No Peace Talks?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
I don't think I've ever seen anything so complicated as the Israel-Palestine situation other than my first marriage. Abbas says no negotiations without the '67 borders as a pre-condition. Israel says they will release 83 prisoners. Abbas demands 102 prisoners released. If I were totally unbiased, I'd say it was the Arabs who really don't want an agreement.

Palestinians say no peace talks without '67 borders agreement | Reuters
Both Israel and the Palestinians said that any 'agreement' will need to take place in referendum.

Which is the greatest thing ever.

In Israel, most of the people want to end the conflict, and when questioned about the sacrifices, most, besides the far right, will agree, with all the pain, that true peace, if even possible, will be worth sacrifice.

Abu Mazen also said that a referendum will take place.

And since Abu Mazen cannot even decide for a cottage cheese, the Hamas will step in, and brainwash the Palestinians to believe that any agreement made by Fatah is basically "surrendering" to the Yahud , and I bet they won't agree to it, just like in 1948 they will want the entire package even in price of war.

So what will be the result? Israel won't need to physically give up anything, and the Palestinians will be the peace-refusals.

This could very well be a WIN-WIN situation, if we can only handle it right
I think that's all terribly sad, Lipush - but I also fear that your analysis is vey accurate. "Sad but true", as we say....
It has proven to be true in the past, that is why so many here believe it will be the same thing over and over again, with no real solution.

Taking to mind that the Hamas is pissed about of the changes in Sinai, and the rocket fire, I say this is not far out there believing the negotiation will fail even before we start getting serious about it
Both Israel and the Palestinians said that any 'agreement' will need to take place in referendum.

Which is the greatest thing ever.

In Israel, most of the people want to end the conflict, and when questioned about the sacrifices, most, besides the far right, will agree, with all the pain, that true peace, if even possible, will be worth sacrifice.

Abu Mazen also said that a referendum will take place.

And since Abu Mazen cannot even decide for a cottage cheese, the Hamas will step in, and brainwash the Palestinians to believe that any agreement made by Fatah is basically "surrendering" to the Yahud , and I bet they won't agree to it, just like in 1948 they will want the entire package even in price of war.

So what will be the result? Israel won't need to physically give up anything, and the Palestinians will be the peace-refusals.

This could very well be a WIN-WIN situation, if we can only handle it right

The Palestinian referendum will include the refugees in the vote so...
It has proven to be true in the past, that is why so many here believe it will be the same thing over and over again, with no real solution.

Taking to mind that the Hamas is pissed about of the changes in Sinai, and the rocket fire, I say this is not far out there believing the negotiation will fail even before we start getting serious about it
I've been watching this charade since 1948 and don't expect any surprises. This peace process has lasted longer than any Broadway play ever will.
the Zionists dont want peace they justw ant all the land.

they will do anhything to make the talks fail
Both Israel and the Palestinians said that any 'agreement' will need to take place in referendum.

Which is the greatest thing ever.

In Israel, most of the people want to end the conflict, and when questioned about the sacrifices, most, besides the far right, will agree, with all the pain, that true peace, if even possible, will be worth sacrifice.

Abu Mazen also said that a referendum will take place.

And since Abu Mazen cannot even decide for a cottage cheese, the Hamas will step in, and brainwash the Palestinians to believe that any agreement made by Fatah is basically "surrendering" to the Yahud , and I bet they won't agree to it, just like in 1948 they will want the entire package even in price of war.

So what will be the result? Israel won't need to physically give up anything, and the Palestinians will be the peace-refusals.

This could very well be a WIN-WIN situation, if we can only handle it right

The Palestinian referendum will include the refugees in the vote so...

So yeah, thanks for making my point for me
Both Israel and the Palestinians said that any 'agreement' will need to take place in referendum.

Which is the greatest thing ever.

In Israel, most of the people want to end the conflict, and when questioned about the sacrifices, most, besides the far right, will agree, with all the pain, that true peace, if even possible, will be worth sacrifice.

Abu Mazen also said that a referendum will take place.

And since Abu Mazen cannot even decide for a cottage cheese, the Hamas will step in, and brainwash the Palestinians to believe that any agreement made by Fatah is basically "surrendering" to the Yahud , and I bet they won't agree to it, just like in 1948 they will want the entire package even in price of war.

So what will be the result? Israel won't need to physically give up anything, and the Palestinians will be the peace-refusals.

This could very well be a WIN-WIN situation, if we can only handle it right

The Palestinian referendum will include the refugees in the vote so...

So yeah, thanks for making my point for me

Indeed, the talks will fail. There is no common ground to work with. My guess is that any agreement made, that probably will not happen, will be rejected by both sides.
the Zionists dont want peace they justw ant all the land.

they will do anhything to make the talks fail

Kerry says, "Yo guys, sit down and talk"

Israel: Ok:D

Palestinians: Ok, but we want things

Israel: don't push us, let sit down and talk:cool:

Palestinians: Nope

Ok, what do you guys want?

Palestinians: Uh. 1967 lines

Israel: Well, on that we decide in the negotiation

Palestinians: No, we want that RIGHT NOW!!

Israel: I don't think so....

Palestinians: Ok, but we want something else

Israel: Ok, what?

Palestinians: We want an airport in Ramallah. And your Gas. And your Natural treasures, and...

Israel: Yo, you want our balls, too?


Israel: Let us try something more connected to reality.

Palestinians: Ok, we want prisoners

Israel: Oh? Uh, grr, alright!:doubt: give us a list

*list given*

Israel: :eek:are you kidding me? those are all killers!


Israel: Oh, alright
Just how many


Israel: Well?

Palestinians: 100+

Israel: No way:cuckoo:

Palestinians: 100+

Israel: Way too much. Those guys killed our babies


Israel: Lets try to settle this, and compromise.

Palestinians: Nope. 100+

Israel: You do realize it's YOU GUYS without a state or freedom, right?:eusa_eh:

Palestinians: all the sh*t to us. And you. 100+

Israel: 50

Palestinians: 100 or no negotiation

Israel: 60

Palestinians: Nope. 100 and not one man less.

Israel: 70....80!

Palestinians: Nope


Palestinians: Nope

Israel: lets say 80, 80 is most, and we sit down and talk, and then you'll have a state.

Palestinians: What's the fun in THAT?


Palestinians: life sucks, ya Yahud!

Israel: You guys, do you even WANT to talk at ALL?


-End Scene-
the Zionists dont want peace they justw ant all the land.

they will do anhything to make the talks fail

Kerry says, "Yo guys, sit down and talk"

Israel: Ok:D

Palestinians: Ok, but we want things

Israel: don't push us, let sit down and talk:cool:

Palestinians: Nope

Ok, what do you guys want?

Palestinians: Uh. 1967 lines

Israel: Well, on that we decide in the negotiation

Palestinians: No, we want that RIGHT NOW!!

Israel: I don't think so....

Palestinians: Ok, but we want something else

Israel: Ok, what?

Palestinians: We want an airport in Ramallah. And your Gas. And your Natural treasures, and...

Israel: Yo, you want our balls, too?


Israel: Let us try something more connected to reality.

Palestinians: Ok, we want prisoners

Israel: Oh? Uh, grr, alright!:doubt: give us a list

*list given*

Israel: :eek:are you kidding me? those are all killers!


Israel: Oh, alright
Just how many


Israel: Well?

Palestinians: 100+

Israel: No way:cuckoo:

Palestinians: 100+

Israel: Way too much. Those guys killed our babies


Israel: Lets try to settle this, and compromise.

Palestinians: Nope. 100+

Israel: You do realize it's YOU GUYS without a state or freedom, right?:eusa_eh:

Palestinians: all the sh*t to us. And you. 100+

Israel: 50

Palestinians: 100 or no negotiation

Israel: 60

Palestinians: Nope. 100 and not one man less.

Israel: 70....80!

Palestinians: Nope


Palestinians: Nope

Israel: lets say 80, 80 is most, and we sit down and talk, and then you'll have a state.

Palestinians: What's the fun in THAT?


Palestinians: life sucks, ya Yahud!

Israel: You guys, do you even WANT to talk at ALL?


-End Scene-

Israel demands recognition of "jewish" state or no talks!!!

Netanyahu demands Palestinians recognize 'Jewish state' - Israel News | Haaretz
It is known as the Jewish State in UN Resolution 181.

The Jews accepted the portion of land, the arabs didn't. What is so difficult to understand. Why should Israel change the UN Resolution and not let Israel be called a Jewish State.
It is known as the Jewish State in UN Resolution 181.

The Jews accepted the portion of land, the arabs didn't. What is so difficult to understand. Why should Israel change the UN Resolution and not let Israel be called a Jewish State.

Zionists are such hypocerites!!!!

they reject un ga resoluition 181 when it doesn't fit their goals AND they accept it when it does!!!

un ga resolutions have no force of law!!!! onnly security council resoltuons do!!!!!

when un accepted israel as a member state they never calkled it "jewish"!!!!!!

un ga resolution 181 calls for a arab state in 40% of palestyine and the zionists reject this!!!!!!!!! but they of course refer to 181 because it talks abouit a jewish state.

such hypocrites!!!

i have an idea. let's call israel a jewish state like un ga resolution 181 says as long as thew Palestinians can have 40% of palestine like resoluition 181 says!!!

sound fair to me!!!!!!!
Palestinians still say "No state of Israel".

Israel is ready to negotiate, the Palestinians have yet to do anything in favor, all they have are crazy demands.

So who exactly is the warmonger?

liar. Abbas talked about state of israel at the UN.

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