No Love For Palesteenians Facing ARAB Apartheid


Jun 29, 2011
No Love For The Palesteenians Facing Arab Apartheid :disbelief:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Palestinian refugees in Iraq say they face widespread discrimination and have appealed to President Mahmoud Abbas to intervene.

Palestinians have been refused medical care in Iraqi government hospitals and must use fake ID cards to receive treatment. The Palestinian Red Crescent lacks support from the PLO and cannot provide adequate medical care, it added.

Meanwhile, some 90 percent of Palestinians in Iraq are unemployed, Palestinians are refused government jobs and young male Palestinians face particular discrimination in finding work, the association said.

The group said Palestinians were arbitrarily detained because of their nationality or because they are Sunni Muslims. Palestinian students are treated as terrorists and some have left school over fears they will be kidnapped, it said.

The Minority Rights Group says Palestinians face discrimination in Iraq due to perceptions they were privileged under Saddam Hussein's rule.

Under Hussein, they received subsidized or rent-free housing, free utilities and were exempt from military service.

"Old resentments based on perceived favorable treatment by the Baath regime continue to stoke current prejudice," MRG said in November.

"Since 2003, Iraqi officials from the Ministry of Interior have arbitrarily arrested, beaten, tortured and, in a few cases, forcibly 'disappeared' Palestinian refugees," it added.

Maan News Agency: Palestinians in Iraq appeal to Abbas over discrimination
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Victims of Arab Palestinian apartheid:

* Jews.

* Christians.

* Ahmadis.

* Blacks (grandchildred of slaves by the Bedouins).

* Arab Palestinian refugees of 1948.
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What About The Arab Apartheid?
by Palestinian Muslim Israeli Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh

Ironically, the Arab citizens of Israel enjoy more rights in the Jewish state than their Palestinian brothers do in any Arab country.

And is it not ironic that the government of Binyamin Netanyahu is doing more to boost the Palestinian economy in the West Bank than any Arab country? .

Perhaps the time has come to start paying attention to the plight of the Palestinians in the Arab world.

How come the Lebanese students who recently talked about Israel's "war crimes" in the Gaza Strip during Israel Apartheid Week on many North American college campuses had nothing to say about the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinians have been massacred in Lebanon over the past four decades? Dozens of refugees were killed and hundreds wounded in the three-month offensive that also destroyed thousands of houses inside the refugee camp. Reporters said it was the worst internal violence in Lebanon since the civil war that hit the country between 1975-1990. And just three years ago, the Lebanese Army used heavy artillery to bomb the Nahr-al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon.

Yet who has ever heard of a United Nations resolution condemning Syria or Lebanon for committing horrific atrocities or discriminating against the Palestinians? The Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian students and professors who took part in the anti-Israel events on campuses have clearly "forgotten" that their regimes probably have more Palestinian blood on their hands than Israel. In the early 1970s, the Jordanians slaughtered thousands of Palestinians in what has become known as Black September. Can somebody point to one United Nations resolution condemning that massacre?

And where was the United Nations when Kuwait and several Gulf countries expelled more than 400,000 Palestinians in one week? The exodus took place in March 1991, after Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi occupation. Ironically, the first week of March is being celebrated on university campuses as Israel Apartheid Week with no reference to the mass expulsion of Palestinians from the Gulf. Although there are more than 400,000 Palestinians living in Lebanon in twelve refugee camps -- which human rights organizations and Palestinians say have the worst living conditions of all the refugee camps in the Middle East -- as in most of the Arab countries, these Palestinians have been assigned the status of "foreigners," a fact which has deprived them of health care, social services, property ownership and education.

Even worse, Lebanese law bans Palestinians from working in many jobs. This means that Palestinians cannot work in the public services and institutions run by the government such as schools and hospitals. Unlike Israel, Lebanese public hospitals do not admit Palestinians for medical treatment or surgery. Can somebody imagine the outcry of the international community if Israel's parliament, the Knesset, passed a law today prohibiting Arabs from working in certain professions or receiving medical treatment? The same applies to Palestinians living in most of the Arab countries. While Israel has never stripped its Arab citizens of their citizenship, Jordan has begun revoking the Jordanian citizenship of thousands of its citizens who are of Palestinian descent. Jordan was the only Arab country that has ever granted Palestinian Jordanian citizenship. In recent years, however, the Jordanians appear to have regretted that decision. As for the rest of the Arab countries, Palestinians can only dream of obtaining citizenship. It is almost impossible to find a Palestinian with Egyptian or Moroccan or Kuwaiti citizenship.
What about the Arab apartheid? by Khaled Abu Toameh Israel, belegerd volk, cultuur en natie
The largest practitioner of apartheid in the world is Islam, which practices both gender and religious apartheid. In terms of gender apartheid, Palestinian women - and all women who live under Islam - are oppressed by 'honor' killings, forced veiling, segregation, stonings to death for alleged adultery, seclusion/sequestration, female genital mutilation, polygamy, outright slavery, and sexual slavery. Women have few civil, legal, or human rights under Islam. Today, the entire Middle East is judenrein. Jews cannot become citizens of Jordan, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia, yet no one accuses those nations of apartheid.
FrontPage Magazine - In Defense of Matt Drudge... ... And the Freedom of the Internet
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Human Rights Watch
Lebanon has marginalized Palestinian refugees for too long," said Nadim Houry, Beirut director at Human Rights Watch. "Parliament should seize this opportunity to turn the page and end discrimination against Palestinians."

Lebanon's estimated 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in appalling social and economic conditions - most of them in crowded camps that lack essential infrastructure.

In 2001, Parliament passed a law prohibiting Palestinians from owning property. Lebanese law also restricts their ability to work in many areas.

Labor Minister Boutros Harb told a gathering at the General Labor Federation that, "Palestinians must be granted their basic civil rights in Lebanon..."
2009, only 261 of more than 145,679 permits issued to non-Lebanese were for Palestinians. Civil society groups say many Palestinians choose not to apply because they cannot afford the fees and see no reason to pay a portion of their salary toward the National Social Security Fund, since Lebanese law bars Palestinians from receiving social security benefits. Many Lebanese employers are also unwilling to support Palestinian workers in getting a work permit.

Reforms to labor laws to end discrimination against Palestinian refugees in all professions are essential to improving their dire situation in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch said. According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the organization set up to address the needs of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and elsewhere, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have the highest proportion of special hardship cases among those in any country in the region.
An extensive study by the Norwegian social welfare research organization Fafo found that just 15 percent of adult Palestinians have employment contracts. Forced to work illegally and without legal protection, Palestinians face severe discrimination in wages and hiring. Many employers pay them less than their Lebanese colleagues, or refuse to hire Palestinians.

"If there is a work shortage, they will hire you, [but] because you're Palestinian and it's not allowed, they will pay you half," one Palestinian told Human Rights Watch. As Palestinians, he added, "We are not asking for money, we are asking for the right to work, to live in dignity."
Lebanon: Seize Opportunity to End Discrimination Against Palestinians | Human Rights Watch
The Palestinians were fucked in Iraq as soon as Saddams regime was toppled.

Technically it was the Kuwaitis that threw them out, since they sided and assisted Sadam in his invasion of Kuwait.

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