No Free Speech Zones..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Should American schools and colleges continue to be "no free speech zones" and just be liberal indoctrination centers?
Should American schools and colleges continue to be "no free speech zones" and just be liberal indoctrination centers?
The better question is, should there be 'no free speech zones' at all? This whole concept of fencing people off and designating free speech areas is more totalitarian than what the founding fathers really wanted when they established the constitution and bill of rights.
Should American schools and colleges continue to be "no free speech zones" and just be liberal indoctrination centers?
The better question is, should there be 'no free speech zones' at all? This whole concept of fencing people off and designating free speech areas is more totalitarian than what the founding fathers really wanted when they established the constitution and bill of rights.

here is the way i see it, right here on USMB there really is no free speech (although i love the freedom of speech we have here.) as USMB is a privately owned entity, there fore freedomof speech could be monitored by an auto-censor.

freedom of speech can NOT be limited by the Gvmt. that is the reason for the first Amdt., soooooooo, if these schools and colleges receive tax payers money, that in my OPINION puts the .gov in violation of the first,. therefore i view the actions of the school about "no free speech" is disgusting, immoral and illegal !!!!!!
here is the way i see it, right here on USMB there really is no free speech (although i love the freedom of speech we have here.) as USMB is a privately owned entity, there fore freedomof speech could be monitored by an auto-censor.

freedom of speech can NOT be limited by the Gvmt. that is the reason for the first Amdt., soooooooo, if these schools and colleges receive tax payers money, that in my OPINION puts the .gov in violation of the first,. therefore i view the actions of the school about "no free speech" is disgusting, immoral and illegal !!!!!!

This is the way I see it.

I will exercise my right to free speech anywhere, and anytime, I want. My free speech zone travles with me, and is available to me even in places where the government tells me differently.

By the way, I have free speech here in USMB also, they just have the right to ban me if they find me to annoying.
Should American schools and colleges continue to be "no free speech zones" and just be liberal indoctrination centers?

Please define "liberal indoctrination center" and provide evidence for this.

Schools have never been very tolerant about free speech.
Ever try to tell your teacher exactly what you think of her weekend homework assignment?
Should American schools and colleges continue to be "no free speech zones" and just be liberal indoctrination centers?

The most prominent examples were those created by the United States Secret Service for President George W. Bush and other members of his administration.[3] Though free speech zones existed in limited forms prior to the Presidency of George W. Bush; it was during Bush's presidency that their scope was greatly expanded.[4]

Many colleges and universities earlier instituted free speech zone rules during the Vietnam-era protests of the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, a number of them have revised or removed these restrictions following student protests and lawsuits.

Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In September 2004, U.S. District Court Judge Sam Cummings struck down the free speech zone policy at Texas Tech University. "According to the opinion of the court, campus areas such as parks, sidewalks, streets and other areas are designated as public forums, regardless of whether the university has chosen to officially designate the areas as such. The university may open more of the campus as public forums for its students, but it cannot designate fewer areas... Not all places within the boundaries of the campus are public forums, according to Cummings' opinion. The court declared the university's policy unconstitutional to the extent that it regulates the content of student speech in areas of the campus that are public forums"

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