No Matter What MSM Say's, POTUS is Kicking Ass

I’m not sure how the whole trade war thing is going but other than that he is smashing it economically. Heck I saw an announcement that he has convinced the saudis to produce more oil which means gas prices will start dropping.

Republicans should be able to do well if they play their cards right
I’m not sure how the whole trade war thing is going but other than that he is smashing it economically. Heck I saw an announcement that he has convinced the saudis to produce more oil which means gas prices will start dropping.

Republicans should be able to do well if they play their cards right

Trump convincing OPEC of anything is BS... SAUDI oil belongs to the world market
President Trump's agenda is the most pro-international trade of any president in the history of the world!
Love the spin they are putting on Immigration, saying Trump backed down, when what he really did was clean up Obama's mess, and put an end to his policy of separating families and once again, do an Incompetent Congress' Job.

Trump went to the bully pulpit today and kicked the liberal media right in the nuts on illegal crime. American families permanently separated due to illegals killing Americans.
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov


The rethuglians are the propaganda masters. More people are figuring it out now. the orange cheeto is sucking cheese.

The rethuglians? And the orange cheeto is sucking cheese? WTF, are you 10 years old?
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov



I have never seen such sustained and effortless asskicking in my life as Trump gives the liberals. He is a machine.

ass hurt.jpg
Trump stumbles from failure to failure.

The summit was a photo op, nothing more.

The detaining and separation of children from parents was reversed.

And on and on and on.

And we have posters like maxdeath who want to set Obama as the baseline for success?

I am no where setting 44 as a baseline, perhaps as a base piece of useless trash. I guess I should have written it for a second graders understanding. I was pointing out that he has not stooped to the level of the last clown. The one so many thought he was so great. The idiot that made promises that he in no way attempted to keep. The one that so many were not going to call out simply because of his race. Yet you have every simpleton calling out Trump for every little thing. Even those that our past administration did that was never even brought up.
You have people threatening him and his family. Yet everything is fine and just better then fine if they apologize yet someone makes a comment about a congress person and they get crucified.
I actually laugh at so many that don't understand that he lies for one reason . If he tells everyone the unabashed truth he might get two minutes of press coverage. If he tells a lie he gets non stop coverage. There is an old saying that if advertizing can sell Coca Cola it can sell anything. Trump knows how to sell himself.
Maxdeath should have written sensibly, adult like. Referring to "but but but Obama" is the mark of a losing commenter.

This President is failing, period. All thinking people are aware of it.
Ah Jakey I am soo sorry I hurt your feelings since I mentioned things that you have no reply for.
Perhaps you may have other things that you might have a reply for.
Always get a kick out of those that their only comeback is bbbbut 44 as if no one can ever bring up anything in history or is it only if the other person has no reply.
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov



It'd be better if he were running the country for the benefit of the people (I don't just mean rich people).
Trump ran on fear, suspicion and division. When you do that, you are forced to sustain it. A Thousand Points of Light, Compassionate Conservatism, the Better Angels of our Nature, a Shning City on a Hill, Hope and Change. These are not mere slogans but aspirational politics.

Trump practices instigational politics and such politics appeals to a base hermetically sealed in an echo chamber where up is down, Black I said white, cruelty is compassion, evil is virtue and obfuscation is noble.

Division cannot be sustained by its very nature.

With respect and apologies

President Trump's America is upside down? His virtue is evil? Is he the one trying to turn our children into transgender automatons who kill themselves after realizing what horrors have been wrought on their bodies? Is he out to indoctrinate our children into believing the nuclear family is an affront to nature? Is he persecuting Christians for their beliefs? Is he trying to force Americans to violate their first amendment right to freedom of religion because some asshole's feelings got hurt? Is he pushing Islamic teachings in public schools or encouraging the suppression of free speech on campuses across the country?

The President is an instigator. The left has dished it out and dished it out, twisted and rived the fabric of what it means to be human, male, female, a family, a husband and wife. The reality your side sells is aphotic to the bone. Black hearts for false hopes. The left has instigated pure hell on earth for decades. The left can dish out madness but they absolutely cannot figure out a cowboy troll who cracks philosophic at their expense. The politically correct never saw him coming and they'll never know what hit them.
The culture wars are wedge issues that further divide. I take umbrage with your contentions that the Left has ulterior motives when seeking the same freedoms and liberties enjoyed by other Americans. Repression of sexual identity is a destructive, unnecessarily cruel and inhuman force wielded with glee by those who cannot accept others as they are. Others who do no harm, yet are hated and discriminated for merely not conforming.

That level of shear ignorance for ignorance's sake will always continue, but it must not be codified as American justice.

Fair enough.

Reign in your radicals. Stop them from pushing their agenda on everyone else 'cause from my point of view the movements of which we speak demand everyone else be as much like them as possible. It's become policy in many, many public schools and parents the nation over are fed up. Your side champions the rights of minority groups, fine, admirable. However, when legislation of those rights becomes a crusade to change everyone else's concepts of belief and the philosophical natural of our nous, and force those beliefs on the very vulnerable minds of our youth, lookout; voters galvanized and the left as a whole is culpable.
I think you're overlooking one vital factor. American citizens who have committed no crime must enjoy the same standard of civil rights as all Americans. What you worry about pushing an agenda is actually raising awareness that rights are being denied some Americans for no reason other than culturally. The same defense was used against nearly every other minority in our bittersweet history on liberty.

Please consider this. Homosexuals are among your government, military, civil servents like EMTs, firefighters and police. Homosexuals are gun owners, Trump supporters, political Conservatives. Homosexuals are teachers, community leaders, business people, tax payers, philanthropists, clergy, your friends and your family. They are law abiding American citizen endowed with all the rights every other American celebrates.

We should no more support a wedding vendor who refuses service to Gays on religious grounds than a vendor refusing service on racial grounds. I am a Christian. Have been since I was confirmed in the Presbyterian Church back in 1968. In all those years, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid commerce with Homosexuals due to their sexual identity. Wrapping Scripture around a homophobe as means of rationalization for that homophobia denies that very Scripture. And more so, using Scripture to deny commerce by a licensed business person must not be a protected act. Pandora's Box springs easily to mind bringing more and wider definitions of religious freedom.

You cannot deny there are radicals on both sides of wedge issues. The reason they're called wedge issues is because they divide opinion among Americans. Division is a breeding ground for radicals. If division can be a tentpole of a political movement, I submit it must be sustained in order to work. Insisting on division is a self fulfilling proposition. And division has not served us well. A portion of the citizens no longer have any trust in institutions like the free press, the state and their fellow citizens. That leads to tribalism, isolation, partisanship and gridlock in the face of real life problems.

The deeper the hole, the harder it is to climb out.
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spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov


More filth for America's table? Aren't the orange whore and pigpence enough. Some decent people live in the U.S., you know.
Trump ran on fear, suspicion and division. When you do that, you are forced to sustain it. A Thousand Points of Light, Compassionate Conservatism, the Better Angels of our Nature, a Shning City on a Hill, Hope and Change. These are not mere slogans but aspirational politics.

Trump practices instigational politics and such politics appeals to a base hermetically sealed in an echo chamber where up is down, Black I said white, cruelty is compassion, evil is virtue and obfuscation is noble.

Division cannot be sustained by its very nature.

With respect and apologies

President Trump's America is upside down? His virtue is evil? Is he the one trying to turn our children into transgender automatons who kill themselves after realizing what horrors have been wrought on their bodies? Is he out to indoctrinate our children into believing the nuclear family is an affront to nature? Is he persecuting Christians for their beliefs? Is he trying to force Americans to violate their first amendment right to freedom of religion because some asshole's feelings got hurt? Is he pushing Islamic teachings in public schools or encouraging the suppression of free speech on campuses across the country?

The President is an instigator. The left has dished it out and dished it out, twisted and rived the fabric of what it means to be human, male, female, a family, a husband and wife. The reality your side sells is aphotic to the bone. Black hearts for false hopes. The left has instigated pure hell on earth for decades. The left can dish out madness but they absolutely cannot figure out a cowboy troll who cracks philosophic at their expense. The politically correct never saw him coming and they'll never know what hit them.
The culture wars are wedge issues that further divide. I take umbrage with your contentions that the Left has ulterior motives when seeking the same freedoms and liberties enjoyed by other Americans. Repression of sexual identity is a destructive, unnecessarily cruel and inhuman force wielded with glee by those who cannot accept others as they are. Others who do no harm, yet are hated and discriminated for merely not conforming.

That level of shear ignorance for ignorance's sake will always continue, but it must not be codified as American justice.

Fair enough.

Reign in your radicals. Stop them from pushing their agenda on everyone else 'cause from my point of view the movements of which we speak demand everyone else be as much like them as possible. It's become policy in many, many public schools and parents the nation over are fed up. Your side champions the rights of minority groups, fine, admirable. However, when legislation of those rights becomes a crusade to change everyone else's concepts of belief and the philosophical natural of our nous, and force those beliefs on the very vulnerable minds of our youth, lookout; voters galvanized and the left as a whole is culpable.
I think you're overlooking one vital factor. AMerican citizens who have committed no crime must enjoy the same standard of civil rights as all Americans. What you worry about pushing an agenda is actually raising awareness that rights are being denied some Americans for no reason other than culturally. The same defense was used against nearly every other minority in our bittersweet history on liberty.

Please consider this. Homosexuals are among your government, military, civil servents like EMTs,,firefighters and police. Homosexuals are gun owners, Trump supporters, political Comservatives. Homosexuals are teachers, community leaders, business people, tax payers, philanthropists, clergy, your friends and your family. They are law abiding American citizen endowed with all the rights every other American celebrates.

We should no more support a wedding vendor who refuses service to Gays on religious grounds than a vendo refusing service on racial grounds. I am a Christian. Have been since I was confirmed in the Presbyterian Church back in 1968. In all those years, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid commerce with Homosexuals due to their sexual identity. Wrapping scripture around a homophobe as means of rationalization for that homophobia Denys that very Scripture. And more so, using Scripture to deny commerce by a licensed business person must not be a protected act. Pandora's box springs easily to mind bringing more and wider definitions of religious freedom.

You cannot deny there are radicals on both sides of wedge issues. The reason they're called wedge issues is because they divide opinion among Americans. If division can be a tentpole of a political movement, I submit it must be sustained in order to work. Insisting on division is a self fulfilling proposition. And division has not served us well. A operation of the citizens no longer have any trust in institutions like the free press, the state and their fellow citizens. That needs tribalism, isolation, partisanship and gridlock in the face of real life problems.

The deeper the hole, the harder it I see to climb out.

I agree with you across the spectrum of your incredibly rational piece. I am also a Christian who absolutely supports gay rights, excluding marriage. What drove my earlier response is the current nationwide campaign by the trans movement to influence the minds of children and instruct them, indoctrinate them against their parents' will. This is a wedge issue and a very successful one.

Indeed there exist few issues in America today over which we are not sharply divided and the divisions seem to be widening. Working together to propel our way through the crucible of civil, rational, constructive debate in order to reach beneficial solutions is really the one and only hope for a better tomorrow. Admittedly the road to tolerance and eventual acceptance of opposing views can be a long and benighted one.

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