No....It Ain't 'Humor'.....Sadly


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Several times on this site, Lennon's ode to Lenin has been pinned on the Democrat donkeys.

The Bee does one better...

"John Lennon's 'Imagine' Rereleased With More Realistic Description Of Communism

February 21st, 2020

UK—Have you ever tried to imagine living in a perfect world ruled by communism, but previously only received the information from catchy folk songs which praise the system? Well, lucky for you, it is now easier than ever to understand what a full-blown communist utopia actually looks like.

That's because John Lennon's commie classic "Imagine" has been rereleased with more realistic lyrics to reflect the harsh realities of communism. Lennon, long dead---though not by way of communism, since he was blessed to live in a capitalist country---would be proud of the change, due to its artistic value in realism.

While the classic folk song does do a fantastic job of laying out the basics of communism---no religion, no possessions, no food---it never invites the listener to imagine all the people in their true form, which is dead---usually by firing squad, but often by way of starvation as well.

"John Lennon wrote this once-beautiful song way back in the seventies," a communist music snob told us. "However, in the years since, we have found out that what communism actually was, was basically a non-stop killing machine. It was beautiful, really. May have saved the planet. So that's why they changed the lyrics. To make it more realistic."

So now, with the updated lyrics, we can collectively "imagine all the people, sharing all the world," dead. And what better way to share the world than in a mass grave?

The full lyrics are reproduced below.

Imagine there's no bread
It's easy if you try
No tacos or hot sauce,
Nothing cold or fried,
Imagine all the people living in the gulags

Imagine there's no money
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to eat or drink
And no bacon too
Imagine all the people living short life spans ooooh

You may say I'm a commie
But I'm not the only one
And someday you will join us
Or we'll shoot you in the face

Imagine no possessions
Because all your stuff was redistributed
Lots of greed and hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all your stuff, yeah

You may say I'm a commie
But I'm not the only one
Did you say you don't like that?
Then it's the gulag for you, son"
John Lennon's 'Imagine' Rereleased With More Realistic Description Of Communism
Not the first time round for this pseudo-conned limerick. Having trouble getting traction?

Imagine that.
Not the first time round for this pseudo-conned limerick. Having trouble getting traction?

Imagine that.

Lennon's original lyrics didn't have traction with me, in fact, they were slippery as a Wisconsin highway in February. The song has gone down in history as being the atheists/communists/progressive's theme song.

Chapman should have put a couple extra bullets in his back for writing such a piece of crap.
Not the first time round for this pseudo-conned limerick. Having trouble getting traction?

Imagine that.

Actually, it appears that you are the one having trouble.....seems your party being about to commit hara kiri is.....upsetting you.

Couldn't happen to a nicer.

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