dont tell me....both are proof positive of global warming!

am I right????

an unfalsifiable hypothesis is not science.

No, but when you look at the worldwide trend for extremes, you can see a trend. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re state that. Of course, they are just evil capitalistic mega-businesses supporting evil communistic scientists. See how your logic is so clear?
Last year, record cold at this time in Siberia. This year, record warm.

wait....dont tell me....both are proof positive of global warming!

am I right????

an unfalsifiable hypothesis is not science.

No, but when you look at the worldwide trend for extremes, you can see a trend. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re state that. Of course, they are just evil capitalistic mega-businesses supporting evil communistic scientists. See how your logic is so clear?

yes, yes you can see a trend! less extreme weather. you have been around for a long time. have you forgotten all the natural disasters that have happened in the past? just because insurance companies are now willing to insure risky bets that doesnt mean much. are they losing money? they charge more and pay out more.

BTW- I dont really appreciate you making strawman arguments and attributing them to me.

I dont see an issue here.. its a high today of -15degC with not a day above 0degC in the forecast.
Matter of fact theyll be ice fishing by next weekend at that rate.. Not warming folks .. Move on.

More of Matthews increasing dive into paranoia and self delusion. By all means Matt. Bookmark the forecast for Siberia like in Barnaul.. And if it ever thaws again this winter, pleases tell us right away. Kay?
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cherry picking weather stuff is gay.......and you'll notice that the AGW crowd is expert at it.

Interestingly will notice that when a skeptic guy posts up something weather related, the response from the AGW OCD's is, "You and climate science aren't the same idiot!!!"

The AGW crowd morphs at the drop of a hat.........its whatever goes, as long as it fits the established narrative.

If you are a newcomer to this forum, watch the patterns.

These people are frauds.
November 2013 Russian “Hotspot” – Alarmists Are Overlooking Something

November 2013 Russian ?Hotspot? ? Alarmists Are Overlooking Something | Watts Up With That?

Additionally, see de Laat and Crok (2013) A Late 20th Century European Climate Shift: Fingerprint of Regional Brightening? The authors argue that a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (similar to the Arctic Oscillation) in the late 1980s caused more sunlight to warm European surface temperatures in an apparent shift. I would suspect that something similar occurred over Russia at that time as well.

So yes more AGW propaganda.
November 2013 Russian “Hotspot” – Alarmists Are Overlooking Something

November 2013 Russian ?Hotspot? ? Alarmists Are Overlooking Something | Watts Up With That?

Additionally, see de Laat and Crok (2013) A Late 20th Century European Climate Shift: Fingerprint of Regional Brightening? The authors argue that a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (similar to the Arctic Oscillation) in the late 1980s caused more sunlight to warm European surface temperatures in an apparent shift. I would suspect that something similar occurred over Russia at that time as well.

So yes more AGW propaganda.

If it was worth a damn, it would be published in a peer reviewed journal, not in an undegreed ex-TV weatherman's blog.
November 2013 Russian “Hotspot” – Alarmists Are Overlooking Something

November 2013 Russian ?Hotspot? ? Alarmists Are Overlooking Something | Watts Up With That?

Additionally, see de Laat and Crok (2013) A Late 20th Century European Climate Shift: Fingerprint of Regional Brightening? The authors argue that a shift in the North Atlantic Oscillation (similar to the Arctic Oscillation) in the late 1980s caused more sunlight to warm European surface temperatures in an apparent shift. I would suspect that something similar occurred over Russia at that time as well.

So yes more AGW propaganda.

If it was worth a damn, it would be published in a peer reviewed journal, not in an undegreed ex-TV weatherman's blog.

Can't read, can't think, can't debate eh GoldiRocks??

The aforementioned mentioned paper is published in..

A Late 20th Century European Climate Shift: Fingerprint of Regional Brightening?

Although the time of change coincides with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) going from negative to positive, the consistent warmer temperatures throughout the decades after 1987-1988 does not coincide with a persistent shift of the NAO, as it returns to a neutral/negative in the 1990’s. Furthermore, the shift does not coincide with any other known mode of multidecadal internal climate variability

American Chemical Society.. 2013... De Laat has DOZENS of published papers on climate science. The fact that "a blog" chooses to call attention to it is irrelevent. Or this thread is another example of irrelevent..

Blogs are simply the 21st century version of librarians. Just directing you to the information. It's STILL up to you to vet it.. You're just lazy I guess....
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