No one black today owned slaves...oh wait they Africa...


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
No matter, most US blacks today benefited greatly from the 100 years after slavery. And that is assuming slavery was bad for them, which it was not. It was their ticket away from cannibalism, inter-tribal slavery, rape, and assorted savagery in their mud huts eating dirt.
We hear about White privilege when it comes to owning slaves in the US. What about Islam that drove slavery? And the blacks that actually hunted down other blacks for profit, too. This going back to at least the 1500's. What about THAT?
We hear about White privilege when it comes to owning slaves in the US. What about Islam that drove slavery? And the blacks that actually hunted down other blacks for profit, too. This going back to at least the 1500's. What about THAT?


Only the 1500's?

I'm sure there's at least one cultural group that would beg to differ with you about that statement.


No matter, most US blacks today benefited greatly from the 100 years after slavery. And that is assuming slavery was bad for them, which it was not. It was their ticket away from cannibalism, inter-tribal slavery, rape, and assorted savagery in their mud huts eating dirt.

Many of you seem to forget the FACT that most of your ancestors had to FLEE/ESCAPE/SEEK FREEDOM from then all white Europe. In fact, most whites lived in poverty in Europe because the aristocracy and church had all the wealth and land while the masses were landless and poor. Your ancestors were “the tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”, of Statue of Liberty fame.

When you had your all white world…..the majority of you did not do very well. It was not until European maritime explorers embarked around the globe on expeditions that discovered the land, labor, resources and non-white PEOPLES, that things started to improve for the white masses via seesaw economics. You do not know what seesaw economics is? That is an economic system characterized by one group being elevated as the result of another group being lowered. Ergo, imperialism (via your militaries), colonization, slavery, etc.

You want black people to feel fortunate for slavery…..but where would you be without nonwhite people? You see……you have to have a group at the other end of the fulcrum that creates the force that lifts you up at the opposite end. In all white Europe, before whites spread the globe, the elites piled the masses of whites onto the opposite end of the plank and elevated themselves. That is how the system you all created works. You got to lower people to elevate other peoples. Hence, without nonwhites…..the white masses have to assume the position and role of the oppressed/depressed. So next time you see a nonwhite person…..thank them for saving your arse.
We hear about White privilege when it comes to owning slaves in the US. What about Islam that drove slavery? And the blacks that actually hunted down other blacks for profit, too. This going back to at least the 1500's. What about THAT?

No, white privilege has nothing to do with slavery. Ask Peggy McIntosh. She made up the term.



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