No government required


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Ever heard of GPS? Hate to tell you, but it was developed by the government, and the government is also the ones that put in the infrastructure for it to be useful.

Incidentally, there was talk about not allowing civilians to use GPS, but then they changed their mind and released it to civilian companies.

Sorry.............but there are several examples where the government has developed things well ahead of civilian businesses.

Another one of them is the computer.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Ever heard of GPS? Hate to tell you, but it was developed by the government, and the government is also the ones that put in the infrastructure for it to be useful.

Incidentally, there was talk about not allowing civilians to use GPS, but then they changed their mind and released it to civilian companies.

Sorry.............but there are several examples where the government has developed things well ahead of civilian businesses.

Another one of them is the computer.

Good point ABikerSailor
I believe the internet that we are using even to have this conversation
is credited to the US Military. And the only reason it remains free
is because of respect for American tradition, spirit and culture
where God's given natural laws are the basis of Constitutional law
which the Military is especially sworn to enforce as sacred duty to God and country.
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.

Thanks JoeMoma I was mostly joking with sarcasm
about the mess our govt has become at this point in history,
but if you want to fill this thread with educational resources,
go ahead and list out the 18 enumerated powers with your own summary or contents.
I'd like to see how you present them, so please do!
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.

Thanks JoeMoma I was mostly joking saracastically
but if you want to fill this thread with educational resources,
go ahead and list out the 18 enumerated powers with your own summary or contents.
I'd like to see how you present them, so please do!
I'm too lazy tonight to do that. There are plenty of resources on the net for those that know how to google.

Also, I. Understood your sarcasm.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

You mean it took 20 years for MS to decide to tap a market?
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.

Thanks JoeMoma I was mostly joking saracastically
but if you want to fill this thread with educational resources,
go ahead and list out the 18 enumerated powers with your own summary or contents.
I'd like to see how you present them, so please do!
I'm too lazy tonight to do that. There are plenty of resources on the net for those that know how to google.

Also, I. Understood your sarcasm.

Well JoeMoma if you are too lazy to look these up and post them
when you CARE about them, imagine those who don't care.

I guess you answered your own question and proved your own point.
Laziness, waiting for others to do things, then complaining when they don't.
That's what allows govt to run amok. Thanks for at least being honest!

Here is one source I can find and cite:
Article I: The Legislative Branch—The Enumerated Powers (Section 8) - National Constitution Center

NOTE: NONE of these 18 enumerated powers, nor the 10 Articles of the Bill of Rights mention "consent of the governed"

This is the very spirit of the laws as contracts between people and government.

If people don't have informed consent and educated choices, they become dependent on others. So if nobody looks up resources for them, and even you who at least care enough to refer to them, don't care enough to provide them, that says a lot about where we are today and why!


I recommend to provide THIS list of the 10 Articles in the Bill of Rights (plus the 14th Amendment on equal protection of the laws) and the 10 Articles of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service:
I believe understanding these principles empowers people with knowledge of the laws as needed to check govt and become self-governing by enforcing these directly.

here is another link that lists the 18 enumerated powers of Congress,
in addition to other powers of Office:

List of Enumerated Powers | Kakistocracy Report

Article I, SECTION 8 lists the powers of Congress:

  1. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
  2. To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
  3. To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
  4. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
  5. To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
  6. To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
  7. To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
  8. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
  9. To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
  10. To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;
  11. To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
  12. To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
  13. To provide and maintain a Navy;
  14. To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
  15. To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
  16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers,and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
  17. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever,over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock Yards and other needful Buildings-And
  18. To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
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18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.

Thanks JoeMoma I was mostly joking saracastically
but if you want to fill this thread with educational resources,
go ahead and list out the 18 enumerated powers with your own summary or contents.
I'd like to see how you present them, so please do!
I'm too lazy tonight to do that. There are plenty of resources on the net for those that know how to google.

Also, I. Understood your sarcasm.

Well JoeMoma if you are too lazy to look these up and post them
when you CARE about them, imagine those who don't care.

I guess you answered your own question and proved your own point.
Laziness, waiting for others to do things, then complaining when they don't.
That's what allows govt to run amok. Thanks for at least being honest!

Here is one source I can find and cite:
Article I: The Legislative Branch—The Enumerated Powers (Section 8) - National Constitution Center

NOTE: NONE of these 18 enumerated powers, nor the 10 Articles of the Bill of Rights mention "consent of the governed"

This is the very spirit of the laws as contracts between people and government.

If people don't have informed consent and educated choices, they become dependent on others. So if nobody looks up resources for them, and even you who at least care enough to refer to them, don't care enough to provide them, that says a lot about where we are today and why!

If they are too lazy to look up sources when it is easy as google, do you really think many will give a F@%K because you post a link?

I do enjoy reading the constitution, but not tonight...too lazy tonight.

And sorry for the F I partially bleeped it.
18 powers?
I can count 3:

1. mucking up the judicial branch
2. mucking up the legislative branch
3. mucking up the executive branch

Multiplied by 3 more levels of
1. local
2. state
3. federal

so that makes 9.

I guess if you multiply those 9 times 2,
for both major parties skewing and screwing up govt
by inserting their agenda, then you get 18!

Am I close?
You are counting the real powers of government rather than the powers enumerated by the constitution.

Thanks JoeMoma I was mostly joking saracastically
but if you want to fill this thread with educational resources,
go ahead and list out the 18 enumerated powers with your own summary or contents.
I'd like to see how you present them, so please do!
I'm too lazy tonight to do that. There are plenty of resources on the net for those that know how to google.

Also, I. Understood your sarcasm.

Well JoeMoma if you are too lazy to look these up and post them
when you CARE about them, imagine those who don't care.

I guess you answered your own question and proved your own point.
Laziness, waiting for others to do things, then complaining when they don't.
That's what allows govt to run amok. Thanks for at least being honest!

Here is one source I can find and cite:
Article I: The Legislative Branch—The Enumerated Powers (Section 8) - National Constitution Center

NOTE: NONE of these 18 enumerated powers, nor the 10 Articles of the Bill of Rights mention "consent of the governed"

This is the very spirit of the laws as contracts between people and government.

If people don't have informed consent and educated choices, they become dependent on others. So if nobody looks up resources for them, and even you who at least care enough to refer to them, don't care enough to provide them, that says a lot about where we are today and why!

If they are too lazy to look up sources when it is easy as google, do you really think many will give a F@%K because you post a link?

I do enjoy reading the constitution, but not tonight...too lazy tonight.

And sorry for the F I partially bleeped it.

Dear JoeMoma
It's the principle that matters.
whether or not others care enough to read it,
you care enough to share and provide it.

You have to care if you want others to.
If you already think they don't care, why should they bother?
You are already enforcing that standard.

Nobody expects to teach health and safety regulations by tossing the manual at people
or telling them where to go find it.

Reading through it with people makes a difference.

If education, especially with adult children is not your thing,
I guess you wouldn't bother. but from my experience, people
learn by getting into the mindset of a 6th grader for rules of the classroom
and 8th grade for understanding the spirit of the laws.

This means going over the actual laws in print to get the
spirit and intent of the writers and history behind them.

Just citing them doesn't quite capture the spirit.
When we connect and care about the same standards and principles,
that's when we can better unite and check govt against abuses
instead of everyone assuming others don't care, and continuing the same.
Ever heard of GPS?
Yeah, why? It is the result of the federal government’s constitutional responsibility for defense. Funny how that works, uh?

Yeah..........the government developed it for defense and they were not going to release it for civilian use until it had been discussed quite a bit.

Civilian corporations didn't come up with GPS, the government did, and because they were willing to share/lease it to civilian corporations, that is the reason you have such an industry in GPS. The government started that one.

Same thing with computers (developed by the Navy) and the internet (developed so that scientists could talk to each other).

So yeah, there are lots of things you can thank the government for.
Same thing with...the internet (developed so that scientists could talk to each other).
That’s not true at all. If you’re going to tell stories, try making them accurate.

The internet was created by ARPANET for redundancy in communications in the case of a nuclear war (to keep continuity of government).

If they wanted “scientists to talk to each other”, they would have handed them a phone. :eusa_doh:
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans
Business is not how the south got telephone, the west got power, and California got water. Nor is it how the US got a transcontinental railroad or how we won WWI and WWII.
So yeah, there are lots of things you can thank the government for.
Yeah...I thank them for everything they do that is within the confines of the U.S. Constitution. Conversely, here’s what happens when they listen to lunatics (such as yourself) who advocate that they should have unlimited power:

You can thank them for MK-Ultra (a multi-faceted program which included molesting very small children in hopes of creating “split personalities” that they could later use as operatives with plausible deniability).

You can thank them for the Tuskegee Experiment (in which they injected black people with syphilis to see what would happen if it went untreated).

You can thank them for “Operation Northwoods” (in which the Joint Chiefs drew up plans to attack American cities and frame Cuba for it, thus creating a case to invade Cuba). Thankfully this was one of the rare government atrocities that was never put into action.

The list goes on and on (but only for the informed/educated)
The military came up with computers, internet, and GPS, but it took businesses to make that tech "useful" and "accessible" for the masses.

I don't believe anyone has ever said that the government can't come up with good ideas. Of course they can, they are made up of people like us; businessmen, lawyers, doctors, scientists, and average joe's as well.
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Is protecting Microsofts patent and copywriters part of those 18? How about the creating the internet ? Is that one ?? Tax incentives to help rural areas?

If it weren’t for the gubment, Microsoft would be nothing .
The left hates this undeniable reality - but here is yet another example that the government is not needed for anything outside of the 18 specific enumerated powers the states delegate to them.
In July, Microsoft announced a “Rural Airband Initiative” to invest in partnerships with telecommunications companies to bring broadband connectivity to 2 million more people in rural America by 2022.
Business will always build the infrastructure necessary (and more efficiently and at a lower cost) because it will ultimately end in more sales or lower cost for them.

Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans

Is protecting Microsofts patent and copywriters part of those 18?
Yes dumb ass. It is. Protecting Intellectual Property by establishing the Patent Office is one of the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government.

Article I, Section 8
“To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;”
Seriously Timmy, why are you here? You literally don’t know a thing about U.S. government.

Excerpt From The United States Constitution, United States
This material may be protected by copyright.

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