No, it wasn’t Racism or Sexism that defeated Kamala Harris.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of the funny things about complaints and excuses for failure is how often it is so far off the mark. So often it has no resemblance to anything true, but it is used as an excuse, and embraced, and the wrong people are blamed.

Kamala Harris. The performance of Ms. Harris was not impressive during the primary, and her decision to drop out of the race was followed with the shrug of the people, with an attitude of what took you so long? Today, we see the result, she never had a chance. She was doomed because Harris is a black woman. Because it is Trump’s America, no way can a Black Woman possibly succeed.

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Now we must first deal with the proverbial Elephant. This decision to drop out before any votes, or caucus were held, was from the Democratic Primary. That is the key. If there is Racism that drove Harris from the Primary, it was within the Democratic Party. If there was Sexism, it was within the Democratic Party. But I don’t think there was.

The problem was that there were a couple dozen people with the me too campaign. Every single candidate had the same platform. There was no stand out. No significant difference between them. During the debates it was as if the same experts had designed the same platform for each of them. The first person to answer the question would say that they were going to roll back the Trump Tax Cuts. Every single person afterwards would agree. I will first roll back the Trump tax cuts on the rich. There wasn’t a dimes worth of difference in the field.

Every single person was a Me Too candidate on every single issue. I want to put common sense regulations on Guns. Me Too the rest chorus as it is their turn to speak. Foreign Relations? I want to insure that Israel is cut off from Grants and Military Aide. Me Too say the rest of the Candidates.

Nobody was any different. Nobody was anything but a chorus of the others. But even if you want to blame Trump, it is hard to say that it is the Republicans fault that the Democrats did not donate to a Black Woman.

I about gave up on the candidates much earlier on. Because none of them were taking a position on any issue that was anything less that full Liberal. No Moderates, and certainly no Conservative Democrats. It is as if the party I grew up with had forgotten how to learn. In Georgia, I looked anxiously at the Democrats hoping to see one who was running for the Statewide or Local elections who was not a completely out of touch idiot. I was saddened to see that there was not. The Democrats in Georgia, Georgia, were running with Campaigns designed and approved in New York, or San Francisco.

Democrats in Washington from the South were known as Blue Dogs. They were more conservative, and they won. They were moderate on most issues, and they gave a choice to the voters, and they often won. They won until the Democrats from New York and San Francisco twisted their arms demanding that they vote for some Liberal Darling. They then lost the election and the Republicans took the seat again.

So instead of looking at the successful campaigns, and learning from them, and talking to people in the districts, and finding out what they want and need, what their issues are, the are dictated to by idiots who will demand that the poor bastard in rural Iowa agree that the biggest issue is equality for Transgender. Not for a Farmer struggling to keep his farm. Not for a guy who is wondering how he will afford college for his kid. Not for the woman who is worried in the small hours of the night how she will feed her kids this week. What bathroom a Transgender uses is of no consequence.

No, it was not racism, or sexism that defeated Harris. It was that the Democratic Party has become even more out of touch than they were in the last Presidential Election. If you want to win the elections, stop screaming at the voters and calling them stupid or racist or sexist. Start listening to what they care about, and at least pretend you give a damn about them.

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